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Can't draw weapons or spells/shouts


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Not a huge issue here since I can always go back a few saves and make it work. But this is the second time I've not been able to draw my weapons, ready spells or use shouts. Not sure what causes this, but if anyone knows then I can avoid this happening in the future.


Has this happened to anyone else? What caused it?

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I had something similar happen before.  I think it happened when I was using a mod that added animations for alot of things.  I think it might have been some needs mod or dovakiin takes action.  It eventually started working again after I unequipped and reequipped my gear if I recall correctly.  Or maybe i just reloaded an earlier save like you.  lol, I don't remember exactly.

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Thanks for the suggestions.


I did try unequipping everything to no avail. But went back a couple saves (nothing important or time consuming happened in that time anyway) and got it working again.


It's just odd.


AH=HAH!! Light bulb moment!! Both times I noticed this was when vampires were attacking! That's the only common thread I can think of. Hmmmm.....

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