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Vacations on a Tropical paradise (request)

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After seeing a recent mod about the forgotten island, it makes me wonder, why not making something identical but make it like a resort for rich people?


It can start like this:


In solitude there's been word that they opened a new resort on some tropical island, where people could relax.

DB wants some relaxation after fighting dragons and other stuff, goes talk to the tourism office and asked about the island, sounded good except that a trip cost 100k Septims to stay for 60 days on the island, although everything is included, place to stay, food and services, is still expensive, only really rich people can go.


Although there a second option, she will meet a person outside the office offering a ticket for 1000 septims, that person admitted that he works for the office but his bosses didn't pay well enough to keep his family fed, so he had to resort for doing business illegally.

1000 sounds more reasonable.


Once She arrives on the island she had to go to the custom office, only to discover that the ticket she bought was a fake, she got scammed, but the problem is that she must pay for 100k, the money that she doesn't have.


they give her a choice, work at the resort until the end of the season (120 days) to pay the debt.

Now under contract she have to store all her belonging in a strongbox, and started working right away, she had to go naked, but she discovered once she arrived to the village of bungalows, everyone was naked as well, it's a nudist resort.

She can see rich nobles on the beach bathing and catching sun, having fun, while the servants were bringing food and drinks, cleaning the bungalows, massage services, cooking food, selling souvenirs, providing towels, entertain with dances... and sex...


Her first job was to stand still in a spot that covers at least 8 people and she must provide service when required.

She stay in a spot roasting on the sun, waiting for order, it wouldn't take long until her skin gets burned and with time darkened.

if they request sex she can't refuse, since everything is included, if the job is not well done she can be beated.


at the end of the day she learned that the others servants are all female that fell from the same scam in other cities, getting themselves in debt and work for free until the end of season.

there's nothing she could do about, but to endure, at night the servants have to sleep outside on the sand, since the indoors is reserved for the tourist.

the dinner is simple soup with bread and water.

at night might be a good time to explore, but staying up late might be bad to performance for tomorrow job, increases the chance of poor job.

one servant knows a recipe to coat the body to treat the sunburns, she can make it in exchange for something.


the tourists sometimes will request the DB to participate in their games, like drinking games, swimming contests, losing means gangbang several times, winning means giving some free time(one hour) going into the shade and have a little nap until they request for service again.


some days are better, others are worse.


until the end season, she gets the debt clean, but the bosses offers to stay employed(if they tourists liked her service) and this time she will get paid 100 septims a day, with a day off per week, and receives free trips to skyrim/island since she works for them, she will receive the benefits like a tourist during her day off. She even receives a little shack to store her things and sleep.

once she starts working she has to stay one week and at the end of the week she'll be asked if she wants to work another week or leave, she can come back whenever she wants.




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