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New type person thing....


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Just took the time to browse the forums properly as i've been far too lazy/busy/drunk/kidnapped by one legged space chickens (delete as appropriate) to do so before...... And I noticed someone mention postless consumers as a bad thing .... which, as a really bad lurker, I guess I must have been for a while now.


So thought i'd waste a few minutes of your time and give you a six page biography just so someone can post "tldr"....


So, new to posting here but lurked a bit over the past few months. Just getting into modding and so far i've managed to break my Oblivion, Skyrim and Fallout 3 but haven't blown up my PC so i'm taking that as a good sign.


So, about me....


I've done some stuff, done some other stuff and I dabbled in things.


I would have gone 6 pages but thinking hurts my brain.


And yeah, hi.

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I didn't make a get to know me thread, I'm new here. I'm not one for attention, but it's nice to meet you. I've enjoyed my time here so far. I've been here about two months now, active for about a month now. At first it seemed like a lot of other sites. I mean if you're in one place for a long time, people tend to fall into groups of the new people and the senior memebers. Through my years I noticed that people tend to stay in their groups and new memebers go unnoticed, but so far this community is excellent, full of good people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mmmm, I think new members go unnoticed because they stay in the shadows.  Get involved, even if it's just for moral support, and I bet you won't feel unnoticed for long.  Bringing some new ideas to the table is all the better, even if those ideas aren't even remotely related to what the forum is officially about.  I can't say I've made any new friends yet (haven't been active all that long myself), but I have definitely made at least one acquaintance of sorts, assuming you call someone you send the occasional IM to an acquaintance.  Well, hell, they respond every time, anyway!  Who knows.


Of course the opposite is also true.  You could make a complete ass of yourself and get noticed but quick!  Not the good kind of noticed though, and I doubt that's what you want! :lol:

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Guest airdance

Life here on the forum is like a camera.

Focus on what is important to you.

Capture the good times.

Develop from the good things you experience,

and if things do not work out,

Take Another Shot.

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