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Big Dick/Big Black Cock Traits

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Ok. Status update. I've been teaching myself S4Studio and Mod Constructor to recreate this mod and add some enhancements.  


Here's where I'm at and where I'm going


Working (for now, but needs refinement)


1. "Big Dick" trait, grants confidence +1. Available in CAS and gameplay and reward (need to make a reward path for this).


This also grants the "Romance->Brag About Dick Size" action, which can be used on anyone you can romance (so M/M, M/F, etc.), works like a "flirt" so it can fail or succeed.

When using "Brag About Dick Size" action to a sim that has "Size Queen" trait, it almost never fails and if it does fail, there's no consequences.


This also grants the "Oh My..." broadcast, so any "females" near the sim gets Flirty+1 and "Compliment Bulge" action. I'm looking to hook into WW to get better refinement here, to allow this to work on anyone who "likes males" or anyone who doesn't "dislike males".



2. "Size Queen" trait. Available in CAS and gameplay and reward (need to make a reward path for this).


This also grants the "Mean->Insult Dick Size" action, which is an "offensive" gesture and will definitely hurt your relationship with that sim. This cannot be used on a sim with "Big Dick" trait. Right now this is coded to work on "males", but I'm looking to hook into WW to get better refinement to work on anyone with a penis.


When a "Size Queen" gets within the broadcast range of a "Big Dick", in addition to the Flirty+1, they get a Size Queen Flirty+4.



3. "(Hidden) Big Dick" trait, this is for toddlers and children. I'm working on genetics to have any kids with a parent that has "Big Dick" to get this hidden trait and when they become a teen, the trait converts to "Big Dick" trait. Have some of that figured out, but not yet working. The genetic inheritance isn't currently working, but I think I know how to make that work (at least the XML looks like it might work). The only downside is that I don't think I can limit the hidden trait to just male toddlers, so this will get passed to females, too so I need to figure out how to remove it from females when the toddler ages up to child or just keep it hidden and just add the normal trait for males when they age up to teen. If it stays hidden on females, then they'll pass that on to their kids, etc. I'm not 100% sure I can make this work, but I'm working on it.



4. Grade School Events and Random Buffs. Kids in grade school career and with the hidden trait will get (random chance) at a few extra buffs and events that occur during school. For example,


Embarrassed at School  -  Changed clothes in gym class and was teased and called names, such as "Wiener" and "Snake," due to their bulge.  It's not {0.SimFirstName}'s fault that their "growth" spurt happened so early. How embarrassing to be teased at this age.


Embarrassed at School  -  While standing in front of class, {M0.he}{F0.she} has a random boner resulting in an embarrassing moment as the other kids laugh at {M0.him}{F0.here}. {0.SimFirstName} is having an awkward time at this age. 



5. High School Events and Random Buffs. Teens in high school career and with the "Big Dick" trait will also get (random chance) at a few extra buffs and events that occur during school. For example,


Embarrassed at School -  The nicknames from grade school continued into High School.  After class, you discovered a giant penis drawn on your locker using a permanent maker.


Not all are going to be "embarrassed" buffs. I see more embarrassing in grade school and a mix of embarrassing/flirty/confident/happy, etc. in high school.



Everything above is working, but definitely needs some adjusting and more time before I'm comfortable releasing. I've tested everything, but there's a bunch of different scenarios that I know I'll miss one or two.



Above, Sasas recommended a "Small Dick" trait. I'm having a hard time thinking of social interactions, buffs, etc.



If anyone wants to write some events, just post them here and I'll add them in. I'd like to also write some random BDP (big dick problem) events for adult careers, but start with a focus on school careers first.


If anyone wants to recommend some ideas for other things, post here and we'll make this a collaborative resurrection of this abandoned mod. 





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I'm looking forward to this release, too!
Let's see, guy stuff, guy stuff...
Wet dream scenarios? Puddles on bed and 'good dream' buff
Cumming too early?
Boosts horny emotions
More fertile seed? Higher chance of twins/triplets. Oh! Higher chance of condom breaking
Makes vagina/partner's ass sore


Edited by pblazin
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As an update, someone found the source code to an old version of the original mod, which appears to have been improved on by strawrberry. Using that old project files, I was able to clean up my mod (I overly complicated some things when I was recreating everything from scratch). Here's where I'm at right now. 


Using WW's gender preferences means it'll be hooked into WW, but I think everyone here (or who would want this mod) will already have WW anyways. This also means, there can be just one mod for both straight and gay versions, rather than having 2 different versions. Basically, it'll work like this: if a Sim is a Female gender or "Likes Males", then they'll be categorized as someone who likes dicks (and will receive the "oh my..." bulge buffs and such), with the the exception of "dislike males" which will override this. So a gay male can have "likes men" in WW prefs and it should work like the "gay version" of the mod. If a lesbian female has "dislikes males," then she won't get the flirty buffs when a "big bulge" is nearby, etc. I feel this is a lot easier than have 2 different versions of the same mod. This also means there'll probably be some edge cases where things don't properly align with the testing/validation. This also means it'll work for bisexual males as well, with both female and males who like males being attracted to them, rather than the current situation where there's a 'straight mod' and a 'gay mod.' This also means the "uses toilet sitting" will be used to determine whether a sim has a penis or not.


I have a few things I want to add in, but I'm trying to stay focused on just recreating the original mod and then improving on it. Thanks to everyone who have sent me messages with ideas.


I also modified the "Big Dick" and "BBC" traits so that they can be added to toddlers and childs, but the "effects" don't begin until teen. I'm hoping to use the trait inheritance to let  offspring inherit the trait.


I also haven't recoded the "Blacked" trait, since it has no in-game value other than just being a thing/objective. There's no buffs or anything that goes along with that. It should be easy to add in, but I'd like it to have a purpose rather than just a trait that does nothing.


Status update:



TODO: Virgin Spoiler  (name subject to change)
	Objective: Have sex with ?10? Sim virgins 
    (who don't have trait_Hidden_HadWooHoo trait, 
    also try to also exclude married and mothers) 
	Reward: Trait: Virgin Spoiler  
		Emotion: Mood ?Confident 1?

TODO: Big Dick Alpha (name subject to change)
	Objective: Create ?10? Size Queens 
	Reward: Trait: Big Dick Alpha
		Emotion: Mood ?Confidence 1?

TODO: Magical Penis Enlargement (name subject to change)
	Objective: Find the Magical Big Dick Gnome and make 
    a wish, or maybe multiple objectives like 
    reading a book, fitness, and something
	Reward: Trait: Big Dick/BBC 
Size Queen
	Objective: Have sex with 1 Big Dick
	TODO: Objective: Change this to having sex with 
    Big Dick ?10? times
	TODO: Objective: Change this to only consider 
    Oral, Anal, and Vagina sex (exclude handjobs and footjobs)
	Reward: Size Queen Trait
Note: Big Black Cock Trait should be exact duplicate of Big Dick Trait

Big Dick/BBC Trait - Personality/Social and Reward Trait 
	No Age Restrictions (benefits only happen when Sim is Teen+)
	Species Restrictions: Human
	TODO: Genetics: Trait inherited

	Buff: Big Dick Confidence (Always Active)
		Emotion: Mood Confident 1
		Requirements: Teen+

	Buff: Bulge Complimented
		Emotion: Flirty 2
		Requirements: Can be Romanced from complimenter
	Interaction: "Having Sex"
		Gains "Big Dick Energy"
		Emotion: Energized 2
	Social Interaction: "Romance> Brag About Big Dick"
		Target requirements:
			Can Romance
		Success = Gain Romance Large 
		Failure = Lose Romance Large
		Wait Time: min 10, max 30
	TODO: Whims
		TODO: "Brag About Big Dick"
		TODO: "Have Sex with non-Size Queen"
		TODO: "Have Sex with Size Queen"

