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Making some new props for the troll animation but need help.


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Hello :)


Before I start working on some new animations i wanted to try to make some new props for the troll, but i need some help.


sins i am completely new to moding I'm uncertain what i shoud do next. I have spent much of the day watching tutorials on how to make new armors or creatures by modifying existing ones, but feel that the whole process is confusing since the models and textures is made from scratch.


Should I make a custom creature with the new model, or save it like a atachment that can be loaded to the game?


If there is anyone who have can give me some  tips on what to do next or know about a good tutorial that can help a nob like me, it would make make me very happy :D 


new naughty bits


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Wow, honestly so far, your screen shot looks awesome, keep it up man!


Also, my experience only holds true for modding characters, and adding... attachments... But, from what I've seen, (hopefully this is what you are asking and I'm not an idiot) but the "attachment" to the body should just be placed in like 3dsMax to an existing model, and from there it should appear ingame as long as its the correct directory and labeled right. Not even quite sure, but I don't even believe you'd need to make a .ESP for it

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thanks, I'll just let you know I think I've figured it out :)


Hey man, if you need any help, all you need is to ask, definitely want to see this into a mod :D


Thanks :) The models are ready for all the trolltypes and posted in the download section.  if you feel like it, you can try to get the files ingame, I have never made a replacer ​​bsa before so I have no idea how the models look ingame.


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