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creation kit explosion on actor death

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5 hours ago, traison said:

Name the script you tried to use and I'll look into it.

hey, thanks for your answer !


spellsummondraugrbomb , thats the name of the script i wanted to use, but i guess thats for one specific actor only, i cant open the source



i reverted that it didn´t work, now i think that has to be done within the MagikEffect ? with a new script because such thing doesn´t exist?



i also watched a video on youtube, she explains how to make npc´s dance burn and explode by wearing a coat but i haven´t figured it out yet...it beginns 37:30



so , i just want the summoned creature cast or hit by fireball explosion when spell ends, 30sec  like the flaming thrall you can get from anska?

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The fireball explosion in spellsummondraugrbomb is only played in OnLoad and OnHit:

EVENT onHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)



I'm not familiar with the mechanics behind summonable actors. But this script does not appear to be suitable for you as-is. Personally I would attempt to do something in the OnDying event, because summons tend to play their death sounds when the time runs out - I'm assuming the game kills them.


Maybe test the attached script, see if it matches your requirements.


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6 hours ago, traison said:

The fireball explosion in spellsummondraugrbomb is only played in OnLoad and OnHit:

EVENT onHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)



I'm not familiar with the mechanics behind summonable actors. But this script does not appear to be suitable for you as-is. Personally I would attempt to do something in the OnDying event, because summons tend to play their death sounds when the time runs out - I'm assuming the game kills them.


Maybe test the attached script, see if it matches your requirements.

dfh.7z 1.27 kB · 1 download

thank you for this, first i was hapyy like child :),  but it doesn´t seem to work, actor just disappears after 3 seconds

6 hours ago, Tlam99 said:

There is  dlc1 blood infection spell, (search for dlc1blood plaque script or similar) Does exactly what you want.

Just replace the dark explosion by your explosion.

 i found this one : DLC1nVampireBloodPlagueSCRIPT  , it makes her use fireballspells and she seems to be stronger, but didn´t explode

i think i go with this one this is also cool stuff..


thank you both for your help

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Simplified the script, nothing but explosion on death now. You may want to use it together with another script for additional effects.



10 hours ago, sickboy791 said:

this goes into "actor´s script" right ? not the magic effect?


The source (psc) has the answer to this:

Scriptname DFHSummonFlamingSlaveBomb Extends Actor



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8 hours ago, traison said:

Simplified the script, nothing but explosion on death now. You may want to use it together with another script for additional effects.




The source (psc) has the answer to this:

Scriptname DFHSummonFlamingSlaveBomb Extends Actor


dfh.7z 754 B · 1 download

hmm, no , that didn´t do it,  no explosion, on death or spellend, maybe beccause the actor is already dead (summoned) and script statrts on death?


can you make this on hit event? please? ?

Edited by sickboy791
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If I were you I'd start by copying the flaming familiar spell and everything that goes with it (mgef, actor, ...). Test it, and once it works like the original spell, change the actor race and appearance. Test again. When everything else works, add a script to do the effects that can't be done from the CK. If its unclear which events are relevant, add them all to a script and have each print a line with Debug.Notification. Once you know which event(s) you can use, add the effects.

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