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Help with Changing Ordinator's Light and Heavy "Armor Fit" Perks

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I'd like to change "Light Armor Fit" and "Heavy Armor Fit" so that rather than looking for body, hands, feet, and helmet they just look for any 4 pieces of Light/Heavy armor instead. I've been using TAWoBA Armor Break and I've realized that if my body armor breaks then I completely lose all of the "all Light/Heavy" bonuses. So, I'd like to change how it works. However, I'm not entirely sure how to go about doing it. I tried one thing but it didn't work, so now I'm asking for some advice. Additionally "Keen Senses" and "Face of Death" should be set up to look for only 3 pieces of armor instead.


I have, in the meantime, set up "Keen Senses" and "Face of Death" to allow for no body armor instead of no headgear, since I usually wear circlets when using TAWoBA anyway. I would still like to set up the other perks as mentioned above, though, if possible.


Note that I'm using xEdit (I don't use Creation Kit because I can't get it to work; it just crashes on startup). I'm pretty well versed with xEdit, though, so giving directions/instructions should work out okay. I'm also on LE, in case that's relevant (it shouldn't be, but I figured I'd mention it).



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As far as I understand, it is looking for 4 keywords.

Those keywords are the same for each catagory for head, hands, body, feet.


In my experience using TAWoBA, the cumulative value of armor from wearing more than just 4 major parts is enough to be higher than a standard set of armor from the vanilla game especailly when you temper them.

Basically a bikini warrior ends up having more armor value, and to top that off sometimes depends on the TAWoba you downloaded each piece might be enchantable to boot.


Although Heavy and Light fit perks seem like they add a lot of value you can still pick up a lot of value just investing a small amount of perks into smithing and then upping the smith skill.

This becomes more obvious at later levels though I suppose.


TAWoBA Armor Break, well the whole point is to get all your armor striped so that Defeat will kick in, not so that your character simply loses their bikini top.

From what I remember the chances of losing parts is so common I found the mod to be silly, your always having to replace/fix stuff and spend most of the time nude.

Its percentage based rather than armor health or tempor health based and even then moving to a tempor based system results in not having a high enough smithing skill for much of the early game to really matter and you end up using tempored armor that the NPC already has which is going to be vanilla armor anyway.


As far as using xEdit, not sure that is actually going to work because any script needs to be compiled in Construction Kit.

IF however you really wanted to have a body slot or extra whatever and I did this while experimenting with this very same thing you are....

Just add the keywords to the various parts that are extra parts, example thigh guards with keyword ChestArmor or something.  This will change the image icon in SkyUI though, however it works without using Construction Kit.


Other than that....Well the other issue going on that bugged me was that each of the bikini armor parts might seem like they dont weigh much but wear enough of them and your easily carrying around 2X-2.8X the amount of weight for worn armor.


Other thoughts,

In my experience Light Armor with Ordinator is actually not as powerful for characters that intend on getting hit a lot....Heavy Armor users in Ordinator can just brush off blows....Light Armor user is just going to get gibbed.


I use mods like High Level Enemies alongside Wildcat, really helps keep the enemies up to par with the character....

I tried using more mods on top of that but ended up overtuning the difficulty of the game all while trying to use an armor strip system, there are a lot of them actually....Found that mostly they are not that fun.

Edited by Gameplayer
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The main issue isn't so much the loss in armor value bonus but rather the loss of all of the benefits from the other perks that require "all Heavy/Light armor".


I've actually edited the Armor Break script a little to be a bit more "interesting" in its approach to checking whether your armor gets stripped, and I play with a fairly low base strip chance anyway, since as you mentioned it does get kind of ridiculous just ending up naked at the end of every fight. With my adjustments, most battles end with me only missing maybe half of my armor pieces (though I did have one particularly grueling encounter where I actually got completely stripped, but nothing actually broke and I have dropping set to 0% so I was able to just put it all on again afterwards).


As I said in my original post, I've tried adjusting the conditions of "Keen Senses" and "Face of Death" to allow for bonuses when not wearing ArmorCuirass rather than when not wearing ArmorHelmet. So far, I've only tested it once, and I'm actually not 100% sure it's working properly, but I'll test it a bit more to see. If I can get this working properly, it's probably a better solution than what I was trying to do in the first place. EDIT: I seem to have gotten this working. So, what this means is that if my body armor gets stripped off, I still get the benefits of "full armor", which is good because boots, gauntlets, and headgear aren't configured in Armor Break to be strippable.

Edited by Raistlin1
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On 4/24/2023 at 10:21 PM, Raistlin1 said:

EDIT: I seem to have gotten this working. So, what this means is that if my body armor gets stripped off, I still get the benefits of "full armor", which is good because boots, gauntlets, and headgear aren't configured in Armor Break to be strippable.


If you changed the conditions on the Light Armor and Heavy Armor perks that give you the bonus and removed just the one keyword for body armor, that would be the way I would do it.  I think you can change that to not require any of the keywords except lightarmor or heavyarmor, and make it just look for 4 (or 3 or 6) items of that kind of armor.


That way if lore wise you want to say that wearing boots, legplates, arm plates, guantlets, a pauldron and a belt thing creates a magical armor skin, even if almost all of your skin is visible... well it can.

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