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Borons modding ideas, current early NPC Quest WiP

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Caution, i have not done any skyrim modding yet, but i want to try. This warning is necessary since i don't want to start a hype :)


I would like to try something that doesn't exist yet. Though mods for masochist/submissive player chars and peril mods like HID are my favorites i think this area is covered well enough currently with HID, SD+, SD2, APPS, Submit, DD-Series etc..


If someone is already working on something similiar to my ideas please tell me, then i will follow this idea less likely.



Idea 1: Enchanced slave training/actions/personalities (on hold)



Paradise halls had a bit of this in the very early stages where slaves had an obedience stat and would try to run away. Unfortunately the mod seems discontinued.

It's very ambitious, but the main idea would be to assign personalities to slaves and you would have to slowly discover these and train accordingly. Slave training should be either extremely dangerous or expensive or a mix of both. You would need expensive gear and good guards to minimise the risk of runaway slaves, and officials would also need to be bribed. The option that your slaves break free and set a trap upon you and get their revenge, especially if you are not careful, should also somehow be included.

Common bandits or farmers would be relatively easy to keep, but mages or veterans should be more risky.



                                                                          Idea 2: A crazy follower


I already suggested it in the HIP-Thread, so i copy my post:

-A tsundere submissive succubus who denies her submissive side and first acts very dominant, discovering her submissive side should be difficult

-A yandere dominant female vampire mage, but she doesn't want to show her love for dominance directly and rather tries to do it all subtly like Ashra suggested so nicely. So she likes to see you hurt but always seem like she is the one saving you finally, hopefully without you noticing that she is the source behind many of your perils. Once you discover it eventually she will try to live it out freely and get sicker and sicker ideas.

-A crazy overly ambitious and confident male nord who wants to become high king. Archetypes would be Starscream from Transformers and Trevor from GTA 5. This follower would be somewhat asexual, rather getting his kicks from bloody combat, cruel torture, mass rape/murder etc. and mainly obsessed with his goal to conquer skyrim. But this is only part of the goal, his ultimate goal would be to cruelly kill every humanoid in skyrim then, because he believes or a daedra made him believe that he will become a god then, like tiber septim.


Idea 3: A gambling den


Is there a lorefriendly Skyrim equivalent for reallife games like poker, roulette or black jack?

Betting, drinking contests or brawls should always work though, and i love the idea of gambling gone wrong. If you lost your money you can still offer your equipment and then your body. Your opponents might not play fair and betray. If you made too much debt and can't pay it back in a given time you might even get enslaved as alternative payment.



Idea 4: Not for nothing: The price of joy (on hold, done already by sexlab describe)


How could i forget this. The idea is a system like the fantastic "wear&tear" for FNV from Odessa. While FNV has the advantage of attributes like strength etc. which can be modified Skyrim also has advantages because there could be interesting possibilities with sexlab aroused.






Currently working on quests/encounters for vanilla NPCs



-Ysolda 5%

-Ingun 0%

-Siddgeir 0%

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It seems to me slavery mods for dominants are cursed. The first time I learned about Lovers Lab was due to Slavers' Guild questline project, and it's stuck in limbo. Paradise Halls went silent after reaching a stable but rather uneventful version, then there was S^3 here at loverslab discontinued after a very early version, and a project to merge the latter with SexLab - also not going anywhere, or at least so it seems.


Being a dominant myself, I don't quite enjoy this situation. I have a lot of fun playing a female toon and putting her through peril/enslavement scenarios thanks to a layer of disconnect this gives me, but I'd love a good slavery mod that'd let me truly unleash my sadistic side.


I've seen mention of a new slavery mod project, I think it was called Dirty Deeds or something like that. Hope it doesn't share it's predecessors' fate.

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It seems to me slavery mods for dominants are cursed. The first time I learned about Lovers Lab was due to Slavers' Guild questline project, and it's stuck in limbo. Paradise Halls went silent after reaching a stable but rather uneventful version, then there was S^3 here at loverslab discontinued after a very early version, and a project to merge the latter with SexLab - also not going anywhere, or at least so it seems.



I fully agree. Both Sexlab S3 and Paradise Halls could become great mods if they get continued.



Being a dominant myself, I don't quite enjoy this situation. I have a lot of fun playing a female toon and putting her through peril/enslavement scenarios thanks to a layer of disconnect this gives me, but I'd love a good slavery mod that'd let me truly unleash my sadistic side.


