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Body Change mod and Custom race problem.


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I'm trying to give good use of this mod : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37546//? but every time I change my character's body the face become an abomination. No crashes, no discolored faces or body tone, just a default-giant nose-spooky eyes-face. I'm using Ningheim race, racemenu, ECE 1.5, BodyChange, in that order. I found that using the "showracemenu" command and changing my pc sex genre fix the issue but the body/face color resets to default which is pretty annoying. Anybody has faced this goddamn problem? I need a little advice here. Thanks.


EDIT: Yes, I've done everything what the author says but It doesn't help at all.

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  • 1 month later...

I am going to have a go at this. You might just be missing the head texture or meshes  the nif file i had the same problem sort of my face turned all well glowy like and it was due to not having the nif file for the head im sure this is your issue it may or may not be but from my pov heres an example of what you should do to fix that: I have a outfit that only work with cbbe3.1 not 3.2 so i just use cbbe 3.2 for then select 3.1 works perfectly fine just not when i use the wardrobe feature(Missing the head nif) Hope i helped :3

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I think I know the face you mean, looks like someone beat you with an ugly stick. I have seen that face but I don't use the body race and I just use the ygnord race with ece. I think it is an issue with ECE that happens occasionally when there is another esp after the Enhanced Character Edit esp that makes changes to the face/head. Usually when I see it I don't have ece as the last esp and keeping it last usually keeps it from happening.

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