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No "try for baby" whims with WW

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Hello, here is a thing I've been wondering for a while.
I've noticed in all my games where I use WW my sims never get the "try for baby with ..." whims anymore (while in WW free games it appears just fine). Is it something due to WW? Is it intentional?
I usually like letting my sims making their life choices for themselves, and I especially like it regarding building their families (like having them trying to get pregnant again because they both had the whims at the same time, even though she just gave birth to their 6th kid a few sim days before XD . Or, having my female sim getting pregnant with a guy she just met just because she got the whims to ^^)...
Is there a way I can see this whims appear again even when using WW? (something I may have missed in the settings maybe?).
Thanks in advance.

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It's because if you have WW installed and you want to have a baby you need to plan for it, make sure your Sims are the fertile days of their cycle, make sure they're not using any birth control, and that way your Sims can also become pregnant by accident.


You can bring back the "Try for Baby" option by going into Wicked Settings -> Pregnancy Settings -> Other Settings -> Unchecking the "Transform WooHoo into TFB Switch"


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3 hours ago, Husk said:

It's because if you have WW installed and you want to have a baby you need to plan for it, make sure your Sims are the fertile days of their cycle, make sure they're not using any birth control, and that way your Sims can also become pregnant by accident.


You can bring back the "Try for Baby" option by going into Wicked Settings -> Pregnancy Settings -> Other Settings -> Unchecking the "Transform WooHoo into TFB Switch"


Yeah, thanks anyway but I know all of that... What I mean is that I'd like for my sims to have the "try for baby" whims (or wish, or whatever, the thing that appears in the bubbles above their head).
So far, if I plan the pregnancy, it will be planned for me. If they get pregnant by accident, it would only be an accident for me. Because my sims no longer have the wish to actually try for a baby as long as I'm using WW.
Unless, bringing back the "try for baby" option also brings back the whims? I always have vanilla woohoo and tbf disabled as I don't use them anyway when I have WW, but can it be the cause of my problem? (I just precise that I don't especially need to fulfil the whims (as to get my sims reward points), I'd just like to use it to know whether or not my sims would especially like to have another baby at that time, and then I'll plan for it to happen with WW sex).

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On 7/19/2022 at 10:23 AM, Husk said:

Well, they're gonna be changing the whims system into something similar to Sims 2's Wants and Fears system so that's a subject to change.

Ah I see, I didn't know that.
Well, I'll wait to see how WW works with the new system then.
Thanks for the replis and your time anyway :)

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