	Broadcasters: "Seeing a Big Bulge"
		Circle 2
		Pulse Frequency 6
		Target requirements:
			Likes Dicks: "EA Females" and "WW Likes Gender Males", 
            excludes "WW Dislikes Gender Male"			
		Target Sim's Buff: "Seeing a Big Bulge"  
			Emotion: Mood Flirty 1
			Social Interaction: "Romance> Compliment Bulge"				
				Success = Gain Romance Large
				Failure = Gain Romance Small
				Grants: "Bulge Complimented" buff to target
	Broadcasters: "Big Dick Envy"
		Circle 3
		Pulse Frequency 6
		Target requirements:
			Buff: Small Dick Insecurity 			
		Target Sim's Buff: "Big Dick Envy"  
			Emotion: Mood Angry 3  			
Small Dick Trait - Personality/Social, and Reward Trait 
	No Age Restrictions (benefits only happen when sim is Teen+)
	Species Restrictions: Human
	TODO: Genetics: Trait inherited

	Buff: Small Dick Insecurity (Always Active)
		Emotion: Mood Embarrassed 2
		Requirements: Teen+

	Interaction: "Having Sex"
		Gains "Sexual Frustration"
		Emotion: Stressed (Tense) 3
Size Queen - Gameplay and Reward Trait 
	Age Restrictions: Teen+
	Species Restrictions: Human
	Social Interaction: "Mean> Insult Dick Size"  
		Target requirements:
			Age: Teen+ 
			Trait: Excludes "toliet use sitting" and Big Dick Trait		
		Result: Large Romance and Friendship Loss 
		Wait Time: min 10, max 30
	TODO: Whims
		TODO: "Insult a Sim's dick size"
		TODO: "Compliment Bulge"
		TODO: "Have Sex with Big Dick"
Any Sims

	Interaction: "Having Sex" with Big Dick 
		Gains "Sore From Fucking a Big Dick"
		Emotion: Stressed (Tense) 4
		TODO: Track this, so repeated sex increases the value
		TODO: Change this to track Oral, Vagina, and Anal soreness as different buffs
	Interaction: "Having Sex" with Big Dick 
		Gains "Sensual Paradise"
		Emotion: Happy 4
		TODO: Somehow raise WW's sex quality/satisfaction score?

	TODO: Interaction: "Having Sex" with Small Dick 
		Gains "Is it in yet?"
		Emotion: Sad 4
		TODO: Somehow lower WW's sex quality/satisfaction score?
Big Dick - Grade School Events and Random Moodlets

Embarrassed at School  
	Changed clothes in gym class and was teased and called 
    names, such as "Wiener" and "Snake," due to their bulge.
	It's not {0.SimFirstName}'s fault that their "growth" 
    spurt happened so early. 
	How embarrassing to be teased at this age.

Embarrassed at School  
	While standing in front of class, {M0.he}{F0.she} has a 
    random boner resulting in an embarrassing moment
	as the other kids laugh at {M0.him}{F0.here}. {0.SimFirstName} 
    is having an awkward time at this age. 

TODO: Add more

Small Dick - Grade School Events and Random Moodlets

TODO: Add more
Big Dick - High School Events and Random Moodlets

Embarrassed at School  
	The nicknames from grade school continued into High School. 
	After class, you discovered a giant penis drawn on your locker
	using a permanent maker.

TODO: Add more
Small Dick - High School Events and Random Moodlets
TODO: Add more




I like to make this a collaborative effort, so please keep sending me any ideas and suggestions. I need to do some more testing this weekend, but I hope to have a working release next week. The first release will (hopefully) just duplicate all of the existing features of the current mod, and add in a few more (the things that don't have "TO DO" marked above).




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46 minutes ago, BrinaFlute said:

I'm a little concerned about the fact that you can give toddlers and children this trait. Is it just for aging-up-benefits purposes or... like, the kids don't get special interactions from having that trait, right? 


Correct. The only reason is for genetics. There's no benefits or interactions enabled until they are teens.



My original design was to use a hidden trait that gets inherited and then removed at teen and replaced with this trait. If I can make that work, I'll do that instead, but right now it looks easier to just have the trait become activated at teen rather than manage two different traits with aging up and down.

Edited by sirsleepy001
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Ok. I figured out how to do my original plan regarding genetics. There will be a hidden trait called "Big Dick DNA" that is passed down to offspring that has no benefits or effects, other than just being a placeholder/marker. When any offspring with a dick ("uses toilet standing") and with the "DNA" trait, ages up to Teen, then they gain (free) the "Big Dick" trait. At that point, they'll have both the "DNA" and the real "Big Dick" traits. For non-dick offspring, they will carry the DNA trait and pass it down to any offspring as well, but it won't give the "Big Dick" trait, unless that offspring has a dick ("uses toilet standing"). 


I'm still working on getting the trait inheritance to work via birth, but if you give a child the "DNA" trait and then "age up", then they'll get the "Big Dick" trait, so that part is working. For the inheritance part, I don't plan on making it a 100% chance of inheritance if possible. Then also, there could be some priority mapping needed when two parents have two different sets of DNA (big dick, big black cock, and small cock DNA), so I'll need to figure that out as well, but that's a future task for me.


Edited by sirsleepy001
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21 hours ago, sirsleepy001 said:

As an update, someone found the source code to an old version of the original mod, which appears to have been improved on by strawrberry. Using that old project files, I was able to clean up my mod (I overly complicated some things when I was recreating everything from scratch). Here's where I'm at right now. 


Using WW's gender preferences means it'll be hooked into WW, but I think everyone here (or who would want this mod) will already have WW anyways. This also means, there can be just one mod for both straight and gay versions, rather than having 2 different versions. Basically, it'll work like this: if a Sim is a Female gender or "Likes Males", then they'll be categorized as someone who likes dicks (and will receive the "oh my..." bulge buffs and such), with the the exception of "dislike males" which will override this. So a gay male can have "likes men" in WW prefs and it should work like the "gay version" of the mod. If a lesbian female has "dislikes males," then she won't get the flirty buffs when a "big bulge" is nearby, etc. I feel this is a lot easier than have 2 different versions of the same mod. This also means there'll probably be some edge cases where things don't properly align with the testing/validation. This also means it'll work for bisexual males as well, with both female and males who like males being attracted to them, rather than the current situation where there's a 'straight mod' and a 'gay mod.' This also means the "uses toilet sitting" will be used to determine whether a sim has a penis or not.


I have a few things I want to add in, but I'm trying to stay focused on just recreating the original mod and then improving on it. Thanks to everyone who have sent me messages with ideas.


I also modified the "Big Dick" and "BBC" traits so that they can be added to toddlers and childs, but the "effects" don't begin until teen. I'm hoping to use the trait inheritance to let  offspring inherit the trait.


I also haven't recoded the "Blacked" trait, since it has no in-game value other than just being a thing/objective. There's no buffs or anything that goes along with that. It should be easy to add in, but I'd like it to have a purpose rather than just a trait that does nothing.


Status update:



TODO: Virgin Spoiler  (name subject to change)
	Objective: Have sex with ?10? Sim virgins 
    (who don't have trait_Hidden_HadWooHoo trait, 
    also try to also exclude married and mothers) 
	Reward: Trait: Virgin Spoiler  
		Emotion: Mood ?Confident 1?

TODO: Big Dick Alpha (name subject to change)
	Objective: Create ?10? Size Queens 
	Reward: Trait: Big Dick Alpha
		Emotion: Mood ?Confidence 1?