I've seen mention of a new slavery mod project, I think it was called Dirty Deeds or something like that. Hope it doesn't share it's predecessors' fate.


Dirty Deeds is done by Goubu, he made the fantastic Defeat mod, so i think we can have some faith that the mod will get finished.


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Gotta try Defeat for once, so far I've been using Submit - also an excellent mod, but I'm always in the market for different things ;)


I'm still using Paradise Halls - I prefer it to S3 due to the clever way it makes slaves talk using generic dialog lines, and overall it feels more polished, even if the interactions are sorely limited.


Keeping fingers crossed for Dirty Deeds. Gotta have a good slaver mod one day!

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Really like the idea with the gambling den. I would love to see anything like that, similar to an inn or something.


There already is a hint to that in the vanilla game. I remember that one cave with the arena for bandit wolf fights. It has a bar as well and it is used for gambling in the Skyrim world I guess.

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Trying to get used to the CK, so lots of questions:


Should you load the CK with all mods you usually use or rather try a minimalist approach, only loading base files and a few others like sexlab?


Is there a way to store your loadorder in the CK? Activating ~100 mods is tedious. And currently one mod causes the CK to crash, how can i find out quickest which one it is? I deactivated the error messages because when running the CK with my german skyrim i have to click about 200 times on ignore or yes because of lots of simple format/spelling errors even in vanilla skyrim.



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You should only activate the mods (masters) youre going to use in the mod youre making. So probably skyrim (aroused?, zaz?, devious devices?) and sexlab.

When you save youre mod and load it afterwards, it automatically loads all the masters, so no need to click through them every time.

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Hey I got a mention in the OP! :D


I would really dig the idea of a succubus follower (that you don't know is a succubus at first) who wants to put the player into peril mainly so she can feed her sadistic needs, and then maybe feed sexually on the player while they are weakened.


The gambling den is also fantastic. There already is one in Skyrim, but they only bet on wolf fights, and of course it's not actually functional.... all the player can do now is slaughter everyone inside. It'd be very cool to have actual games of chance, especially if they could lead to the player getting cheated and then enslaved and forced to either compete in the games which people will bet on, or otherwise made to do awful/humiliating things to pay off her debt.

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Thanks for the hint Tepi.


I once also accidently discovered the den, but thought i might just have missed a quest to activate it.

It'd be very cool to have actual games of chance, especially if they could lead to the player getting cheated and then enslaved and forced to either compete in the games which people will bet on, or otherwise made to do awful/humiliating things to pay off her debt.


Nice to hear, i also thought of trying some kind of semirandom game, maybe a dice game with rules similiar to blackjack where you lose often enough.


Example game rules: Every player may use up to 10 dices, each dice costs 100 to roll, the player with most doubles wins the game. But you may buy 1 round of rerolls, costing 300 per dice rerolled or throw in additional dices if you haven't used all 10 in the beginning, also costing 200 extra per additional dice.



Maybe a chesslike game where a player's intelligence/concentration stat is checked would be even better though, because it could easily include nice distractions........ .

A classic would be if you have to also drink after each lost game, lowering your success chance for the following game. Or your opponent promises you the double win if you play the game while wearing a chastity belt equipped with the plugs of his choice. Or you play with tied hands and have to move the chess figures with your mouth and thus have a chance each game to accidently knock over the pawns and thus losing the game. Wish there were animations, bondage chess sounds like a great idea :D.



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Nice to hear, i also thought of trying some kind of semirandom game, maybe a dice game with rules similiar to blackjack where you lose often enough.


Example game rules: Every player may use up to 10 dices, each dice costs 100 to roll, the player with most doubles wins the game. But you may buy 1 round of rerolls, costing 300 per dice rerolled or throw in additional dices if you haven't used all 10 in the beginning, also costing 200 extra per additional dice.


Maybe a chesslike game where a player's intelligence/concentration stat is checked would be even better though, because it could easily include nice distractions........ .

A classic would be if you have to also drink after each lost game, lowering your success chance for the following game. Or your opponent promises you the double win if you play the game while wearing a chastity belt equipped with the plugs of his choice. Or you play with tied hands and have to move the chess figures with your mouth and thus have a chance each game to accidently knock over the pawns and thus losing the game. Wish there were animations, bondage chess sounds like a great idea :D.


