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r43pack for slavetats (absolutely bonkers!) (Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series!)

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The Important Stuff You Came For:


As I walk, I talk, I piss from my cock.  Today I woke up and decided to slap some shit together and this popped out.  It's an unorganized cobbled mess of things that I dug up around the cyberspace.  These are just mostly things that I made because I couldn't be bothered to scour the internet for hours on end.  There are 42 textures as of writing this.


My shits in the actual shit start with an "R" so if you have a lot of packs that come alphabetically before "R", I'm not sorry.  At least I only have 1 pack per section unlike some people who make 200 per section to artificially inflate the scrolling down time.  Well, that does mean that my shits are way less organized so I guess the time spent guesstimating which texture goes where and reapplying them is equivalent to the time spent scrolling down.  Alternatively you can just look at the preview in file explorer and approximate where on the body it's supposed to be.


Disclaimer: I am not an artist and I have 0 experience with Blender.  



- Slavetats (duh)

- Everything Slavetats requires

- This (duh)

- CBBE Body

- † A valid mod organizer

- † Water

- † A brain

- † Literacy & reading comprehension


† Recommended but not needed



1) Extract the .zip file with a mod organizer

2) ???

    2a) If you use Vortex, return to step 1

3) Profit


The Not So Important Stuff No One Asked:

El Plannerinos

I do not make plans.  Because if you never have a plan, the plan will never fail.  If you think that something sucks the far end of a horse's anus, I won't fix it.  Well, I'll probably fix it but the biggest problem to doing something is the doing of something; I am lazy.  But also because I'm lazy, my brain don't work-if you want me to add/make something you should tell me so I don't have to use my own brain to figure it out.  Thanks for the unpaid labor!  I will probably name my shit into actual proper names instead of just writing vague shit for now because even I, the guy who made this, have no fucking clue what texture is what.


If you do want me to make something, do note that I will not touch upon:

- Furry 

- Gore

- Scat

- Vore

- Insects (????)

Anything that isn't specifically named is on the table.


Quotidian Interrogatories of the Deprived



Q: Preset?

A: FaceFace 2.  Body.  


Q: Why is your character shiny?

A: It's a 1 in 4096 chance mate just get lucky


Q: I got lucky and hit the 1 in 4096 chance but my character is still not as shiny!

A: For some reason, outfits makes your character even shinier.  I think specular mapping on outfits is the reason but I have no fucking clue which is why I make 2d textures and not 3d outfits.


Q: Is your character in Ohio?

A: No, Brazil.


Q: What is your character wearing on that picture?



Screenshot 65:

- Ashtoreth Nurse

- H2135's Modern Series4

- Predator Piercing Censorship

- [BAKU] DOA Mai Hot Pants

- [Army] Slingkini 

Screenshot 66:

- BodyConscious

- C5kev sl bikini

Screenshot 67:

- Predator horny girl

Screenshot 68:

- Shino Sweater Virgin Detroyer (Yes it's spelled wrong like that)

Screenshot 71:

- Obi's Vampirella

Screenshot 72:

- DX Azur Lane St. Louis


You can just put these into Google.  If you can't find them... git gud.




Q: Why do some of your clothes look different?

A: I edited the textures and nif.  If you want the edited textures and nif files... well, just edit them lol if you edit them they will be edited.


Q: Does this work for UNP?  Will you do UNP?

A: I don't know.  I will if you buy me fried chicken everyday for the next 60 yrs.


Q: Help!  Your pack doesn't show on the MCM!

A: You should, like, go on to like literally the first setting tab on the slavetats MCM and read like the 3 things on your screen that you would've known if you had read the instructions like a proper human being.


Q: Ohhhh!!!! thanks but you didn't have to be such a dick about me being the reason why there's instructions on cereal.

A: Covid 19 is but a fledgling of a pandemic compared to that of stupidity.  I just typed something that's pretty good.  I think I will use this next fall semester.


Q: Help!  My game is busted!

A: If your game is busted then just fix it.  Literally a 1 step process.


Et Cetera:


Q: How do you make these?

A: At first it was easy.  Find a PNG somebody else made, turn it into a brush mask, put it in Blender, and stencil in the design on the body.  Unfortunately, I have ran out of PNGs to steal so I have to draw my own.  But even so, it's the same process except step 1 takes longer.


Q: Are you an artist?

A: Technically, I used to be one, although I wasn't any good and I quit a while ago.  Going in, I was rustier than a prehistoric spoon so you can tell which textures I made earlier on.  


Q: What is your ENB?

A: My ENB is called "5 year old laptop running on a 1050ti".  This ENB is insanely performance heavy, it makes you go seconds per frame.  I heard ENB is supposed to make your game look cool but this ENB just looks like vanilla SSE for some reason.


Q: What the fuck is a "Quotidian Interrogatories of the Deprived"???

A: this


Q: Why?
A: I shat my pants.


Q: Do you live in a basement?  Are you overweight?  Neckbeard?

A: My house does not have a basement.  I am not American.  I do not play League of Legends.


Q: Why is it r43 and not ra3?  Your name doesn't even have a "4" in it.

A: Because "r", "4", and "3" are all within 1 centimeter of each other.  If I wanted to type an "a" I would have to reach my ring finger over 6 more centimeters.  Is this a good enough of an answer?  Fuck you.  Go step on a lego.


Q: Where is screenshot 69?

A: 123.323.8484


Q: Where is Dantes?  You lied!

A: This is why you eat lunch alone.


Annotated Bibliography

- Bing Google

   - You do not want to see my search history

   - Or maybe you do, and in that case, I am unwilling to show it to you

- Pixiv

   - My (yes the guy's name is "my")

   - Oniblonde

   - EasterEgg (yes the guy's name is "easter egg")








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