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Please Forgive My Posts Today


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I am Canadian, maybe that is why I feel compelled to apologize...


I tripped over a cat (A cat that is not actually mine! Why was it in my house? Why was it on my stairs? Why didn't one of my dog's kill the effing rodent? I HATE cats. I hate them even more today than I did yesterday.) and I fell down the stairs in my house and I landed head first on my freshly cleaned concrete basement floor. I split my forehead open and I have a concussion.


I am not allowed to go to sleep. Staying awake is VERY HARD when you are alone and you REALLY REALLY want to go to sleep. This may seem overly melodramatic, but the doctor at Scarborough Hospital told me that if I fall asleep I might not ever wake up. I have to stay awake and go back to the hospital at 8pm tonight.


So all you bitches are effing stuck with me for the next seven hours. And my head REALLY REALLY hurts.


No broken bones. Just a concussion and MANY MANY broken blood vessels and bruises. Doesn't look like much but it hurts like heck. Or even hell. Hurts like effing hell. I want to sleep but I can't. So keep me awake.




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My list for keeping myself up and awake:


1: Get pumped over some action games. Just psych yourself up and go guns blazing in CoD or Battlefield or your multiplayer shooter of choice.

- Alternatively, if you are the sort to get psyched over a story, start up a new game in your preferred rpg: Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout, what have you. Make your character, and rp away.


2: And this can tie in with the rpg character, if you are running the right mods. Keep yourself aroused. Seriously. Doesn't have to be constant masturbation, just making sure you are "alert" will do wonders for your mental focus, when you are trying to stay simply "awake" vs "sleepy." May not help you concentrate, but that isn't the objective here.


3: This is different for some people. I've had people give me weird looks for this, but for me, when I am already sleepy, eating nice and savory non-snack food will help wake me back up, especially if paired with a cold drink. A burger, a sandwich, pizza, what have you. 


Depending on your time zone, I may be posting this list too late, hah. But either way, hope everything goes well.

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