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Mannequins not working,


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I copy of Dragonreach, deleted all npcs and wanted to remake it into a massive dressing room. Here's the problem:


I made a mannequin, put the activator on it, added the marker, and saved. When I went into the house, he was walking around the room


So I read some things and added navemesh. I went back in and he was standing there but with animation. Also I couldn't add armor to it.


How do I make these things actually work?

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Did you link the mannequin, x-marker, and activator together? Its the only thing i can think of. 


You can try and copy/paste a working set from somewhere.

I did that but I'll try to copy and paste.


Did that and nothing.

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Here is the file in question. The door is near breezehome and it is just sitting next to a wall. There are 3 mannequins in the room. The one on the left is the one I did myself, the middle is just a base mannaquin (not intended to work yet), and the one on the right is copied from Vindrel Hall. Neither of them work and it is driving me nuts please help me.

May the Divines smile upon you.



Dressing Room.esp

The room is 000DressingRoom

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Sorry, got excited. Okay, here is what I finally figured out. 


I made a duplicate of the mannequin and placed him next to the other one. For some reason, the duplicate works fine and the others are buggy. I have no clue why this is. I am very curious why the normal ones didn't work though. I did exactly the same thing.

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there is a modders resource available at nexus. it contains shelves bookcases display cabinets and mannequins.


i have used all items in it with no issue

you simply load it into CK, make markers visible and copy and paste.


sorry i cannot remember it's name

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