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Starfield Timeline (lore but fan edit to make more sense )

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For those who wanted more in depth history,  well this is not it, it has more holes than swiss cheese. But as a stepping stone it is a good start.  


Edit: It really bothers me that there is holes in the story for as a fan-ish waiting on this game my OCD is telling me to add more to flesh this out a bit, feel free to add your own. 


March 2050: With the successful joint effort by Virgin Galactic, Tesla and NASA, man finally arrived on Mars. NASA the Pentagon immediately implement project "colony" which allows the U.S. to have a strong presence on Mars and move into phase two. Which in time  will start a new space race. With a ew rejuvenation the US Space Force's duties have expanded and their greater galactic role. As many contract companies in manufacturing and tech fields and covertly began design plans for a new fleet of space ships for America and eventually it's allies.  


December 2050: It did not take long for China to discover the U.S. and call out the US in their attempt to militarize space and send only themselves and "their" allies to Mars, thus cutting out communist China. China fearing an American Manifest Destiny started gathering up countries like North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Mexico created their own space command in response, while other smaller nations not wanting to be left out form their own space agencies.  As Civilians begin to migrate to Mars and many space Stations and the moon that were established by the US and it's allies in previous years. Collin's manufacturing a well known moon base mining company continues to develop new metals and materials new hull plating and rockets to withstand more stresses that comes from prolonged space travel as new orders continue to flow in from companies such as Ryujin industries an medical company who were until recently has a very special interest in space travel. 


February 2100: With escalation on all side with their presence on the moon, the UN reminded both parties of the Artemis Accords in 2025, with the ultimate goal of expanding space exploration to Mars and beyond in mutual cooperation. Thus no military conflicts will be allowed. Meanwhile on Mars, preparation was underway as many of the planet's residences prepare for a celebration as dozens of huge spaceships with civilian workers, are about to join their budding community and expand the settlement. No one was more happy than Bruce Hallman who is the current "governor" appointed by the UN and not the US. As he see it, he always read in books Mars would one day become the "new Earth" and saw himself as the herald of that new world order. as the population slowly nears one million one cannot but express joy at the notion. Perhaps he should build an embassy or build that museum to the Mars Rover. 


March 2102: In an odd turn of event both Tesla and Virgin Galactic in their endeavor to create and new FTL drive to take man further into the solar system found the companies in financial problems. Several drive failures and International issues have caused the companies to pull back some of their projects and lay off many employees. Many companies for the next few months offered financial help to the failing companies. Many openly explained they do have financial investment in all the colonies, whether it is the stations, the moon or Mars as many of their people now occupy them and have plans to expand to the "belt".  Eventually Ryujin Industries and two other companies stepped up and in by the end of the year absorbed the failing companies and into their own and created the Polaris group. Behind the scenes the US, Russia and the EU tried to stop the purchase of the Virgin and Tesla, but to no avail as by this time they were a publicly traded company and their shareholders wanted it in more capable hands. 


July 2105: Legacy companies like Microsoft and Apple wanting more freedom and financial mobility with less regulations threaten to move their companies off world in a move that would devastate Earth's tech sector and economy. As rumors began to circulate on the internet at the news, many in the Pentagon of high ranking officials send out calls for an emergency meeting over announcement. As Generals and Admirals gathered, many dismiss it as showboating by the legacy companies as they have done it before, as others however have expressed the last six years of events leading up to now. including the US coalition presence on both Mars and the Moon. One admiral scoffing loudly stating "are you insinuating the UN is a boogey man". Soft chuckles fills the room.  As one Admiral rose from his chair reminded them all "call him when there is something serious to talk about he is still building the new West Pack Space Force fleet"  As he leaves many also begin to slowly leave the room, leaving many to fear of the things to come from this short interaction. 


(( More to come in 7 hrs. or so as I need sleep. ))



Edited by Kraven12
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  • Kraven12 changed the title to Starfield Timeline (lore but fan edit to make more sense )

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