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Bears and sabre cats erect meshes staying in one place (and rabbits/elks not able to use animations)

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I've recent done a fresh reinstall of skyrim LE and its Beast slal packs and I'm having issues when it comes to feature alignments on certain animals. Whilst creatures such as dogs, trolls, horses and gargoyles all work fine and work correctly with ABC, Bears have the issue where an erect mesh stays in one place (along with the tounge a bit higher up). The same also happens to sabre cats, though without the tounge. I would upload a picture but it doesn't seem to let me when I try.


As well as this, for some reason despite having rabbit and deer animations, whenever I try to use the matchmaker spells on them, I am told the spell fizzles out, which normally only happens when I dont have an animation for a creature.


I've tried reinstalling mods such as Morenastycreatures and XP32 skeleton (idk i thought the issue was skeleton related) and have tried reinstalling creature framework both inside and outside of skyrim, but there's been no change.


The only thing i can think of is from Anubs slal pack 05.22 FOMOD installer, as this included a section called "new MNC erect meshes", in which was a bear mesh that I ticked along with the sabre cat one (the flacid horse option caused issues for me in my last installation of skyrim), but i also ticked the one for the wolf as well and that works perfectly fine. I've also since tried reinstalling the anubs pack without these options ticked but there's no change.

I've checked in creature framework and the bears mesh is set to the one for MNC, but i feel like I am missing a mod or a tickbox or something. If anyone has any ideas please let me know


(also im sorry if this has been asked a lot in the past, i didn't know what to look for on the forums)

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Had this problem because MNC and other creature mods were under ABC in my MO and rewrite it. After placing ABC in bottom position all is ok (in MO not in load order). Also restarting Creatures FRamework maybe had helped me. I think MNC and then ABC must rewrite XP32. But i am not specialist in that.


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5 hours ago, crococat said:

Had this problem because MNC and other creature mods were under ABC in my MO and rewrite it. After placing ABC in bottom position all is ok (in MO not in load order). Also restarting Creatures FRamework maybe had helped me. I think MNC and then ABC must rewrite XP32. But i am not specialist in that.


Perfect, thats fixed the issue. Thanks very much!

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