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Having an issue with Sexlab Matchmaking

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Ok, when i use any of the both spells(self/target) on my player and a single npc, nothing happens.

When i use the target spell on 2 npcs, they start doing sex but when i use the target spell on 3 npcs (no threesome) just 2 npcs start sex.

Why it isn't working for my player (the self spell). Nothing happens when I only use the self spell either.

If with the romance mod the change in animation can be happen by the hotkey then its also not working, Position keys work.  


Can plz anyone tell me why the self spell isn't working?
I will be grateful for help..

My skyrim is 1.9.32, SKUI 4.1, SKSE latest(don't remember the ver number).

First I installed the latest framework then used fnis (3.5) and then i installed matchmaking then used fnis.

Load the game, got the spells.


Load order









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