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Question regarding inactive plugins in the loadorder


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First of all, was unsure if this were most fitting here, or in the Technical section, so any mod that feels it is malplaced, feel free to move it...


Maybe this is a stupid question, but I vaguely remember hearing/reading something, at some time, that having inactive plugins in your loadorder was bad, for some reason or another. Vague enough for you? I know that turning mods on and/or off during an active savegame is bad, that's not what I am asking here...


My actual question is: If I have inactive plugins in my loadorder, with the esm/esp, BSA:s and assorted loose files in my folders, will they affect a new game adversly in any way, if they are inactive when I start the game, and are never activated? Will they put any strain on my system, or the game, just being there? Or can I fill my loadorder with plugins, and then only activate the ones I want for a particular playthrough, and leave the rest inactive, withouth my game becoming unstable, or it causing any other problems?

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