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First Person Camera Issue


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Hi, I have a camera issue and I have no idea how to fix it.

My body in 3rd person is scaled at 1, but in 1st person view, the camera is higher than the body.
I have already tried to "setscale" the player to different value, but the body is always smaller than the camera.

Here, I'm too high for Serana (she looks up like she is looking my eyes)



But finally, it seems that I am smaller than expected 




Here an overview with The Joy Of Perspective (I am not supposed to be able to see inside my body)


And now, my load order


00  Skyrim.esm
01  Update.esm
02  Dawnguard.esm
03  Dragonborn.esm
04  Correctif - Skyrim.esm
05  ApachiiHair.esm
06  Skyrim Project Optimization.esm
07  AOM.esm
08  BBLuxurySuite.esm
09  SexiS.esm
0A  SummerWear.esm
0B  hdtHighHeel.esm
0C  SLFC.esp
0D  breezehomelightfix.esp
0E  Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp  [Version 1.3.2c]
0F  Correctif - Skyrim.esp
10  Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp  [Version 1.2.3]
11  Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp  [Version 1.0.4]
12  Serana.esp
13  ColorfulLightsNoShadows.esp
14  AOM.esp
15  SkyUI.esp
16  ADEC_Chain&Ringmail.esp
17  ADEC_HalfPlate.esp
18  ADEC_DianoArmor.esp
19  ADEC_Clothes.esp
1A  ADEC_SuccubusArmor.esp
1B  ADEC_TeraArmorCollection.esp
1C  AlynShirArmor.esp
1D  AmazonArmor.esp
1E  Bikini-MTM.esp
1F  CraftablePantysCBBEv3M.esp
20  Daedric Extra Armor.esp
21  DHuntress.esp
22  Dovahkiin Mercenary Armor and Weapons CBBE.esp
23  DraconicArmor.esp
24  DynastyArmor.esp
25  EisenPlate.esp
26  FlameAtronachArmor.esp
27  FullBootForKKSA.esp
28  HentaiVoidArmor.esp
29  Huntress.esp
2A  LayerBikini.esp
2B  lilithssickle.esp
2C  NewmillerCasualBikiniUNP2.esp
2D  NewmillerShoesUNP.esp
2E  Osare HotPants.esp
2F  Pushup-Bikini.esp
30  RavenArmor.esp
31  Rayne Armor.esp
32  SED7-CBBE3-BM_UNIEDITION_Nipplewand.esp
33  SED7-CBBE3_SILVEREDITION_femaleLabiaPiercings.esp
34  SED7-CBBE3-BM_SILVEREDITION_NipplePiercing_Rings.esp
35  SED7-CBBE3_GOLDEDITION_femaleLabiaPiercings.esp
36  SED7-CBBE3_GOLDEDITION_Barbell.esp
37  SED7-CBBE3-BM_GOLDEDITION_NipplePiercing_Rings.esp
38  SED7-CBBE3_UNIEDITIONfemaleNipplePiercing_SwordNShield.esp
39  Silverlight Armor.esp
3A  Skeleton bikini.esp
3B  SkyHeels.esp
3C  Spriggan Armor 2.esp
3D  StrapOnbyaeonv1.1.esp
3E  UNP Boots 02.esp
3F  ViceroyInquisitor.esp
40  VoidArmor.esp
41  Werehide.esp
42  Dr_Bandolier.esp
43  BBLuxurySuiteExt.esp
44  BBLSHousecarlsmovein.esp
45  BBLSspouse.esp
46  BBLSVisitors.esp
47  SummerWearSA.esp
48  Sweet&Sexy Lingerie.esp
49  Fast Respawns And Rich Merchants.esp
4A  FasterHorses_Sprint_x1_5.esp
4B  Shadowmere.esp
4C  dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp
4D  dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp
4E  The Joy of Perspective.esp
4F  Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp
50  Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp
51  Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp
52  Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp
53  Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp
54  SaturationBoost.esp
55  FemaleWerewolf.esp
56  ASX_Spells.esp
57  FNISspells.esp
58  The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp
59  ArcheryDummyXP.esp
5A  Pinups4.esp
5B  Pinups3.esp
5C  Pinups2.esp
5D  Pinups.esp
5E  Pinups5.esp
5F  SexiSCupid.esp
60  SexiSDefeated.esp
61  TheEyesOfBeauty.esp  [Version 8]
62  TairenSoulWarpaint.esp
63  Unkillable Lydia.esp
64  Amanda.esp
65  HousecarlWhiterun.esp
66  Lydia.esp
67  Lyla.esp
68  Michelle.esp
69  Misha.esp
6A  Iona.esp
6B  WATER.esp
6C  WATER DB.esp
6D  GreenWaterFix.esp
6E  GreenWaterFix_Compatible.esp
6F  DeazurainLoadout.esp
70  Bashed Patch, 0.esp
71  hdtHighHeelMCM.esp
72  DonMichHeels.esp
73  Nausicaa's Tweaker.esp
74  FeedOnAnimalsAndCreatures.esp
75  BoundArmors.esp
76  Cuteunitized Twohanded Dawnbreaker.esp
77  Kate.esp
78  UNP High Heels.esp
79  SBF Mjoll CBBE.esp
7A  SBF Iona CBBE.esp
7B  SBF Lydia CBBE.esp
7C  SBF Jenassa CBBE.esp
7D  SBF Jordis CBBE.esp
7E  SBF Aela CBBE.esp
7F  BodyChange.esp
80  zzEstrus.esp
81  SexAddict.esp
82  FNIS_ero2_spells.esp
83  FNIS_ecchi1_spells.esp
84  FNIS_ero1_spells.esp
85  Adhesive bandage.esp
86  Corrupter TBBP.esp
87  Nightshade TBBP.esp
88  Sovngarde Steel TBBP.esp
89  Witch Of The Wild.esp
8A  DWISSglasses-plain.esp
8B  Elewin Pumps 2.esp
8C  NewmillerHighHeelsBlck.esp
8D  Dawnguard - TJofP.esp
8E  FlameAtronachArmor - TJofP.esp
8F  DHuntress - TJofP.esp
90  Rayne Armor - TJofP.esp
91  Orc&ElfFix4TBBP.esp
92  Jordis.esp