TODO: Magical Penis Enlargement (name subject to change)
	Objective: Find the Magical Big Dick Gnome and make 
    a wish, or maybe multiple objectives like 
    reading a book, fitness, and something
	Reward: Trait: Big Dick/BBC 
Size Queen
	Objective: Have sex with 1 Big Dick
	TODO: Objective: Change this to having sex with 
    Big Dick ?10? times
	TODO: Objective: Change this to only consider 
    Oral, Anal, and Vagina sex (exclude handjobs and footjobs)
	Reward: Size Queen Trait
Note: Big Black Cock Trait should be exact duplicate of Big Dick Trait

Big Dick/BBC Trait - Personality/Social and Reward Trait 
	No Age Restrictions (benefits only happen when Sim is Teen+)
	Species Restrictions: Human
	TODO: Genetics: Trait inherited

	Buff: Big Dick Confidence (Always Active)
		Emotion: Mood Confident 1
		Requirements: Teen+

	Buff: Bulge Complimented
		Emotion: Flirty 2
		Requirements: Can be Romanced from complimenter
	Interaction: "Having Sex"
		Gains "Big Dick Energy"
		Emotion: Energized 2
	Social Interaction: "Romance> Brag About Big Dick"
		Target requirements:
			Can Romance
		Success = Gain Romance Large 
		Failure = Lose Romance Large
		Wait Time: min 10, max 30
	TODO: Whims
		TODO: "Brag About Big Dick"
		TODO: "Have Sex with non-Size Queen"
		TODO: "Have Sex with Size Queen"

	Broadcasters: "Seeing a Big Bulge"
		Circle 2
		Pulse Frequency 6
		Target requirements:
			Likes Dicks: "EA Females" and "WW Likes Gender Males", 
            excludes "WW Dislikes Gender Male"			
		Target Sim's Buff: "Seeing a Big Bulge"  
			Emotion: Mood Flirty 1
			Social Interaction: "Romance> Compliment Bulge"				
				Success = Gain Romance Large
				Failure = Gain Romance Small
				Grants: "Bulge Complimented" buff to target
	Broadcasters: "Big Dick Envy"
		Circle 3
		Pulse Frequency 6
		Target requirements:
			Buff: Small Dick Insecurity 			
		Target Sim's Buff: "Big Dick Envy"  
			Emotion: Mood Angry 3  			
Small Dick Trait - Personality/Social, and Reward Trait 
	No Age Restrictions (benefits only happen when sim is Teen+)
	Species Restrictions: Human
	TODO: Genetics: Trait inherited

	Buff: Small Dick Insecurity (Always Active)
		Emotion: Mood Embarrassed 2
		Requirements: Teen+

	Interaction: "Having Sex"
		Gains "Sexual Frustration"
		Emotion: Stressed (Tense) 3
Size Queen - Gameplay and Reward Trait 
	Age Restrictions: Teen+
	Species Restrictions: Human
	Social Interaction: "Mean> Insult Dick Size"  
		Target requirements:
			Age: Teen+ 
			Trait: Excludes "toliet use sitting" and Big Dick Trait		
		Result: Large Romance and Friendship Loss 
		Wait Time: min 10, max 30
	TODO: Whims
		TODO: "Insult a Sim's dick size"
		TODO: "Compliment Bulge"
		TODO: "Have Sex with Big Dick"
Any Sims

	Interaction: "Having Sex" with Big Dick 
		Gains "Sore From Fucking a Big Dick"
		Emotion: Stressed (Tense) 4
		TODO: Track this, so repeated sex increases the value
		TODO: Change this to track Oral, Vagina, and Anal soreness as different buffs
	Interaction: "Having Sex" with Big Dick 
		Gains "Sensual Paradise"
		Emotion: Happy 4
		TODO: Somehow raise WW's sex quality/satisfaction score?

	TODO: Interaction: "Having Sex" with Small Dick 
		Gains "Is it in yet?"
		Emotion: Sad 4
		TODO: Somehow lower WW's sex quality/satisfaction score?
Big Dick - Grade School Events and Random Moodlets

Embarrassed at School  
	Changed clothes in gym class and was teased and called 
    names, such as "Wiener" and "Snake," due to their bulge.
	It's not {0.SimFirstName}'s fault that their "growth" 
    spurt happened so early. 
	How embarrassing to be teased at this age.

Embarrassed at School  
	While standing in front of class, {M0.he}{F0.she} has a 
    random boner resulting in an embarrassing moment
	as the other kids laugh at {M0.him}{F0.here}. {0.SimFirstName} 
    is having an awkward time at this age. 

TODO: Add more

Small Dick - Grade School Events and Random Moodlets

TODO: Add more
Big Dick - High School Events and Random Moodlets

Embarrassed at School  
	The nicknames from grade school continued into High School. 
	After class, you discovered a giant penis drawn on your locker
	using a permanent maker.

TODO: Add more
Small Dick - High School Events and Random Moodlets
TODO: Add more




I like to make this a collaborative effort, so please keep sending me any ideas and suggestions. I need to do some more testing this weekend, but I hope to have a working release next week. The first release will (hopefully) just duplicate all of the existing features of the current mod, and add in a few more (the things that don't have "TO DO" marked above).

I think after a sim with a small dick has sex, they should get the sad trait for making the partner unsatisfied, (unless they got selfish lover trait).

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I got the trait inheritance to work. So now when you conceive an offspring via woohoo/sex that offspring will inherit the (hidden) "Big Dick DNA" trait (which does nothing other than just being a hidden trait placeholder). When that offspring ages up to teen (and the teen can use toilet standing), then they gain (free) the Big Dick trait (or BBC trait). If you create an offspring via CAS, then it doesn't work even if you specify the parent(s) with the DNA. That feels to be just how the game works. However, if you create a child in CAS, then you can just add the "DNA trait" to them via cheats, so they'll inherit the BD/BBC trait when they age up to teen.  Also, right now, you only pass the DNA/gene if you have the DNA trait. So if you just get BD/BBC trait and not the BD/BBC DNA trait, then you don't pass it down via genes. So if you intend to pass on your genes, then just add the DNA trait to your Sim (teen, young adult, adult, elder, etc.) and they'll get the BD/BBC trait also (since they are >= teen). I'll write this better when I post the mod (next month/January), so it's clear.


Also, I got the "soreness" buff working so that you get some "soreness" after having BD/BBC sex (not the BD/BBC sim). This is kind of off a bit, since I can't tell who is doing what during sex, so the person who 'sits on toilet' will get the soreness (for now, until I can figure that part out, which means MM sex won't give soreness for now). The more BD/BBC sex you have the more you increase the pain and the longer it takes to go away. So if you have an all-nighter with a dozen encounters, then you'll really be in pain, but if you just have a single encounter then it's not too bad and it'll go away in a few hours. The Size Queen halves the rate you gain soreness, so if a non-Size Queen would be sore for 3 hours, a SQ would only be sore for 1.5 hours. I'm still playing with the numbers here. I'll also add in a SQ rate where if they've had more than 100 BD/BBC encounters, then they won't have any pain (or very little, I haven't decided yet). Also, I can't tell what type of sex so handjobs and footjobs give the same pain as anal. I know NisaK WP's can tell the difference (and even who is doing what), so I just need to look more into how WP works and try to duplicate that here to give a more accurate soreness.


And almost lastly, I think I have the SQ reward fixed so that it now requires 10 encounters (and you just can't go back-to-back encounters, there's a cooldown period) for the reward/trait. I need more testing, but right now it looks like it's correctly incrementing.


Finally lastly, what does everyone think about Big Dick traits vs Big Black Cock traits? It's kind of a pain for me to do some things twice/duplicate between the two. It's not a major issue, but it's just a lot of duplicate items in the code/package. If most everyone likes having it there, then I'll keep it, but I just wanted to see what others thought. It's mostly just using different icons on the different things, the effects/interactions are all just copy/pasted/duplicates or reusing the same effects as the other trait (when possible).



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Honestly you only need the Big Dick trait, the BBC is rather redundant. The DNA aspect that you are introducing really ends the need for the BBC trait, if you only want one particular race to have big dicks then Big Dick DNA solves that and it is up to the individual player to create that situation.  It is your mod though so do with it as you wish but to me it seems redundant and the separate BBC trait really adds very little to justify the extra work.  Just my opinion though.  

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21 hours ago, sirsleepy001 said:

Finally lastly, what does everyone think about Big Dick traits vs Big Black Cock traits? It's kind of a pain for me to do some things twice/duplicate between the two. It's not a major issue, but it's just a lot of duplicate items in the code/package. If most everyone likes having it there, then I'll keep it, but I just wanted to see what others thought. It's mostly just using different icons on the different things, the effects/interactions are all just copy/pasted/duplicates or reusing the same effects as the other trait (when possible).

