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Crash troubles

Jeffrey Lane

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Recently got a new PC and after all the installing and updating stuff I finally was able to play again.. but with crashes galore.


So far the papyrus log hasn't been any help, just listing normal stuff. all mods are up to date and have been sorted with BOSS and cleaned with TES5 (if they needed). but I still crash time and time again. but evne with a new PC, I don't know if maybe it's the cause or what. so if anyone could give any advice on maybe my load order or on my  PC specs it might be some help


edit: and forgot to mention its no errant script, the mod folder was just rebuilt tonight and it still happens.


Modlist and Skyrim performance monitor report (if anyone could tell me how good/bad it is, it has specs on it)


been trying to ask on the Bethesda forums and the ones at Nexus, but neither will let me link to images of the attachments or attach anything.




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You need to install latest skse 1.7 alpha or ssme patch and prolly your CTD solved.


If to many npc near you you prolly crash thats number one CTD.


Don't install to many scripts or heavy textures your PC is to weak for that.


Try as much install mods for performance so lite texture mods.



Populated and immersive creatures cousing the problems i'll bet.

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I've got SSME installed, and the memory log hasn't gone over 250 so far. i'll give it a go with out the populated mods, a shame tho, I do love the additions they add.



edit: played with the mods both on and off, first time loading after switching it crashed  either way. then played fine til I quit the game, so not sure it's them.

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