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How does Steam affect modding Skyrim?


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I've been modding Oblivion and have decided to mod Skyrim now. I've read that you have to get a version with Steam registration. How does this affect modding? Also, do you have to be online and connected to Steam to play it? May be stupid questions, just not familiar with the Steam thing! Thanks.

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Guest luthienanarion

It doesn't affect modding in any way. Yes, you must be online and running Steam in order to play unless you set Steam to "offline mode" while online.

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waffles is correct. In modding Steam dosn't affect the mods or changing the files. However there is an option to "Verify Cache" which can prove useful if there is any problems with Steam files. You can delete the offending files and then restore Steam back. If you aren't sure depending on your level of experience, where or what needs to be removed you can delete the entire Steam folder, Just the data folder or any combination between. Steam will restore the folder right back during the verify cache process. It might take some time during the process depending on your internet speed but it is doable. Now if you have a back up you can delete the contents and restore back and start over with modding. Likely you will do that a few times before settling in and having a nice game. probably very much like you had with Oblivion modding. There is a mod manager that is used quite extensively and has a following in Skyirm for modding that keeps the Skyrim folder as clean as possible. It is called MO or Mod Organizer. This manager can even be used with Oblivion with some work around. It keeps the files in a virtual folder which can be mixed and matched changed out and even has "profiles" where you can play as many different playthoughs at the same time without messing up the saves. You should check it out.

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