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Sorry Verd, may be a stupid quesion but it's safer to know, did you finish the quest that allows you to take cassidy as a companion? Is she following you already?

You can't take her with you right away at the first encounter if you reach the Mojave Outpost after Goodsprings. You need to do a quest.


Or you had the wheel before, then suddendly stopped to shows up?

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finished the quest and drank shots with her to get her to sell, then asked her to join up. She does and follows and fights with me, talks to me. But there is no wheel where I can change her stance, trade equipment and what not. :(

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I never heard about this problem before, in your OP you said "was she designed that way or did I break something?"

Surely she wasn't designed that way, so it would be useful to know if you have modified the companions scripts in any way or if you run an heavily modded game.

If you can provide at least these information it could be easier for me or someone esle to help you out.

Hope you can solve soon.

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