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WW and animations body bugs

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Hello again everyone!


Sooooo....today my problem is that this morning, the game was auto-updated. First i start the game and all the doors were disapeared. I searched the solution and removed the "dead" mods.


After that, the game run normally and i tried differents actions. And when i tried the WW animations, all of them have their lower body bugged




I use TMEX better exceptions for see the broken mods (if needed BE-ExceptionReport-20221012-134554.html) and I removed the recently downloaded mods and restart the game but nothing change....


Now i'll use Sims4Studio for update them for see the result


In the meantime, could you please help me?? :'( 


Sorry, i don't know where to ask help for this kind of problems and I'm not english so i don't really know what to search exactly (although I still tried to search) ^^"

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You need to use a newer male bottom that has been updated to work with the latest WW rig changes.  Try changing that too the default provided in WW or download a new one from a creator that has released or updated after 15/7/22.

The Exception says Devious Desires is causing a conflict also maybe remove that.

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Hello there! thank you @Simite for your reply! Finally resolved this problem! ^^

So, i removed all the rig, or bottom/penis/vagina/futa swatches/orverlays, ect...and re-download only Noir's and it's work again !! :)

Now, new problems... : 


1- I don't know why but it's not devious desires which cause problem but Wicked Whims which say that a fatal error appeared :( 

2- Also, for potentially resolve the problem, I created a new Sims 4 folder, re-downloaded wicked whims and its related files and add progressively the tray and saves files, then the mods. The game work normally until yesterday...

sometimes, the game crash or when i want to start the game, a window appears said that Sims 4 don't work because of mods and i have to removed the broken mods and restart the game (it's in french but the next time i have this message -hope it won't happen again...- i'll send you a screenshot)

Soooo, i restart my computer and the game work normally but if i close the game and want to restart it, either, if I'm lucky, the game works normally, either that window pops up and if I try to launch the game again, it crashes....


I already removed and updated the broken mods, update and repair the game. 


So, do you have a solution please?? :'( 

and really silly question, is it possible to have too mods that the game can't run normally? :S


In advance, thank you for your reply!!



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EDIT : Here the window that i talked about




(In case, the windows says : "The game can't be launched : Impossible to start the game because some data game are missing or broken. If you have installed mods, erase them and retry. If not, repair or reinstall the game via Origin.")


Soooo, i repaired the game like usual and it work normally...i really really don't understand why it do that each time.....

Edited by LadyMaryPhantomhive
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I can only guess really because I have never seen this issue before, my best guess is one of the script mods is completely over-writing a game file and that is causing this exception. Even if a mod is up-to-date if it hasn't been made well it can cause problems, especially script mods.

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On 10/20/2022 at 5:30 PM, LadyMaryPhantomhive said:

EDIT : i just start the game and there we are (i made an error i think, i though it was wicked whims but it's wonderful whims ^^") 


tu ne peux pas installer wonderfulwhims et wickedwhims en meme temps. Il faut choisir l’un ou l’autre.


vire dd et tous les autres mods par rapport à ça, ils ne fonctionnent pas correctement avec WW. Puis c’est un peu de la merde, pour être honnête. tu fais mieux de virer ces mods. 


Edited by Khlas
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Thank you @Simite for your reply ^^ i'll try to apply your advices and tell you ^^


Merci @Khlas pour ton message ! ^^


Okay pour enlever WonderfulWhims mais ça ne va rien changer? Je veux dire, c'est à peu près les même options que WickedWhims mais en plus soft, c'est bien ça? ou ya des options sur WonderfulW qui seront inutilisables sur WickedW? Parce qu'en lisant les descriptions des deux mods, j'ai l'impression que c'est ça :S


Et pour DD, je le gardais parce que je voulais test le mod BDSM, ect... :S j'ai viré les autres truc comme dirty play ou pet.

Bref....quand tu dis que c'est de la merde, tu parles de quels mods? :S ^^"


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19 minutes ago, LadyMaryPhantomhive said:

Okay pour enlever WonderfulWhims mais ça ne va rien changer? Je veux dire, c'est à peu près les même options que WickedWhims mais en plus soft, c'est bien ça? ou ya des options sur WonderfulW qui seront inutilisables sur WickedW? Parce qu'en lisant les descriptions des deux mods, j'ai l'impression que c'est ça :S


Wickedwhims fait tout ce que fait wonderfulwhims avec la possibilité de jouer les scènes de boules en + si tu installes des animations, ainsi que le selectionneur de corps (body selector)


19 minutes ago, LadyMaryPhantomhive said:

Bref....quand tu dis que c'est de la merde, tu parles de quels mods? :S ^^"


dd, s4cl, et toutes les merdes qui vont avec

Edited by Khlas
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