Lack of animations gets in the way of so many great, great ideas. Like bondage chess. :D


Games of chance would be excellent, particularly with drinking involved.. the simplest games can be far more interesting with your player getting more and more fuzzy, along with the chance of someone spiking your drink. Other games that rely on concentration but then there are distractions involved (something akin, perhaps, to the plugs from Devious Devices), and have arousal factor negatively into your chances for success.


Still, as someone who doesn't even use companions 99% of the time, I'm still craving one that is wicked and messes with the player. Skyrimll eventually wants to add that sorta thing into SD+, with your master becoming your companion and occasionally taking over to show you who is boss, but right now it's all in the murky future. 

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Still, as someone who doesn't even use companions 99% of the time, I'm still craving one that is wicked and messes with the player. Skyrimll eventually wants to add that sorta thing into SD+, with your master becoming your companion and occasionally taking over to show you who is boss, but right now it's all in the murky future. 



Yeah, this is something I'd like to see, too. Dangerous nights and trying to activate all the right aggressor animations for a dominant, female companion is so far the best I've been able to manage. It works very well, but unfortunately I notice considerably less stability in my game when I have a follower. :(


Still, more interaction and ramifications from a physical/cerebral dom would be welcome. As a sub, I enjoy losses that don't result in me starting from my last save. ;)

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New mods and modders should always get some backup and ecouragement, so here I go:


Idea 1: Well, not my taste. I do not care about being a slaver and train NPCs. And although, much like Jon Snow, I don't know nothing...about modding... it seems rather ambitious and complicated for a first-try/time mod?


Idea 2: Yeah sure...why not? Now again not really something for me, as I cannot stand having NPCS walking tagging behind me and possibly annoy me I can see some potential here. Especially if this follower has actual personality...which would only come through LOADS of dialogue-options, topics and general interaction besides sex-acts...as far as I am concerned at least


Idea 3: Well, yeahactually my favorite out of the three. Stuff/places like that definately are missing in Skyrim. Scoundrels, mercenaries, pirates, war-veterans and scum in general all together in one place, and your char possibly getting in some deep shit...I like it...gets my vote :D


Yet, on a side note, and surely not meant as a rant or something but: Why is it that people/modders all get those sometimes very exotic ideas, or make things that (at least to me of course) seem rather unnecessary...but something so obvious like a simple, classic brothel is still missing from not only this game, but all three major games on the site. And I am not speaking about the countless prostitution-mods, which are good, but mostly soul-(aka -quest)-less...damn, sometime in the future I should make a longer post somewhere more fitting about what I would find cool, interesting and doable about that... :dodgy:  You may ignore all that, it simply flew out of my fingers while typing the things actually on-topic... :angel:

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Still, as someone who doesn't even use companions 99% of the time, I'm still craving one that is wicked and messes with the player. Skyrimll eventually wants to add that sorta thing into SD+, with your master becoming your companion and occasionally taking over to show you who is boss, but right now it's all in the murky future. 



Yeah, this is something I'd like to see, too. Dangerous nights and trying to activate all the right aggressor animations for a dominant, female companion is so far the best I've been able to manage. It works very well, but unfortunately I notice considerably less stability in my game when I have a follower. :(


Still, more interaction and ramifications from a physical/cerebral dom would be welcome. As a sub, I enjoy losses that don't result in me starting from my last save. ;)



I'll see if i come up with something interesting, the follower should also have one tragic but cute bad trait or curse i think :D.



New mods and modders should always get some backup and ecouragement, so here I go:


Idea 1: Well, not my taste. I do not care about being a slaver and train NPCs. And although, much like Jon Snow, I don't know nothing...about modding... it seems rather ambitious and complicated for a first-try/time mod?


Idea 2: Yeah sure...why not? Now again not really something for me, as I cannot stand having NPCS walking tagging behind me and possibly annoy me I can see some potential here. Especially if this follower has actual personality...which would only come through LOADS of dialogue-options, topics and general interaction besides sex-acts...as far as I am concerned at least


Idea 3: Well, yeahactually my favorite out of the three. Stuff/places like that definately are missing in Skyrim. Scoundrels, mercenaries, pirates, war-veterans and scum in general all together in one place, and your char possibly getting in some deep shit...I like it...gets my vote :D



Thanks for the feedback, currently i am tending to idea 2 or 3 too because 1 seems most difficult.




