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What Happens if You Accidentally Click the Compile Papyrus Scripts Button in the CK?

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I goofed and clicked the wrong thing when I was aiming for the Papyrus Script Manager under the Gameplay button and the CK bogged out while it was working, so I used the Task Manager to end task. I'm guessing that it was trying to compile every script in the source folder but writing script for SSE isn't something I have ever really played with so I'm not really sure. Any advice on how to check out what may have gotten through or broke before I killed it and clean things up? Thanks. I apologize for my ignorance of how this bit of the CK works XD

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 after clicking Compile Papyrus Scripts u have to select which scripts u want to compile...

 and yes it do take while to load... especialy when You drop every single source script to ur folder...


including files like TIF-s, QS, FS, TGs etc...

 Which u don't rly need in ur Source Script folder... most of them u have TIF-s those are short scripts for Dialogues only...

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