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Have to verify Game in steam but don't want update.

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So my system disk kicked the bucket, but my main disk with all my files/games is in working order. After a replacement m.2 for windows I forgot SSE kept its registry on the system drive and now I cannot start SSE without first verifying game files, but that will also download the AE update which I do not want. What are my options to get the game running without updating? if there are any. 

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I could give You Steam SE which is 10 GB Big...

so u can just verify game files, download update and then manualy delete AE ESPs and replace files with SE...



 1) its 10 GB File so i don't rly have place to upload it... 

 2) There is option to "Downgrade" Skyrim from AE to SE... but u need to google...


Option that will work but u will need clear SE installation


 1) rename SSE folder in SteamApps to something like "OldSkyrim" - or whatever, just need to be ranamed

 2) let Steam do it work

 3) delete new created by Steam Folder

 4) rename back Your original Skyrim SE 


but tbh. that gonna work ONLY if u have working SE that u can like copy / paste

and u didnt said why u need to verify... if ur SE is not working or something and u want to fix it via Verify... well... not gonna work


but if Steam just force you to verify files... just rename ur Skyrim folder... and let them verify... not existing folder xD

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11 hours ago, Distortedrealms said:

So my system disk kicked the bucket, but my main disk with all my files/games is in working order.

By Talos' left nut!  This exact calamity just happened to me Sunday, and I haven't got Skyrim working again yet.


What you should do is use 7Zip or another program to compress-and-archive the entire 'Skyrim Special Edition' directory.

This can be found in {Drive:\whatever} \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\


Then rename the Skyrim folder from (say) "Skyrim Special Edition" to "1.5.97Skyrim Special Edition".

Then open Steam, download the SE version (11.25Gb), and run the game THROUGH STEAM at least once.

Then close game, close Steam, open the Steam folder again, and rename the new "Skyrim Special Edition" to something like "1.6.xSkyrim Special Edition"

Then rename "1.5.97Skyrim Special Edition" to "Skyrim Special Edition"

Try that, tell us (and me!) how it works.  I'm having problems with mods but the base game works.

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Ok, good news, so SSE wasn't even launching yesterday and I assumed I had lost essential files of some sort hence the need to verify game files. Today I installed all the runtimes, and redistributables I need to run some mods, and seems that was the problem as it started right up. I have to admit that was something I really should have thought of but I was a little out of sorts about the disk failure. I appreciate all the help you guys gave and sorry for not thinking of something so obvious.



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10 hours ago, qalavix said:

By Talos' left nut!  This exact calamity just happened to me Sunday, and I haven't got Skyrim working again yet.

Damn, sorry to hear. Kind of strange the coincidence. Perhaps some errant windows update is to blame? Perhaps do what I did and update all the redistributables that things like SMP need to run, might just work out. 


Best of luck

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10 hours ago, Distortedrealms said:

Perhaps do what I did and update all the redistributables that things like SMP need to run, might just work out. 


Which ones did you reinstall?  I've reinstalled VisualC++(2015-2022 x64) and DirectX(June2010).  And SKSE 2.0.20 .  (and Windows 10...) Any others?

Do I need the 32bit version of VisualC++ also (it'a 64bit CPU and SE)



Kind of strange the coincidence. Perhaps some errant windows update is to blame?


As much as I'd like to lay the blame on Redmond, my old C drive was 'new' in 2013... so eight to nine years old.

Edited by qalavix
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