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Tenchu 天誅


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Anyone here a gigantic fan of the Tenchu series?


I used to spend a portion of my childhood playing Tenchu 3 over and over again (with Ayame, of course).  Heck, to this day, I still have a huge crush on that fiery kunoichi. Tried Tenchu 2 but personally I did not enjoy it as much as its T3. 


Right now, I'm waiting for my PS2 to return to me so I can finally do what I always wanted to do so many years ago.... obtain a copy of Tenchu Kurenai and play it!


I've always wanted to talk to other like-minded fans about Tenchu but when I was young I didn't know much about the internetz or message board. 


Doesn't help that 90% of Tenchu forums died years back. 


So if you like Tenchu, do post your thoughts  :lol:





Edit: oops, I think I may have posted this in the wrong section. If so, modders please move it to the appropriate location. Sorry  :blush:

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Ooooh, Tenchu...the very first 3D stealth action game...and my first game on PS1. Tenchu 2 was also good...I especially loved the level creator. Just too bad the great stage music was gone. :( ...the story, on the other hand, was far better. Tenchu 3 combined what was best on the previous games...including that damn Onikage  :D ...he was a real pain in the ass in 1st game and they made him even "worse" in 3rd...oh, and those pesky weird undead enemies which gave me nightmares.


Well if you liked Tenchu 3...you will surely love Kurenai (Fatal Shadows outside Japan). There are many new skills to learn, some new ninja tools, stealth kills...and even double kills if you time it right... I just kinda missed Rikimaru :(


Too bad the newer games on Xbox and Wii weren't very well received.

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