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Top Right Icons Messed Up After Update

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I've had this problem were these icons are all messed up, I've googled it and everyone keeps saying either UI Cheats or mods made by TwistedMexi are the cause but I don't have either, Do any of you guys know any other mods that could cause it, I don't remember ever downloading any ui mods and I don't know why I would want them unless I needed one as a requirement for another mod. So any suggestions of what the culprit mod could be would be appreciated.

Screenshot (311).png

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I actually had this issue all this week! I read somewhere it could possibly be due to one of Twisted-Mexi's mods (I had a few of their mods in my game (Always Free Build, Build Mode Free Cam, Always CAS Full Edit Mode, etc that I hadn't updated since that latest patch). After taking all of their mods out, everything looked the way it should. I'm not sure which one in particular was the culprit for me. So it could possibly be that! Or maybe a different mod. If anything, try the 50/50 method until you're able to track down the rogue CC.

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@ClockworkTower I had the exact same issue, for me it was Tmex's Better BuildBuy that caused it. After I updated it to the latest version, everything's went back to normal. - Try searching in your mods folder for tmex-BetterBuildBuy.package and Tmex-BetterBuildBuy.ts4script.


Edited by PECO_CinErotique
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1 minute ago, angelicmonstar said:

I forgot I even had that mod.

Lol, same here. I had to 50/50 my mods folder to find out it was that mod, even though now I remember it causing some issues in the past too. Welp, I got a short memory I guess. :yum:

Now for future reference, I appended "[breaksoften]" to its folder name, so next time I'll remember to start with that one to check (and also marked More Columns in CAS as well, which tends to break/mess up the game UI with almost every update)

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On 10/28/2022 at 2:01 AM, modella said:

I actually had this issue all this week! I read somewhere it could possibly be due to one of Twisted-Mexi's mods (I had a few of their mods in my game (Always Free Build, Build Mode Free Cam, Always CAS Full Edit Mode, etc that I hadn't updated since that latest patch). After taking all of their mods out, everything looked the way it should. I'm not sure which one in particular was the culprit for me. So it could possibly be that! Or maybe a different mod. If anything, try the 50/50 method until you're able to track down the rogue CC.

Full edit mode & always free build buy are options you can set in MCCC, they will then auto activate on every game start.

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