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Mods like Wear&Tear Sexout and msex Veronica for Skyrim?


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I switched from Fallout New Vegas back to Skyrim again, but i wonder if there is a mod like Wear&Tear.

This made it much more immersive and limited prostitution nicely from overdoing. And it made becoming enslaved very interesting, especially as sexually inexperienced character you could even die from constant rape&punishment with a bit of  bad luck.


My other favorite FNV mod was msex Veronica, it had tons of dialogue and some imho very well done actions your Mistress could do with you. My favorites have been when you where forced to whore for 100 caps or when you had to visit some npcs and submit to them.


I wonder if there are such sexlab mods already or in the planning :).


ZaZ Prison Overhaul and SD are great, but also having the option for temporary or permanent consensual submission like in msex Veronica would be a nice addition.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest wellbredbitch

i had a mod that added cuts bruises bites and a blackeye. but they were permanent. and it was only for unp.  i'm trying to remember what it was called.

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Well, Sexlab Describe is aspiring to incorporate wear and tear features soon. It's also being actively worked on so I think wear and tear will come to Skyrim soon enough :D


Don't know about a mod similar to msex Veronica though. The only mod that I could think as most relevant to msex Veronica would be the Sexlab Guild which would be excluding radiant prostitution and the other prostitution mods currently available.

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msex Veronica was very well balanced - in summary not more or less a simple follower mod with a follower that give some random humiliating orders. I think coding something like this in skyrim would not be very hard - but to find lore friendly humiliating sentences that fits into skyrims world would be very challenging.


In my opinion stuff like Sanguine DB is to unbalanced - skyrimll tries his very best but these scripts are much to complex - to much triggers and side effects leads to broken scenarios. Papyrus seems to be made for straight forward simple scenes. A msex mod needs much less triggers and monitoring. I bet my hat that this was the reason why jzeborg gives up SD and tries a different solution - more event based.


Same with prison overhaul - to complex and therefore very fragile as well - Skyrim papyrus was designed for maximum player freedom - restricting it is a quite hard job.

Sexlab solutions is one of the most stable msex alternatives - but unfortunately not in terms of humiliation. 


I think the master piece of humiliation is player slave encounters for oblivion. simply brilliant - what a shame that it is not possible to port this to Skyrim and I still wondering how it was possible to code something like this - but even this mod is sometimes fragile.


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msex Veronica was very well balanced - in summary not more or less a simple follower mod with a follower that give some random humiliating orders. I think coding something like this in skyrim would not be very hard - but to find lore friendly humiliating sentences that fits into skyrims world would be very challenging.


Those occasional visits to special people enchanced msex Veronica a lot.

I think the coding will be difficult, lore friendly punishments not so much, after all torturers have been quite creative in ancient times, the middle ages etc..

And there is always consensual kink :)

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