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I'm a Noob..

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So I have a bunch of the sexlab stuff downloaded and istalled and it all works great, but I cant figure out how to start the sexlab guild questline. I have the option to ask someone if they are up for the night of their lives, and they are willing but nothing happens. Do I need to start the questline first?
Also how do I tie anyone up and get them into the cell inside my hideout for defeat. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

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You should probably be asking these things in their respective threads under downloads. This is for technical issues with SexLab itself, the framework.

That said, I'm no longer using SL Defeat, but for the SL Guild mod, you need to speak to any male beggar to begin the quest. Then again this is something you can read about in the original post of that mod itself :P You will likely find your answers related to SL Defeat in it's own thread as well.


Good luck!

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For defeat I believe the new versions no longer have the hide out, it is going to be added later back in as a add on. So that could be the issue you are having with defeat. That you are using a old version of it and it no longer works with all the changes made to sexlab etc. As for the other one I don't have any idea as I have never used that mod.

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