I want and use use both Big Dick Trait and BBC Traits.

So, I guess since there originally were two separate traits from the beginning, you can leave the BBC Trait alone and edit/modify the other trait?

For my reason/s for using both traits, I love the varieties of races, asian, white, african (+ blacks), etc races and they have different sizes of dick.

If anyone don't like to use BBC Traits, that's their choice, course.


Edited by ioawdfv
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Status update. Making some good progress. I feel I have the traits and buffs working as the original did along with some new items. I've moved onto some python coding, which is going better than expected.


I was able to code a console command that can "copy" the WW soft & hard penis mesh/object from one Sim to another. So if you have 5 Sims with "Big Dick" trait, you can just personalize one of them, then run the command and it will copy the active Sim's soft & hard penis mesh to the other 4. (Different commands for BBC and SD).


This will come in useful for when you want to randomly generate townies/NPCs with BD and SD traits and then give them the appropriate WW penis meshes (you could do this by hand, but it's time consuming). This will also be useful for those playing Generation games and there might be a few families with DNA that carries over to their offspring, which will by default have the WW default penises and not ones specific to SD, BD, or BBC traits which they might have inherited. So you could run these commands every generation or so to sync their traits with their physical/penis appearance. This will also be useful because the game will generate random Sims with random traits and some of those randomly assigned traits might be the BD, BBC, or SD traits. This random assignment also means some Sims might get BBC who should have BWC/BD, but there's no way to prevent that since I'm not sure I could reliably determine the correct trait to use via scripting.


Next, I'll be adding a command to randomly assign NPCs the traits. Right now, I'm thinking 5% chance of BD and 5% chance of SD, with 90% chance of nothing. There's no way for me accurately know whether to give BBC or BD, so I'm just going to have to default to BD for random assignment. There's also "list" commands, so you can list all of the Sims that have BD, BBC, SD, etc.


I imagine it should go like this:

  • Player sets up their Sim/Household with traits.
    • Player assigns their WW soft and hard penis meshes
  • Player runs a command to randomly disperse traits to NPCs. This will remove all BD/BBC/SD traits from NPCs and then randomly assign the traits. We need to clear it first, otherwise, it'll just keep adding and possibly lead to addition of conflicting traits.
    • Player lists to see who has what trait
    • Player selects someone with "Big Dick" traits to make them active Sim (will require making them playable for the moment), assigns their WW penis meshes, then runs "copy" command to assign the meshes for everyone with BD traits
    • Player selects someone with "Small Dick" traits to make them active Sim (will require making them playable for the moment), assigns their WW penis meshes, then runs "copy" command to assign the meshes for everyone with SD traits
    • For BBC, you'll need to look at the BD list and then go and change any BDs to BBCs, assign one BBC penis meshes, then run command to copy it over (in case you want different penis meshes for BD vs BBC, if you want same meshes as BD, then you don't need to copy anything over.


Alternatively, I think I'll just add another command to allow doing this without requiring you to look at the NPC BD/SD list, so it'll be more of a surprise when you find out which Sim has which trait. You'll need to know the ID for the penises, but that's easy to figure out and I can list out the most common ones (like Pornstars, etc.). There used to be a "ww.set_penis_size" command native to WickedWhims, but it looks like that no longer exists or works. Otherwise, I could use that command to set the default WW penis to a specific size.


I also modified the "Oh my..." buff (sees a big bulge), which gives Flirty +1 (in original mod) to +2 and then modified it to change to +4 if the "bulge" Sim is naked. So +2 for clothed bulge and +4 for seeing it without clothes.


As far as genetics go, here's my plan so far: If 1 parent has DNA trait, then there's 75% of passing it to offspring. If 2 parents have same DNA trait, then there's 90% chance. If 2 parents have different DNA traits, then there's 45% chance for either (10% neither). The DNA traits are exclusive per type, so you can't have different ones (ex: you can't have BD and SD). I've coded the %s, but I doubt I'll be able to do enough testing to verify the accuracy of the percentages, it's done according to Sims4 XML standards/guidelines.


Also added a new "small event/problem," there's a 5% chance that BD/BBC dicks will touch toilet water when they are sitting on toilet, which will cause minor discomfort :) I plan on adding in a bunch more of these small buffs/debuffs/events as we go forward.


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18 minutes ago, sirsleepy001 said:

Status update. Making some good progress. I feel I have the traits and buffs working as the original did along with some new items. I've moved onto some python coding, which is going better than expected.


I was able to code a console command that can "copy" the WW soft & hard penis mesh/object from one Sim to another. So if you have 5 Sims with "Big Dick" trait, you can just personalize one of them, then run the command and it will copy the active Sim's soft & hard penis mesh to the other 4. (Different commands for BBC and SD).


This will come in useful for when you want to randomly generate townies/NPCs with BD and SD traits and then give them the appropriate WW penis meshes (you could do this by hand, but it's time consuming). This will also be useful for those playing Generation games and there might be a few families with DNA that carries over to their offspring, which will by default have the WW default penises and not ones specific to SD, BD, or BBC traits which they might have inherited. So you could run these commands every generation or so to sync their traits with their physical/penis appearance. This will also be useful because the game will generate random Sims with random traits and some of those randomly assigned traits might be the BD, BBC, or SD traits. This random assignment also means some Sims might get BBC who should have BWC/BD, but there's no way to prevent that since I'm not sure I could reliably determine the correct trait to use via scripting.


Next, I'll be adding a command to randomly assign NPCs the traits. Right now, I'm thinking 5% chance of BD and 5% chance of SD, with 90% chance of nothing. There's no way for me accurately know whether to give BBC or BD, so I'm just going to have to default to BD for random assignment. There's also "list" commands, so you can list all of the Sims that have BD, BBC, SD, etc.


I imagine it should go like this:

  • Player sets up their Sim/Household with traits.
    • Player assigns their WW soft and hard penis meshes
  • Player runs a command to randomly disperse traits to NPCs. This will remove all BD/BBC/SD traits from NPCs and then randomly assign the traits. We need to clear it first, otherwise, it'll just keep adding and possibly lead to addition of conflicting traits.
    • Player lists to see who has what trait
    • Player selects someone with "Big Dick" traits to make them active Sim (will require making them playable for the moment), assigns their WW penis meshes, then runs "copy" command to assign the meshes for everyone with BD traits
    • Player selects someone with "Small Dick" traits to make them active Sim (will require making them playable for the moment), assigns their WW penis meshes, then runs "copy" command to assign the meshes for everyone with SD traits
    • For BBC, you'll need to look at the BD list and then go and change any BDs to BBCs, assign one BBC penis meshes, then run command to copy it over (in case you want different penis meshes for BD vs BBC, if you want same meshes as BD, then you don't need to copy anything over.


Alternatively, I think I'll just add another command to allow doing this without requiring you to look at the NPC BD/SD list, so it'll be more of a surprise when you find out which Sim has which trait. You'll need to know the ID for the penises, but that's easy to figure out and I can list out the most common ones (like Pornstars, etc.). There used to be a "ww.set_penis_size" command native to WickedWhims, but it looks like that no longer exists or works. Otherwise, I could use that command to set the default WW penis to a specific size.


I also modified the "Oh my..." buff (sees a big bulge), which gives Flirty +1 (in original mod) to +2 and then modified it to change to +4 if the "bulge" Sim is naked. So +2 for clothed bulge and +4 for seeing it without clothes.


As far as genetics go, here's my plan so far: If 1 parent has DNA trait, then there's 75% of passing it to offspring. If 2 parents have same DNA trait, then there's 90% chance. If 2 parents have different DNA traits, then there's 45% chance for either (10% neither). The DNA traits are exclusive per type, so you can't have different ones (ex: you can't have BD and SD). I've coded the %s, but I doubt I'll be able to do enough testing to verify the accuracy of the percentages, it's done according to Sims4 XML standards/guidelines.


