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hello why does this happen since it only happens with those npc

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either you are missing textures in a mod or, more likely, something is overwriting the mod for those clothes, equipment, or devices being worn.


I would check your load order but it is something being worn on the body, as the feet, hands, and heads are visible.  I would guess something like Devious Devices, or some slave mod you are running is being overwritten. 


I assume you ran BodySlide after installing the mod to ensure it shows up. 

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Could be one of the physics mods, one of them has a glitch like this, can't remember which or what version. Easiest way to find out is to disable both temporarily.


Another thing that sometimes causes this is if the armor slots do not match in both the esp and the nif file. So yes, like ttts1 said, assuming this is a mod that isn't known to have this bug, check for both file conflicts and conflicts in the esp.

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