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[Request] Blushing when aroused


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How about loading in a sequence of variations of the same tint with progressive alpha values?


Same deal.  Nothing changes on the face until one calls the one and only function which updates the face colors.  I'm pretty sure it's reloading every single tint mask in its array (of 15).  The funny thing is that whatever SKSE is needing to do which is causing the hiccups does not have any specific bearing on the modification of a tint's color, and I proved this by forcing the fade to occur over a one-second span (updating every 0.1 seconds).  I only got two hiccups, which agrees nicely with the fact that the hiccups occur every 0.5 seconds at their highest clip.


There's good news, though.  I determined that if I keep the texture filesize below about 200k, the hiccups appear not to happen.  This is a preliminary result, since I seem to recall that they did happen once before even with the vanilla texture (41k).  Could be that unknown factors may tip the balance unpredictably.  Anyway, I now have impetus to continue.


Spoke too soon.  I understand what's going on.  One thing it is definitely refreshing is the entire face texture.  So any non-vanilla face tips the balance and causes the hiccup.  So yeah, project on hold.  I am in fact trying to see what the SKSE folks have to say about it.


I hope you find a way to finish it!  I'm very much looking forward to this project.

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This project is officially back on track, thanks to very recent developments from the author of SKSE.  Pretty much the only thing holding me back now is my lack of expertise with Papyrus.  Or perhaps the manifestly undocumented state of the language, compounded by the round-trip-query-to-Pluto nature of getting responses to scripting questions.  In any event, it transpires that I will be able to use my full quality elements to achieve the effect, and without dubious compromises such as taking over vanilla tints.


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I submit that the look of a female face (personal preference) when blushing is quite attractive.  As evidence, I offer these screenshots (cluttering the OP to make my point):




37816.jpgCredit: Middle shot is from EDialog.  Bottom shot, unknown, but I'd be keen on getting that outfit, even though it clearly doesn't quite fit that body. ;p








Jesus, these screenshots. May I ask how you are making them?

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Jesus, these screenshots. May I ask how you are making them?


They are pretty great, aren't they?  Good enough to inspire me to get off my lazy backside and make the mod that nobody else would, at least.  Anyway, they aren't mine.  They're pretty much all borrowed from a famous Japanese Skyrim screenshot depository, and their high level of quality stems from the uncanny Japanese propensity for such.  That said, the actual blush effect seen in the various screenshots is achieved in different ways.  The first two made use of EDialog.  The rest are using the "mature skin" face texture, and I reckon there's a quirk about how this texture responds to some ENBs which is producing the blushed look.  It's something I still need to explore.

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  • 7 months later...



Long time no see. Im just browsing for blush patches and have read this entire thread. What happened? Did really no one make the much wanted blush patch yet? What do you need in order to finish it, maybe someone with the knowledge you lack in some regard? Pls everyone who started this, keep going and lets make this wet dream come true! :@ <--- blushed smiley :heart:

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...


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