Also added a new "small event/problem," there's a 5% chance that BD/BBC dicks will touch toilet water when they are sitting on toilet, which will cause minor discomfort :) I plan on adding in a bunch more of these small buffs/debuffs/events as we go forward.


So according to your plan, a woman or someone without a penis body part can still inherit the dna for a big or small dick? Like hypothetically a women, (who has no small or big dick gene), has sex with someone and gets her pregnant with a guy with a big dick; the child doesn't automatically get the big dick?

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25 minutes ago, Sasas said:

So according to your plan, a woman or someone without a penis body part can still inherit the dna for a big or small dick? Like hypothetically a women, (who has no small or big dick gene), has sex with someone and gets her pregnant with a guy with a big dick; the child doesn't automatically get the big dick?


I forgot to include if neither parent has either DNA, then offspring has 0% chance. It require at least 1 parent to have a trait.


So woman (with no traits) has sex with Big Dick, then offspring has 75% chance of inheriting BD. I could make it 100%, but wasn't sure because eventually (if you play long enough), everyone will have BDs.


Looking for feedback on the %s, if everybody thinks it should be 100% then it's easy to remove the chance part -- or I could have 2 package files, one with 100% and one with the varying %s and the end users could pick which genetics package to use (you couldn't use both).


Women (or non-dick) Sims can inherit and pass on the DNA, but they don't get the associated traits. So say BD DNA (with BD) Grandfather > BD DNA (no BD) Daughter > BD DNA (with BD) grandson. (Potential scenario)


The reason why woman can inherit the DNA is because the game's "trait inheritance" framework work doesn't allow me to only give it to male babies. There's no way to prevent female babies from trait inheritance. Which is why there's a DNA trait and then actual BD traits when males age up to Teen (females with DNA don't get anything when they age up, they just carry the DNA).

Edited by sirsleepy001
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18 hours ago, sirsleepy001 said:


I forgot to include if neither parent has either DNA, then offspring has 0% chance. It require at least 1 parent to have a trait.


So woman (with no traits) has sex with Big Dick, then offspring has 75% chance of inheriting BD. I could make it 100%, but wasn't sure because eventually (if you play long enough), everyone will have BDs.


Looking for feedback on the %s, if everybody thinks it should be 100% then it's easy to remove the chance part -- or I could have 2 package files, one with 100% and one with the varying %s and the end users could pick which genetics package to use (you couldn't use both).


Women (or non-dick) Sims can inherit and pass on the DNA, but they don't get the associated traits. So say BD DNA (with BD) Grandfather > BD DNA (no BD) Daughter > BD DNA (with BD) grandson. (Potential scenario)


The reason why woman can inherit the DNA is because the game's "trait inheritance" framework work doesn't allow me to only give it to male babies. There's no way to prevent female babies from trait inheritance. Which is why there's a DNA trait and then actual BD traits when males age up to Teen (females with DNA don't get anything when they age up, they just carry the DNA).

I'd prefer the 100% option, but I'm sure there's some who would like the chance option as well.

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37 minutes ago, Sasas said:

I'd prefer the 100% option, but I'm sure there's some who would like the chance option as well.


Sounds good. I'll add a second "dna" package file that does 100% and 50/50. I'll also provide instructions in case someone prefers a traits to be dominant over another traits (so if BBC+SD, offspring could only get BBC). The inheritance %s will be in its one package file, so it'll be easy to edit and modify by users.  


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57 minutes ago, sirsleepy001 said:


Sounds good. I'll add a second "dna" package file that does 100% and 50/50. I'll also provide instructions in case someone prefers a traits to be dominant over another traits (so if BBC+SD, offspring could only get BBC). The inheritance %s will be in its one package file, so it'll be easy to edit and modify by users.  


When's the mod likely going to be available? 

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3 hours ago, Sasas said:

When's the mod likely going to be available? 


"Soon"... I could share a beta version now, but I want to spend a week (or few days) of just pure testing and documentation to make sure things work as I expect them to work.  


The 'random npc dicks' (both giving traits and having a way to apply WW penis selections/meshes) was the last feature that I wanted to finish before moving into testing phase. Those things can definitely be improved later, but it works fine now. I did find some problems/quirks in the code with giving the NPC BD/SD traits that I didn't account for, so I had to recode several things today (relating to the base traits), which means I need to retest everything. I don't plan on adding anything else right now, so it's just making sure those changes didn't break something. Hopefully, I could be done with testing by late this weekend (more likely Sunday than Saturday, since I'll need most of Saturday for testing). So there's a chance I'll upload then.


For the last feature, I have the randomization working fine for NPCs. I have it set to 5% SD and 7.5% BD, and it feels about right to me. Those are low numbers, but I feel 10% would be too much (except if someone really wanted that). I want to eventually allow for command arguments, so users can adjust the %s as needed. That randomization process seeds the DNA and traits to NPCs, so the affected NPC Sims's offspring will inherit their traits, so it's basically a one time "seeding" of NPCs that will carry on by itself (except applying the WW penis meshes aren't automatic and right now requires reapplying them every generation to update the new NPC Sims, that's something I'm looking into for v2).


The randomization for NPC dicks is also totally optional, it's not automatic--you have to run a console command. So you can also just manually add the traits to whichever Sims you want (like with old mod). Lastly, I wasn't sure this was even possible, but I finally found out today that you can actually have sex with a ghost. Right now, my randomization doesn't include ghosts, but I feel that I'll probably change that to allow ghosts to be included in the %s, because why not.


If anyone wants to ignore the trait inheritance process, then that's easy as well since you just don't download that genetics/dna package file that adds in the inheritance code.  I'm writing up instructions as well, so that might take me a day to finish making sure it's understandable and not too complex.


Also, you can run this and the original module side-by-side. It'll double the buffs and such, but it's good so you can update all of your Sims to use the new traits and make sure things work the same way without messing up your save files that use the original mod. I didn't reuse the same trait IDs, because the Sims Mod Constructor (MC4) dev tool doesn't let me specify the IDs, it just generates them for you which means different IDs. This mod is a complete rewrite, where I looked at the original XML and coded my source code project to generate the same/similar XML (that's why the internal IDs are different). I didn't have the full source code, so I couldn't create a new version of the old mod. Going forward, everything will be normal (just replace the new mod with new mod version and everything internally, traits, etc. upgrades).



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Documentation so far. If anyone wants to read it and let me know if anything is confusing or not, then feel free otherwise, just ignore the below text:



Description: This Sims 4 module is focused on the advantages and disadvantages of large and small dick sizes. Included are multiple traits, buffs, events, and rewards centered around the Sim personalizations of Big Dick, Big Black Cock, Small Dick, and Size Queen. This mod also includes traits that allow for "Generations" gameplay with DNA traits being passed to offspring. The Size Queen trait is an objective-based reward earned in game by having multiple Big Dick or Big Black Cock sexual encounters.


History: I am the fourth (that I've discovered) developer\maintainer of this module concept, so I'd like to thank those who came before me: BareButt6857, Strawrberry, and Mistkae.


Versions: This version is compatible with Strawrberry/Mistakae's recent version. However, the traits and buffs are duplicated. You can run both side by side without interference, but this will result in duplicate traits and buffs being applied (assuming you add traits from both modules).


Requirements: WickedWhims is required. Most things will work without WickedWhims, however, I'm using WickedWhims's sexual preferences to determine whether someone is attracted to big dicks/cocks or not, which mostly affects LGB Sims.


The Guide to Big Dick Problems


There are four main groupings of traits: Big Dick (generic or "big white cock"), Big Black Cock (self-explanatory), Small Dick (generic), and Size Queen (someone who prefers big dicks).


When building a Sim in CAS, you can select either Big Dick, Big Black Cock, or Small Dick traits. These traits are also mutually exclusive. There's no difference (other than names and icons) between Big Dick and Big Black Cock for gameplay. When either of these are selected, you will automatically be given the associated hidden Big Dick DNA, Big Black Cock DNA, or Small Dick DNA traits. See below for how the "DNA" traits can provide a chance of passing on the trait to offspring (Generations gameplay style).  These traits are available outside of CAS, if you'd rather spend those limited traits on other CAS-only traits. Also note that since these are available in CAS, randomly generated NPCs can randomly select them.