If someone know how to fix this bug it would be awesome
Thanks for reading

PS : I have rescaled my character before with RaceMenu, and then with rebuilding a body with CB++ (for example, I scale my character to 0.90, then I change my femalebody and my character is scaled 1, but for RaceMenu she is scaled 0.90) but without this Camera Issue.

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The first thing that jumps out at me is that you have the HDT High Heels which will make you taller if you're wearing footwear that is HDT compatible



I tried to disable HdT but it doesn't change anything (and we can see on the screenshot that my character is barefoot)



Reinstall the The Joy Of Perspective and it should be fixed


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Could it be that you have the old 1.81 TJOP XPMS 1st Person skeleton active because that still has the old 0.8(?) 1st person camera position and not the new 0.9 1st Camera position which is lower?


From here


take the

The Joy of Perspective - Female - Compatible Skeleton -CBBE - UNPB- Beta

skeleton and overwrite the old one.


Also edit out the .ini changes from the old version in and insert the new ones from 0.9.x

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Could it be that you have the old 1.81 TJOP XPMS 1st Person skeleton active because that still has the old 0.8(?) 1st person camera position and not the new 0.9 1st Camera position which is lower?


From here


take the

The Joy of Perspective - Female - Compatible Skeleton -CBBE - UNPB- Beta

skeleton and overwrite the old one.


Also edit out the .ini changes from the old version in and insert the new ones from 0.9.x


Thanks a lot, it works, the problem was I had the XP32 Skeleton, compatible with the old version of TJOP.

After reinstalling the skeleton disabling the TJOP compatibility, the camera works fine.

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