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Ms Jacksh / 'Pyrrha Alexandra Story'


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The first Oblivion mod I tried making substantial changes to was Ms Jacksh's 'Pyrrha Alexandra Story'. I now have a heavily revised version, which maintains (nay, extends!) the original author's healthy interest in Pyrrha's underwear, and changes the objective of the quest. Previously, you did 3 tasks for Pyrrha, and she became a companion (she's a horribly dangerous companion, if you don't have good magic resists).


Now, the objective of the quest - the tasks are basically unchanged - is to seduce Pyrrha. There's quite a lot of dialog, mostly focused on her underwear and the contents thereof, with calls to LPK animations.


I can't upload this anywhere without permission, and Ms Jacksh is banned from Nexus, so I can't PM him there. I was wondering if anyone had seen him post anywhere else where I might be able to reach him?


I've started adding a second quest to the mod, which involves extensive travel and shagging and maintains the importance of said underwear, but doubt I'll bother to finish it if it's for my entertainment alone.

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Thanks Poontank! (Nexus profile says male, but then, mine says I'm 200 years old).


Edit : Blog photo sure looks female, I agree, but we all know how much credence can be put in pictures on the Internet!


Another edit : Her email isn't featured prominently enough for my eyes; care to point it out to me?

Edit^3 :Cancel that last, how dare she post it in English?


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Yippee, Ms Jacksh / Jackga is happy for me to upload my 'derivative' of her mod. I'll have to tidy it up a bit, first.


Hmm - it's a story/quest mod, that uses LPK for certain scenes (the second quest, which isn't finished yet, involves rather a lot of such scenes), so should I put it in this section or Lovers?


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Though I'm sorry not to have pointed out more clearly where to find Jacky's email, I am happy to hear you successfully contacted this modder and have been granted permission to release your project.


Since it's an adult mod making use of the Lovers system, apparently with sexual themes, I think it should be featured in the LPK section.

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Sounds reasonable, Poontank. I shall include a special dedication to you, for making it all possible ;)


(I must have spent 5 minutes squinting at the little blobs of Japanese text trying to figure out which one was 'prominently' an email address :(


And the fascination with Pyrrha's underwear was Jacksh's idea first, not mine. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it (the er, unfortunate, rumours about her brother were my doing, though) !


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Aww, thanks! But I did little more than just dropping a link to a blog I coincidentally knew about...


I'm having a lot of Jacksh outfits installed, they are awesome work. Especially the 'Lien' leather suit. Never tried out the full mods but picked only the outfit files from the archives and put them into my armor and clothing collections for convenience.

I didn't really know there is one genuine quest mod among Jack's work.


Fascination with underwear seems to be a recurring kink in Japanese culture. I am more the 'no panties' type turned on by girls not wearing undies.

This is probably the in-your-face 'porn star' approach as opposed to the playful 'innocent girl next door' connotation of underwear.


Blatant exhibitionism Vs "covering up the naughty bits".

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  • 7 months later...

Was this mod (LPK version) ever released ?

If so, where to download it ?
(The log did have a link to a english esp, but it is gone by now, also, a/the mod is over "that other site" but if it compatible with LPK ?)

Right now, trying to figure how to download from 115.com, seeing the content of Data.7z being of some help as to this mod content.

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