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Trouble getting certain followers to use nude body built in Bodyslide

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I'm having some issues with a couple of followers who aren't using the body I've built in Bodyslide, but are using it for outfits, like demonstrated here:










I've had to fix this before, and historically, going into the Meshes/Actors/Character/Character Assets menu, and copying the femalebody, hands, feet meshes (both 0 and 1) and pasting them into the follower's mesh folder. I've copied the female skeleton data from that folder as well.


But that's not working with this and at least one other follower.


I've also tried taking the mesh files of a different follower, who is working correctly, and copy/pasting them into these folders. And still nothing.


I also have an issue with a different character that is more extreme. I converted a follower from Skyrim to SE. Problem is, I use 3BA, and it's a UNP body.


In the past, I've been able to convert a follower easily by copying the appropriate meshes, textures, and skeleton into the folders for the follower I'm trying to convert.

But this time, it results in this





Obviously, part of the issue is that the UNP textures are trying to be applied to a 3BA mesh, but I'm not sure how to fix this, given that deleting those textures just renders all but her head invisible if the folder is empty, or just creates this when I put the skin textures I'm using on others on her.


Any help would be appreciated. I can't tell why I'm having more trouble doing these kinds of conversions now than I did previously.


Thank you

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  1. Find the follower's race record (RACE).
  2. Locate the associated skin outfit (ARMO).
  3. Locate the associated armor addons (ARMA).
  4. Note down the mesh paths, or change them to use the default paths.

If you didn't change the ARMA records:

  1. Copy your body mesh to the location specified in the ARMA records. Create a backup of the body that is already there, you may need it for reference later.

If you wish to change the body texture (obviously does not work for textures with different UV mappings (UNP != CBBE)):

  1. Open the copy of the body mesh in NifSkope.
  2. Change the texture paths of each NiTriShape to point to your follower's custom textures. If you do not know the texture paths, open the backup of the original body for reference.
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