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Dialogue Isn't there? (Creation Kit)


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So I decided to give a modding a shot, I pretty much know the basic modding so I decided to start out simple. Just make an esp, add a quest with some test dialogue I went with "Test. Fuck you" for the Lydia Housecarl mod I want to work on and have their reply as "Okay. Testity test.". 

I've made the function "GetInFaction" and set it to "PlayerHousecarlFaction"

I saved everything, activated the esp and looked for the dialogue aaaaaaaaaand it's not there. Not only that but I fucked up in the process so when I tell Lydia to part ways the voice is silent.

But the main problem is that the dialogue isn't there no matter what I've tried. I've looked at built-in game dialogue to see how it's done and the settings are exactly as the same to mine along with other mods. 

Any help for a starting modder would be great :)

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Create a *.sec file. It's a bug with one of the newer versions of Skyrim.


Also you can try save and reload and see if it shows up.


I didn't know what you ment by .sec file xD Either a type of file or second?

Anyway, what I ended up doing was trying to wait in-game for an hour and talk to her, it didn't work so I left and came to ask the question and so I went back, clicked continue and I ended up loading an auto-save that was created when I waiting and it was working. Although the earlier save is broken and my character is in a t-pose there but still. Thanks a lot for the help :)

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