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messed up animation


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hi there,


im new and i was wondering if you could help me a little.


i just installed the lab mod and a testing mod (bestiality)

to my suprise my mod isnt working very well, i got the animation pack, mod and spell mod.

everything is fine untill the animation starts, the creatures are standing idle or in walking animation while my animation is correct.


please help me out.

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Don't have a clue how to help you.


1.  You don't list the game you are talking about (we have sex mods for 3 Bethesda games).

2.  You didn't post your load order.



Finally, you need to post in the appropriate place.  Each sex framework mod has its own section of technical support:

Sexlab (Skyrim):  http://www.loverslab.com/forum/50-technical-support-sexlab-framework/

LPK (Oblivion):  http://www.loverslab.com/forum/31-technical-support-lovers-with-pk/

Sexout (FNV):  http://www.loverslab.com/forum/35-technical-support-fallout-sexout/


Before posting in the correct thread, you need to FIRST read the pinned threads and supply all the information it asks for.

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