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Schlongs of Skyrim problem?

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My Skyrim verion is 1.6.640

i have downloaded SOS no dll version but its doing some weird stuff, like some brown parts on npc's butt

SOS has conflicts with Maximum Skeleton and XP32 skeleton so i made SOS win all conflicts but this still happens

This happens whenever i start a new game but sometimes this problem does not happen when i install SOS after i load a save


Edited by Field1
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3 hours ago, TnTTnT said:

You should let XPMSSE win over SOS.


ok i will try it in other save, for some reason this problem is not occurring on my current save but it happens on other saves


3 hours ago, traison said:

That's the underwear showing through. Never had that problem, but then again, never used a dll-less version of SOS. A workaround could be to find a way to disable underwear, if that's a concept that exists in SOS.

oh, thnx 4 the info me will try disabling underwear


3 hours ago, Jack-O-Clock said:

This can happen on occasion if you have mods that affect armors, see here.

Recommend either posting your modlist or poking around in xEdit to look for conflicts.


Sidenote: Are you using two skeletons? It seems like you're using two skeletons. Probably shouldn't do that.

I dont have any armour mod, i only did the vanilla to 3ba conversion idk if its affects SOS, and i am using XP32 for 3ba body and Maximum Skeleton for Maximum Carnage mod, should i only use Maximum Skeleton?

Edited by Field1
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7 hours ago, Field1 said:

i am using XP32 for 3ba body and Maximum Skeleton for Maximum Carnage mod, should i only use Maximum Skeleton?


It is a XPMSSE-based skeleton, so it should be compatible, but without your modlist *hint hint*, it'll be hard to say what exactly the problem is. Also, it seems SOS uses a keyword to remove schlongs/underwear when armor is worn, so it should be a conflict somewhere that's affecting that keyword or the applicable armors, even if your mod manager doesn't spot it.

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5 hours ago, Jack-O-Clock said:


It is a XPMSSE-based skeleton, so it should be compatible, but without your modlist *hint hint*, it'll be hard to say what exactly the problem is. Also, it seems SOS uses a keyword to remove schlongs/underwear when armor is worn, so it should be a conflict somewhere that's affecting that keyword or the applicable armors, even if your mod manager doesn't spot it.

Im not comfortable sharing my mod list bc i got some questionable stuff in it, in the end i deleted SOS underwear using SSEEdit and used Equippable Underwear for NPCs mod, it solved my problem, thnx for the help

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