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Help finding a skyrim breast mod that allows roundness adjustment


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Hi all I was just wondering if any of you kind fellow adult mod loving Skyrim players might help me find a mod that either adds roundness to boobs by a set number or better a slider that can adjust how round breasts are. If any of you have an idea let me know thank you. The below pictures aren't mine I got them from here http://g.chounyuu.com/kareha.pl/1329808986/ and I am ONLY using them for reference to what I'm going after. Thank you again in advance.


Edit: I don't think I will require any assistance in finding what I wanted as I believe I may have found a solution with CBBC bustier version on Nexus. If you still wish to post suggestion for adult mods to use then feel free to do so as long as you don't troll, spam, or generally aim to cause trouble or harm. Thank you.




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OK thank you, I do need to use Caliente's body mod to use that right, Bodyslide I mean? If so ok I was hoping I'd not have too as I'm wanting my ladies to wear CHSBv3 Lingerie by Nausicaa although right now when they wear a bre the body save head, hands, feet, and tail (if applicable) goes invisible on me. Not sure why. Yes I'm Using the latest to my knowledge CHSBHC body mod with it. I have a feeling it's just boob size causing the glitch, I'll test that and see. Also what is Double melon slider included in, and can you provide the .zip and install instructions or link if still up? Thank you. I'm currently having CTD on load screen trouble I made a post on Nexus about it if you wish to loo and help. Here http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1284694-skyrim-crashing-on-load-screen/?p=10767499


Thank you or any you send/come my way in advance. Edit I may have the necessary mods already but if any of you could post what I ABSOLUTLY need to make double melons work would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Tried to get DMRA/Double Melons Round Ass attempt for skyrim here http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/34757/ and got this


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So do any of you have the file, if so would you be able to post the .zip on this topic so anyone can get it? Cause I'd like to try it out if possible. Thank you in advance.

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