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I need some help, what am I doing wrong?

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Hi guys. 


(Sorry guys, I think I posted my last topic in the wrong section. I re-posted here)


Honestly, I don't feel good by making this post, I don't feel confortable by begging help with so basics things. Sorry for that and for my rusty english.


I am facing problems with pak files. I cannot make any mod because everything I pack is ignored by the game. I don't know why, but it is obvious I'm doing something wrong, but I don't know what.


I requested for help in reddit, some Discord channels and even Youtube and no one could explain me why is this happening. I think this forum is NOT for making basic modding tutorials, here there are a lot of excelents modders and you don't have enough time to waste with someone who doesn't even know how to pack a mod, but I'm here, begging for help to you guys because you are my last hope. If you don't know the answer, no one will know it for sure.


I'm trying to mod Im@s game (Idol M@ster Starlit Season). Especifically, I want to mod the camera of that game, but that is another story. I would never be able to make that mod if I am not able to pack a simple mod. I modified S4UCameraConfig.uasset file and I made a pak file with that and .uexp files, but game does not do anything with my mod, like if I didn't do anything. I though it was because I had missed some important files inside the pak file. 



I wanted to be sure if the problem was the packing itself or there was another reason for this (like if I was missing some important file inside the pak file or something like that). So I decided to unpak a full-operative mod for this game (an english patch mod) and repacking it again. If everything was ok, the game should recognize the mod. Well... It wasn't ok. I unpacked the pak file with QuickBms (and with Unrealpak too) and inmediately repacked it again with UnrealPak with compression settings. The original pak size and the output pak size are the same (identical), the directory tree inside the pak files are identical too, but mine one doesn't work. I don't know why. I also tried with u4pak. No success.


What am I doing wrong guys?


I recorded a video that shows what I am doing. I hope you guys can see what I am doing wrong:




Edited by ls_52
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