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[Request/Searching] Immortial/Essential Mode for Fallout NV


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In Skyrim, there was the TIM (Toggle Immortal) Console Command. I found myself using this Command quite a bit in skyrim on my 2nd playthrough (especially with all my mods) just as something fun to do. What i would like to see would be a Mod for Fallout NV to mimic that command. No dieing when HP reaches 0 or make it so HP cant drop below 1 or something of the sort. If there is one already, please let me know, if not... this is a request. Thanks.

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Guest endgameaddiction

I do remember there being a mod that knocks you down rather than kills you. I believe you stay knocked down for a bit and then get back up. And I do believe your stuff can be looted by who ever knocked you down, your loot of course is recovered. I don't remember the exact name of the mod. Someone here is bound to know.

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There's 'tgm' but that adds a bunch of other stuff like unlimited ammo, vats and no rads.


There's also 'setessential 7 1' but that doesn't work properly for me. It may for you as I don't know the cause of the malfunction.


There's this mod: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/24027-another-kick-in-the-head/

and the sexout version: http://www.loverslab.com/topic/18369-sexout-another-kick-in-the-head/

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