Yet, on a side note, and surely not meant as a rant or something but: Why is it that people/modders all get those sometimes very exotic ideas, or make things that (at least to me of course) seem rather unnecessary...but something so obvious like a simple, classic brothel is still missing from not only this game, but all three major games on the site. And I am not speaking about the countless prostitution-mods, which are good, but mostly soul-(aka -quest)-less...damn, sometime in the future I should make a longer post somewhere more fitting about what I would find cool, interesting and doable about that... :dodgy:  You may ignore all that, it simply flew out of my fingers while typing the things actually on-topic... :angel:


I know this feeling too well :)

You might soon get your brothel though, or at least something similiar enough, both Goubus Dirty Deeds and APPS  seem promising.

And you have the traveling dibella sisters from Skyrimlls nice mod.





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Honestly, I vote for idea number 1. I might be more into submission myself, but I would love to have a good, solid, varied "master" mod where you have slaves and must train them. The added personnalities ill also spice things up enough to not make it feel like a simple dialogue choice of "be nice" or "be sadistic".


And thanks for the HID mention! Always nice to know that my projects please other people!

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Honestly, I vote for idea number 1. I might be more into submission myself, but I would love to have a good, solid, varied "master" mod where you have slaves and must train them. The added personnalities ill also spice things up enough to not make it feel like a simple dialogue choice of "be nice" or "be sadistic".


I will start with trying to make a wear&tear like mod though, because i need to learn scripting and i think number 1 is the hardest idea. If i succeed with the wear&tear mod i will eventually try to make number 1, because i also think that this would have the most potential and is something i want to see in Skyrim eventually. It is extremely ambitious, but since i like switching masters or stories about unbroken slaves which get their revenge eventually this should include lots of submission/player slave possibilities also.




And thanks for the HID mention! Always nice to know that my projects please other people!


Please is an understatement :D Currently HID, Goubus DD and SD+ Updates are the three mods i'm looking forward to most.


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Wear and Tear for Skyrim


Ok, this will be my first (and hopefully not last) modding attempt for Skyrim. Big thanks to Odessa, she has been so kind to allow me to use original Wear&Tear code if it is possible. So far it has been a bit confusing because i still don't understand much about scripting, but this will hopefully change :D.


I'm in the planning phase now, so comments/suggestions are welcome, especially since i'm rather chaotic.



A. Influences on wear&tear damage


-Schlong size, bigger means higher damage, starting from bigger than average size, highest would probably be giants

-Rape vs. consensual sex

-Arousal level, a little less damage if highly aroused. Very unsure about this, the wet pussy effect should reduce vaginal damage a bit, but on the other hand if you are highly aroused you pay less attention and have rougher sex which could cancel the effect.

-Type of Strapon/Dildo, especially the horker strapon seems dangerous

-Sexual experience

-masochism/pain tolerance level? Wouldn't be realistic, but since it is fantasy a reasoning could be that this would please a daedra and you might get a blessing from Sanguine, Molag Bal or Vaermina.



B. Sources of wear&tear damage


-Sex (obvious)

-Devious Devices

-Side effects from creature rape, for example you would probably remember the claws of a bear/sabrecat even more than the rape afterwards

-Whipping/Torture damage


C. Effects of wear&tear damage


Currently my idea is that after a threshold is exceeded you take damage to your health/stamina and magicka in a semipermanent way like with diseases. This way you can be raped to death if you suffer too much. Maybe also additional weakness effects like slower movement, health/stamina/magicka regeneraion etc., but i think those are already reduced enough by other mods effects like lovers victim.


D. Methods of recover


You will slowly recover over time, but i wonder if i should create scrolls or potions which you can buy to speed up the process.



E. Additional Ideas


-Adding a dark desires/fantasies statistic. This would function as another need, you could turn it on or off in a MCM toggle. If you turn it on it would assume that your character either began to like or dreams about rape fantasies, creature sex, torture etc.... If you didn't have your kinky play long enough you would suffer some penalties like the aroused penalty in sexlab aroused.