The "DNA" traits provide no in-game benefits to toddler or child age Sims. It's purpose is to provide the (free) associated trait when they age up to a Teen. Daughters may inherit the DNA and pass it on to their offspring. These daughters will not automatically receive the associated trait when they age up--they are a 'carrier' of the DNA gene.


If you don't want to use trait inheritance, then you can delete the "Big_Dick_Problems_genetics" package file and trait inheritance will not be applied. The DNA traits will still be in the game, but the trait inheritance configurations won't be in the game.


For Generations gameplay, if a parent has a single "DNA" trait, then the offspring has a 75% chance of inheriting that trait. If both parents posses the same "DNA" trait, then the offspring has a 90% chance of inheriting that trait. If both parents have different "DNA" traits, then the offspring has a 45% chance of either. All offspring, regardless of gender, has a chance to receive the "DNA" traits from a parent possessing the "DNA" traits. To determine whether the trait activates when the offspring becomes a Teen, the inspection tests whether the Sims "uses toilet standing" or not. If the Sim "uses toilet standing," then they receive (for free) the associated Big Dick/Big Black Cock/Small Dick trait when they age up to Teen. If the Sim "uses toilet sitting," then the "DNA" trait does not confer any additional features to that Sim until they give birth, which provides a chance to pass on the "DNA" trait to their offspring. 


Additionally, you can replace the default "Big_Dick_Problems_genetics" package file with "Big_Dick_Problems_genetics_AlwaysInherit" package file if you want 100% inheritance without a chance for non-inheritance. This file offers 50/50 chance when parents have two different traits. DO NOT have both "_genetics" packages in the mod folder, the game will most likely continue to work, but I can't say for certain if it'll use the 100% Always Inherit config or the original (Mostly Inherit) config. If you would like to edit the trait inheritance percentages, so that a specific trait will be dominants over others or modify the % chances, then you can edit the "genetics" package file using S4Studio. There's only 1 item inside the package and it's fairly easy to figure out what's going on. I've left comments in the file to assist. For example, you could edit the file so that when one parent has Big Dick DNA and other parent has Small Dick DNA, rather than 45%/45%, you could have it 75%/15%, 90%/0%, or have them cancel each other and give the offspring no associated trait.  


Also please note, the trait inheritance doesn't seem to work if you create a offspring in CAS (even if you select parents with the DNA trait). It (seems to me) only works for natural in-game child birth. Its possible that only babies get trait inheritance and not toddlers (I have no idea). So, if you create your own offspring via CAS, you can add the DNA trait to that offspring via cheats or satisfaction store. I recommend adding the hidden DNA trait via cheats, so that they'll automatically get the trait when they age up. Otherwise, you'll probably forget about adding the associated trait when they get old enough (Teen+).


To earn the Size Queen reward, the Sims must have sex with either a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim ten times. There is a cooldown period after each sexual encounter, so having sex three or four times within a few hours will only count as one sexual encounter.


Big Dick, Big Black Cock, and Small Dick are all available via the Satisfaction Store.



"Big Dick Confidence": +1 Confidence. Always active for Big Dick Sims. When a Sim has this buff, they can use the social interaction of "Romance>Brag About Big Dick." They can brag to anyone, but reactions will vary as per normal flirt/romance interactions.


"Big Black Cock Confidence": Exact same as "Big Dick Confidence."


"Big Dick Energy": +2 Energized. Becomes active when a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim has sex.


"Small Dick Insecurity": +2 Embarrassed. Always active for Small Dick Sims.


"Big Dick Envy": +3 Angry. Active when a Small Dick Sim is near a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim and "sees a big bulge."


"Oh my...": +2 Flirty. Active when a Sim is near a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim and "sees a (clothed) big bulge." This affects "Females" and Sims with WickedWhims "Likes Male Gender" preference and excludes WickedWhims "Dislikes Male Gender." When a Sim has this buff, they can use the social interaction of "Romance>Compliment Bulge" of a Sim with a Big Dick or Big Black Cock. This becomes a bit tricky with Gay and Straight interactions. A gay Sim (defined by WW "Likes Male Gender") receives the "Oh my..." buff and can compliment the bulge of a straight person (defined by WW "Dislikes Male Gender"), but not vice versa.  


"Oh my...": +4 Flirty. Active when a Sim is near a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim who is not wearing underwear and pants. Same as above. 


"The Big D!": +2 Flirty. Active after a Sim's bulge is complimented.


"It's not my fault!": +6 Angry. Active after a Sim's dick size is insulted by a Size Queen's social interaction of "Mean>Insult Dick Size." Size Queens cannot insult Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sims' size,. Size Queens can insult normal (no traits) and Small Dick Sims.


"Is it in yet?": +4 Sad. Active after having sex with a Small Dick Sim. Mutually exclusive with "Sensually Paradise," newer added will remove the older.


"Sensually Paradise": +4 Happy. Active after having sex with a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim. Mutually exclusive with "Is it in yet?," newer added will remove the older.


"Sexual Frustration": +3 Tense/Stressed. Active after a Small Dick Sim has sex.


"That's it??": +2 Embarrassed. Active after a Size Queen has sex with a Sim that doesn't have a Big Dick or Big Black Cock.


"Fucking Sore": +3, +5, +7, +11, +13 Uncomfortable. Continuously increases when having sex with a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim. For every (approximately) 10 minutes of sex, the recipient of the Big Dick/Big Black Cock gains 30 minutes of soreness, which decreases at the rate of 1 minute per minute. For example, a 60 minute sexual encounter will result in (30*6)-(10*5) = 130 minutes. For every 360 minutes of soreness, the mood value increases to the maximum rate of +13. Sims with Size Queen trait gain 15 minutes of soreness instead of 30 minutes per 10 minutes of sex. This doesn't (yet) account for using Lube (that's on my to do list).



There's only a couple "problems" in the initial release. I plan on adding in more in future releases. An example of a "problem" is when a Big Dick/Big Black Cock Sim sits on the toilet, there's a chance their dick will touch the toilet edge or toilet water which will cause a little discomfort. 


Others (that are working, but I didn't include them in this release) include Teens getting random boners when giving presentations at school or teased at school. I'm open to ideas here (that can be done within the framework).


"bdp.help" - Lists all of the available commands.


"bdp.list_dicks" - Lists names of the Sims who have a Big Dick, Big Black Cock, Small Dick, and Size Queen traits.


"bdp.list_size_queens" -  Lists names of the Sims who have had Big Dick sex and the number of encounters.


"bdp.log_all" - Saves the output of bdp.list_dicks and bdp.list_sq_status to a text file located in the same directory as this module.


"bdp.copy_ww_penis_for_bd" - Copies active Sim's WickedWhims penis personalization and applies it to all (male, use toilet standing) Sims with Big Dick trait.


"bdp.copy_ww_penis_for_bbc" - Copies active Sim's WickedWhims penis personalization and applies it to all (male, use toilet standing) Sims with Big Black Cock trait.


"bdp.copy_ww_penis_for_sd" - Copies active Sim's WickedWhims penis personalization and applies it to all (male, use toilet standing) Sims with Small Dick trait.


"bdp.randomize_npc_dicks" - Removes all Big Dick, Big Black Cock, and Small Dick traits and resets WickedWhims penis personalizations to default personalizations for non-played households. Then randomly assigns Big Dick and Small Dick traits (and DNA traits) to non-played household males who use toilet standing. 


"bdp.remove_npc_dicks" - Removes all Big Dick, Big Black Cock, and Small Dick traits and resets WickedWhims penis personalizations to default for non-played households.



