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[Modding Question] How to extract a single armor/clothing/item form a collection?


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I want to make a "clothing-pack" for my mod. (http://www.loverslab.com/topic/15824-sexout-mojaveschoolgirls/)

I've got some suggestions for some Schoolgirl-Uniforms, but I still would prefer some nice and not to slutty ones, like they are in Backsteppos Pack ( Here: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/6219/?tab=4&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D6219%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D121815&pUp=1 and here: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/42906/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D42906%26preview%3D&pUp=1)

But as you can read in the posts on nexus, backsteppo doesn't answer to questions at all, so it is not possible, to get his permission for using the clothing in my own mod. (and I don't want to make some requirements for my mod, except of other sexout-mods.)


So recently I took a little glimpse into the huge CWClothes here: ( http://www.loverslab.com/topic/16329-cwdollsclothespretty-things/ )

And what did I find?

Exactly the same Schoolgirl-Uniforms as Backsteppo uses! I don't know who borrowed them from whom. But as I asked in the thread ( http://www.loverslab.com/topic/16329-cwdollsclothespretty-things/page-5 ), Bashis mentioned, that there would be a "global permission" for using the contents of the mod on the webpage of the CW-Creator "CWJonny". I didn't find this permission (Just a permission to upload the whole pack whereever you want) but on this realy chaotic-page in chinese it is possible, that I have overseen it.

But as other Modders use contents of the pack, too, I am thinking of using some of my favorite clothing there for a "Sexout-Schoolgirls-Fetish-Clothing-Pack".


So here are my questions:


1.) Do you think, that I should do it? I've fould no way to contact CWJonny. (Maybe you know him?) Or should I keep on searching for other free-to-use-clothing? Because I want to upload it on LL, and I don't want to make or get any trouble.


2:) THE MAIN QUESTION: Is there an easy way, to extract such contents to another mod (Geck? NVEdit?)? I've used google to find a tutorial, but I didn't find anything.


3.) Is anybody interested in helping me? ( Doing it for me? :) )


4.) I would be very happy, if I could get some pregnant variations of the clothings. I never tried to mod/change/create clothing, I would be happy, to learn it, but when I try to do that, too, my "Schoolgirls will never get taught" ;)


5.) If someone has the experience to make the clothing a little bit better fitting to T6 or T3 ... the Schoolgirls look a little to "fat" when wearing their uniforms. ;)


Well - at least - I want to make this "SSFCP" for my mod, but maybe we could create a "Sexout-Additional-Clothing-Pack" instead, that could be used and required by other mods, too. How do you think about it?


Ah... the clothes, I want to use from CWClothing are two or three of the Schoolgirls-Uniform, The "French Maid" and maybe the "Sexy Maid". 

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Guest carywinton

I have successfully taken clothing items from CWClothes and used them for my own personal modifications, but to be able to release these in a public mod I think would be difficult. The School Girl line of clothing is Backsteppos work, and since it is in a mod that is overseas and does not fall under certain restrictions, this is why it can be done there and not here. This is just my opinion on the matter of course, you would have to get official word from the "higher ups" on it to be sure. CWJohnny may also have acquired the permissions necessary, I do not know for sure on that either. Taking an individual set of clothing or several sets out of a mod is not real hard, just time consuming and laborious. Fortunately for you Bashis has "Engish-ified" CWJohhny's work and set it up to work for us here in America in Fallout New Vegas, so your problems will be far less than mine, I am still working on numerous errors to make it work in Fallout 3.


Learn how to use FNVEdit and TESsnip, these two programs will do the majority of the work for you, you will have to make directories in your mod for each set of clothes you want to use, one for meshes and one for textures, then you use FNVEdit to "reconnect" the textures to the meshes. As to the customization of the clothes to work with "pregnant" models , that would be beyond my current abilities.


To extract the assets from the various BSA files is also fairly easy, use Fallout Mod Manager, it has a BSA Browser built in that works just great ,you will find it under the "Tools" menu.


If anyone ever were to write a book on all this stuff and how to do it, I believe they would be beyond wealthy in a matter of weeks. I have been at this for several years and still know very little. Why? Documentation is terrible, difficult to find and most of the time written very poorly. I even tried to start a thread topic on Geck mod load errors and how to fix them and it's just sat there dead for three weeks now over on the Bethsoft forums, which is where the developers are supposed to at least have a peak once in a while.


You are definitely in the right place for assistance , these folks here have been far better than anywhere else I have been in many years. Sex is a great motivator, lol~


If I can help you further in any way I will try, it's a long road of learning experiences for me too, so hopefully it will get easier soon.

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I’ve used some of Backsteppo’s work in a few of my mods (the slinky dress, my first FO mod, is an alteration of his PE Dress).  When I was looking to use it, I went looking to talk to him about it, and found out that he had disabled his messages and (at that time) was completely inactive on the Nexus.  But I talked to a couple of the first-wave of modders who were still around (Kendo, Exeter, etc.) who had all worked with him and Dimon and others together before I became active, and the general consensus is “use with credit” is generally regarded as ok.  I caught Dimon himself when he surfaced again briefly to make the UNP body, and got the same basic response from him. 


The reason that Backsteppo and Dimon were no longer active on Nexus is basically due to usage without credit.  In this case, as I understand it, due to a particular (quite popular) Type 3 “variation”, that was basically 10 minutes of small tweaks to the body textures and then posting it -- without crediting Dimon, Backsteppo, Luchaire etc. who actually spent the real time making and improving the Type 3 body in the first place.  There were complaints about ripping off the material that Nexus did nothing about, and in protest most of them walked away from it.  (Part of why, I suspect, the Nexus now comes down so hard when there are complains about stolen content).   The other mod was eventually forced to credit the original creators, but too little too late.  


So I’d suspect that you would probably  be okay including it in your mod under 2 basic assumptions: 1) that it is just an aspect of the mod, and not simply a direct port of his work serving no other purpose, and 2) that you give proper credit for the resources that you used. 



Regarding the process of porting it, I’ve written a set of fairly straight-forward, pic-illustrated tutorials on all aspects of outfit creation, including nifskope tweaks, basic blender work, how to structure the files properly, and getting the single outfit into the GECK.  When you’re talking about one or two outfits, it’s really far easier to just make a new mod than to screw around with FOEdit or anything like that.  My tutorials are in the link below.  Look at the Outfit Creation, Nifskope, and Porting ones and you should have all the information that you need. 



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Guest carywinton

Excellent answer Jonas_opines! I had a feeling someone with a bit more experience would come along and get things going. Yes giving a modder or developer credit for their work when included with yours is always the right thing to do in my mind. I also like to add a thank you for it in my descriptions and such.


Hysterical Jonas_opines, I just check out your tutorial and immediately started humming the Cantina Song before the image had even finished loading, Good stuff man, I look forward to reading and looking closely at this, thanks.

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Thank you, carywinton and jonas_opines!


I will look, how I will do it.

Of course I would give credits to all the original creators. But I would prefer to get the permission by the original creator himself.

So still it seems that it would be the best to make it from scratch by myself.

If I have more time, one day, I will learn blender and nifscope and ... and ... and ...

For extracting and/or creating I will follow your links


But first I will return to work on my mod, and make more dialogue lines ...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest carywinton

Always happy to help out with what little I know and can do. Extracting clothes from a mod is not very hard at all and I am sure you could do that , alter the texture a little and then it becomes yours, basically. Then just add a "credit to original author" and all should be fine. Let me know if I can help you with that process, it can be a bit confusing at first, but really is not that difficult just time consuming, boring and very mouse laborious, :D

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