-A temporary preventive blessing from Dibella. This blessing would be expensive (e.g. 5000 septims/day) and have some negative side effects (not sure which ones yet), but it would prevent you from damage through this mod as long as it lasts. The idea behind this is that this way either very careful characters can use this blessing as an additional guard before attempting a very risky quest or rich masochist characters can use it as a kind of insurance before trying a dangerous fantasy. This way they could for example assume that they need about a week before they can get free if they let them enslave more or less voluntarily via Sanguine Debauchery. Of course they could still be wrong and die if they remain enslaved longer, but the remaining risk adds excitement if they like risky gambles.

-MCM menu to set up your characters initial sexual expierience with 3-4 options to chose from, virgin, some experience, lots of experience.

-Will look into the enchanced blood mod, maybe i can use some blood features. Would love if i could manage to enable some bleeding if you overabused your pussy, cock or ass.


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Now I just MUST use this with SD. Very eager to see what it'll play like! And if you need help or have some questions, just ask! I'D be glad to help with my limited knowledge lol


Do you just use http://www.creationkit.com/ , http://git.loverslab.com/sexlab/framework/wikis/home , https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/wiki and looking at other mods for scripting help or do you have other good sources?

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Formula Discussion


I am trying to find  good formulas, once that is done i "just" need to try to script them as a mod.


Wear&Tear level increase:


(Random Number from 50-100) x different modifiers*


*Different modifiers are:

x1,5 for consensual rape

x2 for rape

x3 for some creature rape (sabrecat, bear, giant, spider, estrus chaurus)

x1,2 for schlong size 6, x1,4 for 7, x1,6 for 8, x1,8 for 9, x2 for 10

x2 for virgin

x0,9 for somewhat expierienced

x0,8 for experienced

x0,9 for arousal >40

x0,8 for arousal >70


Wear&Tear level decrease:


[(Random Number from 50-100) x tired modifier*] every game hour


*Tired modifier will come from RND

x0,7 for slightly tired

x0,4 for tired

x0,1 for very tired


Idea is that if you sleep or are well rested your body can heal better, otherwise you heal much worse.

Later might add other modifiers, but i don't want to make it too complicated initially.


Wear&Tear damage:


Once wear&tear level reaches the threshhold of 1000 every further sex act or other source like whipping will result in damage. I will try to keep track of 4 threshholds, 1 for oral, 1 for vaginal (later also cock&balls maybe, i like the thought what a cruel domina character or a nasty succubus could do.......) 1 for anal and 1 for general torture.


The base idea is that every sex act results in about 1-5 permanent stamina/health or magicka damage or a combination of them, varied by some modifiers like an increase during severe rape or torture. But i'm open for suggestions, couldn't decide yet.


Wear&Tear damage recovery:


Once you are under the threshhold damage will slowly heal. But i haven't decided anything yet, good suggestions about the healing rate are very welcome.

My vague current approach would be that about 1 point of permanent damage is healed every 3 hours. This would mean 80 points in 10 days if you manage to stay below your threshhold the whole time. Since there are 4 threshholds if you have damage in all 4 areas you would heal up to 320 points then. 

I personally would find it interesting and immersive, if you for example escape with nothing from SD+ slavery or Submit you will have to somehow gather enough money to pay for the inn and food but also avoid further sex as much as possible, might lead to interesting situations. But because you would likely do some minor prostitution or similiar to pay your daily living costs you might worst case be forced to take a long break from adventuring which could easily last up to 20 or 30 days.

Once you are powerful enough you might also ignore the damage and try your luck sooner, if your char has e.g. 500 health and lost 300 due to wear&tear you might just pause a few days and hope for your luck and go adventuring once you have recovered 100 damage and are at 300 health.



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Oh, I didn't get a notification for your reply, I'm sorry. I'll follow this now.
Actually, my reference list has grown a bit since the last time I posted here. I'll post the links in spoiler tags here, so if anyone's interrested, they can check it out. Please not that these are references though, and in no way complete tutorials. I just extrapolate from some of these. Also, I mostly add some as I make quick searches when I'm looking for a way to script some things






Oh, also, as a suggestion, I think a "bleedout" effect would be nice. There's enough blood pressure around the genital areas, I'd imagine once it tears it won't close that fast.

Say, you went X units over your treshold, for a while you'd lose a few points of health every second. Not enough to kill, unless you really went too far, but enough to make you even weaker?


As I said though, just a suggestion.