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4 hours ago, sirsleepy001 said:

Documentation so far. If anyone wants to read it and let me know if anything is confusing or not, then feel free otherwise, just ignore the below text:


  Reveal hidden contents

Description: This Sims 4 module is focused on the advantages and disadvantages of large and small dick sizes. Included are multiple traits, buffs, events, and rewards centered around the Sim personalizations of Big Dick, Big Black Cock, Small Dick, and Size Queen. This mod also includes traits that allow for "Generations" gameplay with DNA traits being passed to offspring. The Size Queen trait is an objective-based reward earned in game by having multiple Big Dick or Big Black Cock sexual encounters.


History: I am the fourth (that I've discovered) developer\maintainer of this module concept, so I'd like to thank those who came before me: BareButt6857, Strawrberry, and Mistkae.


Versions: This version is compatible with Strawrberry/Mistakae's recent version. However, the traits and buffs are duplicated. You can run both side by side without interference, but this will result in duplicate traits and buffs being applied (assuming you add traits from both modules).


Requirements: WickedWhims is required. Most things will work without WickedWhims, however, I'm using WickedWhims's sexual preferences to determine whether someone is attracted to big dicks/cocks or not, which mostly affects LGB Sims.


The Guide to Big Dick Problems


There are four main groupings of traits: Big Dick (generic or "big white cock"), Big Black Cock (self-explanatory), Small Dick (generic), and Size Queen (someone who prefers big dicks).


When building a Sim in CAS, you can select either Big Dick, Big Black Cock, or Small Dick traits. These traits are also mutually exclusive. There's no difference (other than names and icons) between Big Dick and Big Black Cock for gameplay. When either of these are selected, you will automatically be given the associated hidden Big Dick DNA, Big Black Cock DNA, or Small Dick DNA traits. See below for how the "DNA" traits can provide a chance of passing on the trait to offspring (Generations gameplay style).  These traits are available outside of CAS, if you'd rather spend those limited traits on other CAS-only traits. Also note that since these are available in CAS, randomly generated NPCs can randomly select them.


The "DNA" traits provide no in-game benefits to toddler or child age Sims. It's purpose is to provide the (free) associated trait when they age up to a Teen. Daughters may inherit the DNA and pass it on to their offspring. These daughters will not automatically receive the associated trait when they age up--they are a 'carrier' of the DNA gene.


If you don't want to use trait inheritance, then you can delete the "Big_Dick_Problems_genetics" package file and trait inheritance will not be applied. The DNA traits will still be in the game, but the trait inheritance configurations won't be in the game.


For Generations gameplay, if a parent has a single "DNA" trait, then the offspring has a 75% chance of inheriting that trait. If both parents posses the same "DNA" trait, then the offspring has a 90% chance of inheriting that trait. If both parents have different "DNA" traits, then the offspring has a 45% chance of either. All offspring, regardless of gender, has a chance to receive the "DNA" traits from a parent possessing the "DNA" traits. To determine whether the trait activates when the offspring becomes a Teen, the inspection tests whether the Sims "uses toilet standing" or not. If the Sim "uses toilet standing," then they receive (for free) the associated Big Dick/Big Black Cock/Small Dick trait when they age up to Teen. If the Sim "uses toilet sitting," then the "DNA" trait does not confer any additional features to that Sim until they give birth, which provides a chance to pass on the "DNA" trait to their offspring. 


Additionally, you can replace the default "Big_Dick_Problems_genetics" package file with "Big_Dick_Problems_genetics_AlwaysInherit" package file if you want 100% inheritance without a chance for non-inheritance. This file offers 50/50 chance when parents have two different traits. DO NOT have both "_genetics" packages in the mod folder, the game will most likely continue to work, but I can't say for certain if it'll use the 100% Always Inherit config or the original (Mostly Inherit) config. If you would like to edit the trait inheritance percentages, so that a specific trait will be dominants over others or modify the % chances, then you can edit the "genetics" package file using S4Studio. There's only 1 item inside the package and it's fairly easy to figure out what's going on. I've left comments in the file to assist. For example, you could edit the file so that when one parent has Big Dick DNA and other parent has Small Dick DNA, rather than 45%/45%, you could have it 75%/15%, 90%/0%, or have them cancel each other and give the offspring no associated trait.  


Also please note, the trait inheritance doesn't seem to work if you create a offspring in CAS (even if you select parents with the DNA trait). It (seems to me) only works for natural in-game child birth. Its possible that only babies get trait inheritance and not toddlers (I have no idea). So, if you create your own offspring via CAS, you can add the DNA trait to that offspring via cheats or satisfaction store. I recommend adding the hidden DNA trait via cheats, so that they'll automatically get the trait when they age up. Otherwise, you'll probably forget about adding the associated trait when they get old enough (Teen+).


To earn the Size Queen reward, the Sims must have sex with either a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim ten times. There is a cooldown period after each sexual encounter, so having sex three or four times within a few hours will only count as one sexual encounter.


Big Dick, Big Black Cock, and Small Dick are all available via the Satisfaction Store.



"Big Dick Confidence": +1 Confidence. Always active for Big Dick Sims. When a Sim has this buff, they can use the social interaction of "Romance>Brag About Big Dick." They can brag to anyone, but reactions will vary as per normal flirt/romance interactions.


"Big Black Cock Confidence": Exact same as "Big Dick Confidence."


"Big Dick Energy": +2 Energized. Becomes active when a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim has sex.


"Small Dick Insecurity": +2 Embarrassed. Always active for Small Dick Sims.


"Big Dick Envy": +3 Angry. Active when a Small Dick Sim is near a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim and "sees a big bulge."


"Oh my...": +2 Flirty. Active when a Sim is near a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim and "sees a (clothed) big bulge." This affects "Females" and Sims with WickedWhims "Likes Male Gender" preference and excludes WickedWhims "Dislikes Male Gender." When a Sim has this buff, they can use the social interaction of "Romance>Compliment Bulge" of a Sim with a Big Dick or Big Black Cock. This becomes a bit tricky with Gay and Straight interactions. A gay Sim (defined by WW "Likes Male Gender") receives the "Oh my..." buff and can compliment the bulge of a straight person (defined by WW "Dislikes Male Gender"), but not vice versa.  


"Oh my...": +4 Flirty. Active when a Sim is near a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim who is not wearing underwear and pants. Same as above. 


"The Big D!": +2 Flirty. Active after a Sim's bulge is complimented.


"It's not my fault!": +6 Angry. Active after a Sim's dick size is insulted by a Size Queen's social interaction of "Mean>Insult Dick Size." Size Queens cannot insult Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sims' size,. Size Queens can insult normal (no traits) and Small Dick Sims.


"Is it in yet?": +4 Sad. Active after having sex with a Small Dick Sim. Mutually exclusive with "Sensually Paradise," newer added will remove the older.


"Sensually Paradise": +4 Happy. Active after having sex with a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim. Mutually exclusive with "Is it in yet?," newer added will remove the older.


"Sexual Frustration": +3 Tense/Stressed. Active after a Small Dick Sim has sex.


"That's it??": +2 Embarrassed. Active after a Size Queen has sex with a Sim that doesn't have a Big Dick or Big Black Cock.


"Fucking Sore": +3, +5, +7, +11, +13 Uncomfortable. Continuously increases when having sex with a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim. For every (approximately) 10 minutes of sex, the recipient of the Big Dick/Big Black Cock gains 30 minutes of soreness, which decreases at the rate of 1 minute per minute. For example, a 60 minute sexual encounter will result in (30*6)-(10*5) = 130 minutes. For every 360 minutes of soreness, the mood value increases to the maximum rate of +13. Sims with Size Queen trait gain 15 minutes of soreness instead of 30 minutes per 10 minutes of sex. This doesn't (yet) account for using Lube (that's on my to do list).



There's only a couple "problems" in the initial release. I plan on adding in more in future releases. An example of a "problem" is when a Big Dick/Big Black Cock Sim sits on the toilet, there's a chance their dick will touch the toilet edge or toilet water which will cause a little discomfort. 


Others (that are working, but I didn't include them in this release) include Teens getting random boners when giving presentations at school or teased at school. I'm open to ideas here (that can be done within the framework).


"bdp.help" - Lists all of the available commands.


