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The Shrunken NPC Dilemma

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So I was a little curious today and feeling experimental on changing/beautifying my character when I chanced upon this mod:




I use cbbe so I downloaded the main file which seems to be meant for it. Unfortunately, once I installed the mod, every npc in the game shrunk in size, making my character look like a giant. Naturally, I uninstalled and had back-ups of the meshes and textures and set everything back the way it was prior to the mod. Except the npc's are still shrunken and you can only imagine how frustrating it is to have "norms" being upset. I've reinstalled back-ups individually for meshes and then textures and nothing changes, I know my character is the proper height because I recognize the height from doors and my scaling is still the same in creation menu. It's the npc's who have shrunken and they're still like that despite uninstalling the mod. Maybe I missed something? I dunno but I would be grateful if someone can help me out here. This problem has really killed my motivation to keep playing and I am definitely not reinstalling skyrim plus the mods. Here's some screens to show just what I mean.








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hi Arcanic_Eye!
this is clearly a skeleton nif trouble, it looks as if children use a skeleton all NPC? check your file meshes whether a skeleton is twice nif available!



das ist eindeutig ein skeleton nif problem , es sieht aus als würden alle NPC ein kinder skelett verwenden ? überprüfe deine meshes datei , ob zweimal eine skeleton nif vorhanden ist!

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