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So I got my new Se install working, no problems. Got a bunch of animations for sexlab installed and things work as they should. The issue I'm running into is when female character have heels on. The first animation, they line up properly. If I change to a new animation, their position is off. They are usually standing a few inches into the ground. I assume this is where their feet would be flat if they weren't wearing hte heels. I had the heel override thing installed. So, what could be hte issue and how can I correct it?

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Using the Hotkeys intend exactly for everything that's not aligned correctly. Animation alignment works with the height and shape of the bodys. it's almost impossible to have it right everytime. You can use Osmelic tweaks, that makes it way better but it will never be perfect unless you use exactly the same bodytype the animator had in mind when making the animations which would also mean loose the heels. But thats not an option for you when you really want them on, so again, hotkeys.


At least that's what i would say..  ? but i dunno every mod... Maybe someone knows better then little old me

Edited by Gukahn
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