Did you try your luck at it yet? I'm rather curious about your progress :D

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Wear and Tear for Skyrim


Ok, this will be my first (and hopefully not last) modding attempt for Skyrim. Big thanks to Odessa, she has been so kind to allow me to use original Wear&Tear code if it is possible. So far it has been a bit confusing because i still don't understand much about scripting, but this will hopefully change :D.


I'm in the planning phase now, so comments/suggestions are welcome, especially since i'm rather chaotic.



A. Influences on wear&tear damage


-Schlong size, bigger means higher damage, starting from bigger than average size, highest would probably be giants

-Rape vs. consensual sex

-Arousal level, a little less damage if highly aroused. Very unsure about this, the wet pussy effect should reduce vaginal damage a bit, but on the other hand if you are highly aroused you pay less attention and have rougher sex which could cancel the effect.

-Type of Strapon/Dildo, especially the horker strapon seems dangerous

-Sexual experience

-masochism/pain tolerance level? Wouldn't be realistic, but since it is fantasy a reasoning could be that this would please a daedra and you might get a blessing from Sanguine, Molag Bal or Vaermina.



B. Sources of wear&tear damage


-Sex (obvious)

-Devious Devices

-Side effects from creature rape, for example you would probably remember the claws of a bear/sabrecat even more than the rape afterwards

-Whipping/Torture damage


C. Effects of wear&tear damage


Currently my idea is that after a threshold is exceeded you take damage to your health/stamina and magicka in a semipermanent way like with diseases. This way you can be raped to death if you suffer too much. Maybe also additional weakness effects like slower movement, health/stamina/magicka regeneraion etc., but i think those are already reduced enough by other mods effects like lovers victim.


D. Methods of recover


You will slowly recover over time, but i wonder if i should create scrolls or potions which you can buy to speed up the process.



E. Additional Ideas


-Adding a dark desires/fantasies statistic. This would function as another need, you could turn it on or off in a MCM toggle. If you turn it on it would assume that your character either began to like or dreams about rape fantasies, creature sex, torture etc.... If you didn't have your kinky play long enough you would suffer some penalties like the aroused penalty in sexlab aroused.

-A temporary preventive blessing from Dibella. This blessing would be expensive (e.g. 5000 septims/day) and have some negative side effects (not sure which ones yet), but it would prevent you from damage through this mod as long as it lasts. The idea behind this is that this way either very careful characters can use this blessing as an additional guard before attempting a very risky quest or rich masochist characters can use it as a kind of insurance before trying a dangerous fantasy. This way they could for example assume that they need about a week before they can get free if they let them enslave more or less voluntarily via Sanguine Debauchery. Of course they could still be wrong and die if they remain enslaved longer, but the remaining risk adds excitement if they like risky gambles.

-MCM menu to set up your characters initial sexual expierience with 3-4 options to chose from, virgin, some experience, lots of experience.

-Will look into the enchanced blood mod, maybe i can use some blood features. Would love if i could manage to enable some bleeding if you overabused your pussy, cock or ass.



I have been hinting and asking for moders here to come up with a system like this for Skyrim. I like the one in FONV but I thought it should not have done actual damage.


I do agree with schlong size, rape vs consensual should be different etc. I also think different area's should wear faster or slower. My suggestion would be something along these lines. Make a single wear rating such as 10 points per sex act for example. The numbers are just there for examples and not what I am asking for only to make my idea easy to follow.


Schlong size varies from 0.5 to 2.0 wear rate.

oral is 0.5

schlong is 0.5 (yeah guys can get sore too)

vaginal 1.0

anal 2.0

Rough sex animations 1.5 (only half applied to schlong)

rape 2.0 (only half applied to schlong)


So a couple of examples.

Guy gets BJ from girl.

Girl gets 5 oral wear points

Guy gets 5 schlong wear points


Guy roughly screws girl vaginally

Guy gets 12.5 schlong wear points(0.5 + 0.75 for rough = 1.25)

Girl gets 25 vaginal wear points


Guy rapes girl anally

Guy gets 15 schlong wear points (0.5 + 2 divided by 2 would be 1.25)

Girl gets 40 anal wear points


Not against adding in arousal just not sure how feasible it would be since a high arousal should only reduce vaginal wear from natural lube and schlong wear from vaginal when the female is highly aroused. So while it is a neat idea I just don't know if it is worth the extra work for the small gain.


