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Help with a mod idea

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I was doing a playthrough with some of Baka's mods (which are mostly geared towards female pc) and I thought it would be cool to make a mod for male pc characters utilizing Baka's motion pack. If you've played with Sexlab Deadly Drain, you'd know it has this cool little feature that allows you to "sink your fangs from the back or the front" and kiss your victim through the press of a key. You could assign a key for let's say biting from the back, approach an npc, press it and then the animation would play. 

My idea is to have very similar function as this but instead of biting, it would be for choking, spanking etc. The animations already exist in the Baka pack. My question is, how would I do that? 

I took a look at Deadly Drain in the creation kit and saw that biting and kissing were tied to a quest and these were inside a script but the source is not included so naturally I couldn't see how that shit actually worked. 

So the idea is to create a mod that allows the pc to choke, spank, hug from the back (maybe even more depending on the animations in the pack), through the press of a key and maybe we can add some sort of stamina/magicka battle between the 2 actors for the choke, hug actions and if the pc wins it would like hookup to some sexlab scene or some shit?? I don't know and if the npc wins then the animation would end, npc would draw a weapon and it'd absolutely beat the fuck out of the pc while yelling BY YSMIR YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT. It would be cool. If someone could show me the ropes on how to that it'd be even cooler as I sincerely don't know shit about shit when it comes to this papyrus crap. Thanks. 

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