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Help me fix CTD on load and I reward you.

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3 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

standing with me 130%
that has ZERO significance

okay I will just ignore that for now. As I type this I have a game running right now where im in, character is made, MCM recorder already run and all that. I can access journal, map, all without CTD. Now for longevity test to see if I am just getting lucky right now or if its actually somewhat stable now. 

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Vor 7 Minuten sagte Ren710:

ok ich ignoriere das erstmal. Während ich das tippe, läuft gerade ein Spiel, in dem ich drin bin, der Charakter erstellt wird, der MCM-Recorder bereits läuft und all das. Ich kann auf Journal, Karte zugreifen, alles ohne CTD. Jetzt zum Langlebigkeitstest, um zu sehen, ob ich gerade Glück habe oder ob es jetzt tatsächlich einigermaßen stabil ist. 


it is important that in FNIS below you ticked the first two options - "Gender" and "Skeleton"

And the last two lines in the main window - if there is only "Warning" (currently 2 for me) everything is fine so far

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9 minutes ago, Ren710 said:

okay I will just ignore that for now. As I type this I have a game running right now where im in, character is made, MCM recorder already run and all that. I can access journal, map, all without CTD. Now for longevity test to see if I am just getting lucky right now or if its actually somewhat stable now. 


@Miauzi do you know how I can resolve the deleted base records thing? Should I just fully purge and uninstall the mod / archive and fully reinstall off nexus for any of these mods? 

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Vor 6 Minuten sagte Ren710:


@Miauzi weißt du, wie ich die Sache mit den gelöschten Basisdatensätzen lösen kann? Sollte ich den Mod / das Archiv einfach vollständig löschen und deinstallieren und Nexus für einen dieser Mods vollständig neu installieren?  


I did that 2 days ago - completely uninstalled and reinstalled the toys framework

yes - but I only consider this a temporary solution - because I am currently testing mods for my next run

is the mod list - "atomic option" is executed and everything is set up again based on this list


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28 minutes ago, Ren710 said:

do you know how I can resolve the deleted base records thing?


xEdit. Deleted records are not deleted in the traditional sense but rather just marked as deleted. This doesn't matter as long as it's a static object or some other meaningless thing. Restoring those may even cause issues like chairs or rocks sticking out of floors or blocking doorways. If however a mod deleted an object referenced by something else, or perhaps a piece of a navmesh now that's a different story. Point is, you're going to have to do it in a per-record manner. There may be some convenient way to list deleted records in xEdit but I'm not aware of one now. There's a comprehensive filter system, I bet that can do it. It may be a bit unintuitive though; recall having issues decrypting it in the past. Google is your friend probably.

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