As far as I am not in favor of actual damage. The reason is I found with wear and tear in FONV if you used a sex mod that allowed for gang rapes your character could be killed from the rape if even remotely low on health.


What I would favor is something 5 stages. Each one a bit worse than the previous. Example below, again numbers just to make my idea easier to understand. Of course level 0 would be no effects of course.

oral 1 = -10% speach/barter skills

oral 2 = -10% speach/barter skills and -20% magical regen

oral 3 = -20% speach/barter skills and -30% magical regen

oral 4 = 30% speach/barter skills and -40% magical regen

oral 5 = 50% speach/barter skills and -60% magical regen


Schlong 1 = -10% Stamina Regen

Schlong 2 = -15% Stamina Regen

Schlong 3 = -20% Stamina Regen

Schlong 4 = -30% Stamina Regen and -10% movement

Schlong 5 = -40% Stamina Regen and -20% movement


vaginal 1 = -10% Stamina Regen

vaginal 2 = -20% Stamina Regen

vaginal 3 = -30% Stamina Regen and -10% movement

vaginal 4 = -40% Stamina Regen and -20% movement

vaginal 5 = -50% Stamina Regen and -30% movement


anal 1 = -20% Stamina Regen

anal 2 = -30% Stamina Regen and -10% movement

anal 3 = -40% Stamina Regen and -20% movement

anal 4 = -50% Stamina Regen and -30% movement

anal 5 = -60% Stamina Regen and -40% movement

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No need to worry, thanks for the list gaggedgirl, looks very helpful :)


So far i'm still in the planning stage, but it is nearly finished, so i intend to start scripting this week.


The "bleedout" effect is a good idea. So far i only thought about trying to add visible blood effects in a later version. Only worry i have is that this might be too much, if you have an insane mod list like me this might kill you too soon. Lovers Victim gives -100% health regen for the 5th rape and RND gives additional penalties when hungry, tired etc..

I think this way even a high level char wouldn't survive just the first round of rapes when submitting to a bandit camp or similiar.

This is a main reason why i'm still in the planning phase, i'm still thinking about somewhat reasonable numbers which don't hamper gameplay too much nor are too generous so that they can be simply ignored.


But probably my hope that this way i can somewhat reduce the amount of constant rescripting is in vain anyways, so as i said once i get 2-3 hours of constant freetime without any distractions this week i'll simply start.

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Another way you could do this is make the values adjustable in MCM. That way, people who use lotos of penalizing mods can set the values lighter, while people like me who don't use a lot of them could make the values a lot harsher (The most penalizing mod I run now is Beeing Female lol. Gotta watch that PMS)


And I wish yo the best of luck on your scripting. I think the trick really is to start. Once you do, you'll just gain experience al the time. And a quick google search solves a lot of problems.


Also, I'm warning you right now, progress WILL be slow. It's a lot of work for results that are barely noticeable at first. But keep at it, and you'll end up making quite an awesome mod

(You could also happen what I said to long distance running lol)

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I have been hinting and asking for moders here to come up with a system like this for Skyrim. I like the one in FONV but I thought it should not have done actual damage.


I do agree with schlong size, rape vs consensual should be different etc. I also think different area's should wear faster or slower. My suggestion would be something along these lines. Make a single wear rating such as 10 points per sex act for example. The numbers are just there for examples and not what I am asking for only to make my idea easy to follow.


First thanks for the long detailed post, you have some very good points.

I liked though that you could die from rape in FONV wear&tear, unfortunately afaik there were too few real bad routes you could go, Sexout player slave is in a bit too early stage imho. In Skyrim the trouble you can get into is already much harsher especially with Submit, SD+, Defeat and the Devious Devices mods.

But if i manage to make the mod i will eventually add a hardcore toggle, where you get permanent health/magicka/stamina loss until you fully recover for a couple of days/weeks and add a less lethal normal mode. 


Your wear&tear examples are very much like i want to do it too.


Not against adding in arousal just not sure how feasible it would be since a high arousal should only reduce vaginal wear from natural lube and schlong wear from vaginal when the female is highly aroused. So while it is a neat idea I just don't know if it is worth the extra work for the small gain.


