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skee.dll causing CTD on save load

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I have some apparently random CTD when I load certain saves. If I try to load earlier saves, I can sometimes do it but eventually have the same problem again.
I have both Crash Log SE and .NET Script Framework installed, and they both point to skee.dll.

In Crash Log SE, the output is:

Code: 0xc0000005.
Address: skee64.dll+0x75292.
Memory at 0x20 could not be read.

In .NET Script Framework log, the output is:

Probable callstack (old method)
[0]0x7FFC1DE65292 (skee64.dll+75292)

If I disable the skee.dll file, I can successfully load the save. Then I re-save the game, quit, enable skee.dll again, and the problem is temporarily gone. But it keeps happening after some time.

After some search, I didn't find any permanent fix, or even a cause for this problem. Does anyone have the same problem as me, or can help me deal with this?

Thanks in advance.

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1. Skee64.dll is Racemenu.


Check version of SKSE and Racemenu. Older version of Racemenu can chrash with never version of SKSE(2.0.20).


If you will upgrade Racemenu, check that its for "SE" or "AE". You can't mix those things.


2 It could be, that bodymorph stuff that Racemenu saves in so called "cosave" is corrupted.

I think that theres a tool to remove this. Can't remember where.



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Hi, thanks for the response.


I have Skyrim SE 1.5.97, SKSE 2.0.19 and RaceMenu v0.4.16 (for SE). I think that 0.4.16 is the last version for SE, if I'm not mistaken.


Is it the falrim tools save cleaner? I tried cleaning the save, but there was nothing to be cleaned.

Edited by desmassath
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