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Facial Animations

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So I can't get facial animations to work at all.


I've tried a few mods that add facial animations, but it just seems they don't want to work at all. I've seen screenshots from some folks around here, and they have emotions and such in their faces.


From my understanding, Bethesda broke facial animations with the last patch and they don't work anymore?


So what I am curious about, is does that apply to mods as well? And if so, are some people using an old version of Skyrim to get facial animations? Or is there a work around to get them to work with the latest version of Skyrim?


Would just like my character to have some emotion instead of looking like Kristen Stewart all the time. Thanks for any help you can provide. :)

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Yeah I already have that mod LaEspada, but thanks any ways.


I think I was meaning more on the lines of posing mods for facial expressions. I see some pretty extreme facial expressions in some of the poses and such that people use, but I just can't seem to figure out how it's done (like shock, winking, super happy, grimace, etc).


Not sure if these are commands they are using to get that perfect expression, or if it's a mod.

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