I am unsure about it too, mentioned it in that post even. To be honest i mainly added it because i was searching for some ways to reduce your damage. FONV is much easier there, you can simply invent various high tech solutions. Maybe i'm wrong, but my feeling is that magic is not as strong in Skyrim/the elder scrolls universe like in other fantasy worlds. So i don't want to use magic too much as an explanation.




As far as I am not in favor of actual damage. The reason is I found with wear and tear in FONV if you used a sex mod that allowed for gang rapes your character could be killed from the rape if even remotely low on health.



I'm quite sure this won't happen here because of the different mechanics. Has been a few months i last played FONV, so my memory might not be accurate though. But iirc you did not regenerate health and usually started the gangrape with low health since you probably set the rape threshhold to something like 30 or 50% of your health.

Here i plan to remove the health from your maximum health points, not your current ones. So you might surrender with 30 of 300 health points, but you will only die once your full 300 total health points are gone. 


What I would favor is something 5 stages. Each one a bit worse than the previous. Example below, again numbers just to make my idea easier to understand. Of course level 0 would be no effects of course.

oral 1 = -10% speach/barter skills

oral 2 = -10% speach/barter skills and -20% magical regen

oral 3 = -20% speach/barter skills and -30% magical regen

oral 4 = 30% speach/barter skills and -40% magical regen

oral 5 = 50% speach/barter skills and -60% magical regen


Schlong 1 = -10% Stamina Regen

Schlong 2 = -15% Stamina Regen

Schlong 3 = -20% Stamina Regen

Schlong 4 = -30% Stamina Regen and -10% movement

Schlong 5 = -40% Stamina Regen and -20% movement


vaginal 1 = -10% Stamina Regen

vaginal 2 = -20% Stamina Regen

vaginal 3 = -30% Stamina Regen and -10% movement

vaginal 4 = -40% Stamina Regen and -20% movement

vaginal 5 = -50% Stamina Regen and -30% movement


anal 1 = -20% Stamina Regen

anal 2 = -30% Stamina Regen and -10% movement

anal 3 = -40% Stamina Regen and -20% movement

anal 4 = -50% Stamina Regen and -30% movement

anal 5 = -60% Stamina Regen and -40% movement



Something like this sounds great, movement reduction is too harsh i think, you already get slowed down immensely through RND, SD+ and DD's, but i like especially the reduced speech/barter skill and reduced mana/stamina regeneration.

My absolute dream would be if i could add some radiant reactions like that 90% of the NPCs take advantage of your situation in subtle ways, but this is probably far beyond my skill.

But imho it would be cool that if you manage to enter a town having barely survived suddenly the merchants say something like "Sorry, i'm almost completely sold out, and those last two healing potions are already reserved for someone, so i can only sell them to you if you pay triple the normal price" or the innkeeper says "we're closed out, i can only offer you to sleep in the junk room, but you have to pay the same price as for the luxury suite, otherwise i'll get trouble with my other customers/the guards" etc..



Another way you could do this is make the values adjustable in MCM. That way, people who use lotos of penalizing mods can set the values lighter, while people like me who don't use a lot of them could make the values a lot harsher (The most penalizing mod I run now is Beeing Female lol. Gotta watch that PMS)


Yes, the more i can use MCMs the better. Implementing this will probably add lots of new troubles for me though. 

Uhhh, i completely overlooked that mod, since it isn't in the downloads subforum yet. I'm using hentai pregnancy so far, but Beeing Female sounds much deeper. Does it have lactation too?



And I wish yo the best of luck on your scripting. I think the trick really is to start. Once you do, you'll just gain experience al the time. And a quick google search solves a lot of problems.


Also, I'm warning you right now, progress WILL be slow. It's a lot of work for results that are barely noticeable at first. But keep at it, and you'll end up making quite an awesome mod

(You could also happen what I said to long distance running lol)


I think you're right, Skyrim just seems quite overwhelming when first trying to mod. It's much easier to mod a paradox game or a total war game imho, but i also see it as a challenge and hope to eventually be successful  :) 

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I don'T think Beeing Female has lactation yet. It's still a WIP so of course some stuff is missing.


Yeah, skyrim is a bit overwhelming to mod at first, there's just SO MANY  different things it's almost out of control. One thing that's cool though, is the factions. Some games have AI scripted to be hostile, so you need to really modify the code for them to not be hostile in certain situations.

In Skyrim? Add the player to their faction under some condition, and remove it as soon as the condition ends. Much simpler

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