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Mod-Patch for compatibility between SGO4IF and P.A.I.A.

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Mod-Patch for compatibility between SGO4IF and P.A.I.A.

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 This is a small mod written to provide compatibility between “SoulGem Oven 4: Integration Fork” and “P.A.I.A (Pregnancy and Inflation animations)”.
 In short, it adds a new condition to run the P.A.I.A animation in Open Animation Replacer and based on the SGO4 data it provides the necessary conditions to do so. Only works with the main female character!

PS: I'm just trying my hand at modding. This is my first mod that I decided to practice on. I hope I did it well enough. If you encounter any problems, be sure to post them!







 I know that P.A.I.A can work with OAR and DAR, but I made only OAR support. Keep this in mind when you install this mod! 
 (If someone asks me, I can try to work with DAR too, but no promises).




 Just drop the contents of the archive into your game folder. It's better to use MO or its alternative.




 In the configs folder you can find the file SerM_SGO4_PAIA_Integration.json.

 By opening it you can configure the following values with which my mod works:


  •  CheckDelay - the time (in seconds) after which the mod checks the necessary conditions to enable the animation. (Default: 10.0)
  •  DebugMode - you can enter 1 or 0. 1: enables debug mode, 0: disables. When debug is enabled, you will receive debug messages in the console. (Default: 0)
  •  RequireGemsForInflationStatus - how full the character's belly must be for the animation trigger condition to work. 0 is empty, 1 is the maximum. (Default: 0.5)


 Be careful when editing the json file. Change only numeric values, otherwise you may break the mod.




 Many thanks to DarkBlade13 for your support in my endeavors!


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  • Category
  • Requires
    SoulGem Oven 4: Integration Fork, P.A.I.A (Pregnancy and Inflation animations), Open Animation Replacer.
  • Regular Edition Compatible


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I didn't check the inner workings of your mod but why do you need a new plugin to do this?

Can't you just enable the pregnant faction hook setting in SGOIF and use the faction rank condition in OAR to play the animation? The faction hook setting works properly in newer versions of SGOIF.

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12 hours ago, wareware said:

Я не проверял внутреннюю работу вашего мода, но зачем вам для этого новый плагин?

Не можете ли вы просто включить настройку крючка беременной фракции в SGOIF и использовать условие ранга фракции в OAR для воспроизведения анимации? Настройка привязки фракции работает правильно в новых версиях SGOIF.

 I needed to come up with a challenge to practice modding and implementing support between these mods came to mind first and foremost, well I was able to try some basic stuff while working on this mod. 

 Also, I'm not sure how factions work in SGO4IF yet, that's why I chose this approach and probably the advantage of this mod is the ability to customize the value of filling with stones at which the pregnancy animation starts to play (although I may be wrong). 
 In any case, it may be useful to someone).


 I'm going to further investigate how SGO4 works and maybe I'll find a simpler solution.
 Thanks for your feedback!

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