"bdp.list_dicks" - Lists names of the Sims who have a Big Dick, Big Black Cock, Small Dick, and Size Queen traits.


"bdp.list_size_queens" -  Lists names of the Sims who have had Big Dick sex and the number of encounters.


"bdp.log_all" - Saves the output of bdp.list_dicks and bdp.list_sq_status to a text file located in the same directory as this module.


"bdp.copy_ww_penis_for_bd" - Copies active Sim's WickedWhims penis personalization and applies it to all (male, use toilet standing) Sims with Big Dick trait.


"bdp.copy_ww_penis_for_bbc" - Copies active Sim's WickedWhims penis personalization and applies it to all (male, use toilet standing) Sims with Big Black Cock trait.


"bdp.copy_ww_penis_for_sd" - Copies active Sim's WickedWhims penis personalization and applies it to all (male, use toilet standing) Sims with Small Dick trait.


"bdp.randomize_npc_dicks" - Removes all Big Dick, Big Black Cock, and Small Dick traits and resets WickedWhims penis personalizations to default personalizations for non-played households. Then randomly assigns Big Dick and Small Dick traits (and DNA traits) to non-played household males who use toilet standing. 


"bdp.remove_npc_dicks" - Removes all Big Dick, Big Black Cock, and Small Dick traits and resets WickedWhims penis personalizations to default for non-played households.



It sounds correct, especially considering the detail on it. Especially including the way to skip the inherited traits if there is uneasiness about it

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On 1/5/2022 at 11:37 PM, sirsleepy said:

Documentation so far. If anyone wants to read it and let me know if anything is confusing or not, then feel free otherwise, just ignore the below text:


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Description: This Sims 4 module is focused on the advantages and disadvantages of large and small dick sizes. Included are multiple traits, buffs, events, and rewards centered around the Sim personalizations of Big Dick, Big Black Cock, Small Dick, and Size Queen. This mod also includes traits that allow for "Generations" gameplay with DNA traits being passed to offspring. The Size Queen trait is an objective-based reward earned in game by having multiple Big Dick or Big Black Cock sexual encounters.


History: I am the fourth (that I've discovered) developer\maintainer of this module concept, so I'd like to thank those who came before me: BareButt6857, Strawrberry, and Mistkae.


Versions: This version is compatible with Strawrberry/Mistakae's recent version. However, the traits and buffs are duplicated. You can run both side by side without interference, but this will result in duplicate traits and buffs being applied (assuming you add traits from both modules).


Requirements: WickedWhims is required. Most things will work without WickedWhims, however, I'm using WickedWhims's sexual preferences to determine whether someone is attracted to big dicks/cocks or not, which mostly affects LGB Sims.


The Guide to Big Dick Problems


There are four main groupings of traits: Big Dick (generic or "big white cock"), Big Black Cock (self-explanatory), Small Dick (generic), and Size Queen (someone who prefers big dicks).


When building a Sim in CAS, you can select either Big Dick, Big Black Cock, or Small Dick traits. These traits are also mutually exclusive. There's no difference (other than names and icons) between Big Dick and Big Black Cock for gameplay. When either of these are selected, you will automatically be given the associated hidden Big Dick DNA, Big Black Cock DNA, or Small Dick DNA traits. See below for how the "DNA" traits can provide a chance of passing on the trait to offspring (Generations gameplay style).  These traits are available outside of CAS, if you'd rather spend those limited traits on other CAS-only traits. Also note that since these are available in CAS, randomly generated NPCs can randomly select them.


The "DNA" traits provide no in-game benefits to toddler or child age Sims. It's purpose is to provide the (free) associated trait when they age up to a Teen. Daughters may inherit the DNA and pass it on to their offspring. These daughters will not automatically receive the associated trait when they age up--they are a 'carrier' of the DNA gene.


If you don't want to use trait inheritance, then you can delete the "Big_Dick_Problems_genetics" package file and trait inheritance will not be applied. The DNA traits will still be in the game, but the trait inheritance configurations won't be in the game.


For Generations gameplay, if a parent has a single "DNA" trait, then the offspring has a 75% chance of inheriting that trait. If both parents posses the same "DNA" trait, then the offspring has a 90% chance of inheriting that trait. If both parents have different "DNA" traits, then the offspring has a 45% chance of either. All offspring, regardless of gender, has a chance to receive the "DNA" traits from a parent possessing the "DNA" traits. To determine whether the trait activates when the offspring becomes a Teen, the inspection tests whether the Sims "uses toilet standing" or not. If the Sim "uses toilet standing," then they receive (for free) the associated Big Dick/Big Black Cock/Small Dick trait when they age up to Teen. If the Sim "uses toilet sitting," then the "DNA" trait does not confer any additional features to that Sim until they give birth, which provides a chance to pass on the "DNA" trait to their offspring. 


Additionally, you can replace the default "Big_Dick_Problems_genetics" package file with "Big_Dick_Problems_genetics_AlwaysInherit" package file if you want 100% inheritance without a chance for non-inheritance. This file offers 50/50 chance when parents have two different traits. DO NOT have both "_genetics" packages in the mod folder, the game will most likely continue to work, but I can't say for certain if it'll use the 100% Always Inherit config or the original (Mostly Inherit) config. If you would like to edit the trait inheritance percentages, so that a specific trait will be dominants over others or modify the % chances, then you can edit the "genetics" package file using S4Studio. There's only 1 item inside the package and it's fairly easy to figure out what's going on. I've left comments in the file to assist. For example, you could edit the file so that when one parent has Big Dick DNA and other parent has Small Dick DNA, rather than 45%/45%, you could have it 75%/15%, 90%/0%, or have them cancel each other and give the offspring no associated trait.  


Also please note, the trait inheritance doesn't seem to work if you create a offspring in CAS (even if you select parents with the DNA trait). It (seems to me) only works for natural in-game child birth. Its possible that only babies get trait inheritance and not toddlers (I have no idea). So, if you create your own offspring via CAS, you can add the DNA trait to that offspring via cheats or satisfaction store. I recommend adding the hidden DNA trait via cheats, so that they'll automatically get the trait when they age up. Otherwise, you'll probably forget about adding the associated trait when they get old enough (Teen+).


To earn the Size Queen reward, the Sims must have sex with either a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim ten times. There is a cooldown period after each sexual encounter, so having sex three or four times within a few hours will only count as one sexual encounter.


Big Dick, Big Black Cock, and Small Dick are all available via the Satisfaction Store.



"Big Dick Confidence": +1 Confidence. Always active for Big Dick Sims. When a Sim has this buff, they can use the social interaction of "Romance>Brag About Big Dick." They can brag to anyone, but reactions will vary as per normal flirt/romance interactions.


"Big Black Cock Confidence": Exact same as "Big Dick Confidence."


"Big Dick Energy": +2 Energized. Becomes active when a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim has sex.


"Small Dick Insecurity": +2 Embarrassed. Always active for Small Dick Sims.


"Big Dick Envy": +3 Angry. Active when a Small Dick Sim is near a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim and "sees a big bulge."


"Oh my...": +2 Flirty. Active when a Sim is near a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim and "sees a (clothed) big bulge." This affects "Females" and Sims with WickedWhims "Likes Male Gender" preference and excludes WickedWhims "Dislikes Male Gender." When a Sim has this buff, they can use the social interaction of "Romance>Compliment Bulge" of a Sim with a Big Dick or Big Black Cock. This becomes a bit tricky with Gay and Straight interactions. A gay Sim (defined by WW "Likes Male Gender") receives the "Oh my..." buff and can compliment the bulge of a straight person (defined by WW "Dislikes Male Gender"), but not vice versa.  


"Oh my...": +4 Flirty. Active when a Sim is near a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim who is not wearing underwear and pants. Same as above. 


"The Big D!": +2 Flirty. Active after a Sim's bulge is complimented.


"It's not my fault!": +6 Angry. Active after a Sim's dick size is insulted by a Size Queen's social interaction of "Mean>Insult Dick Size." Size Queens cannot insult Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sims' size,. Size Queens can insult normal (no traits) and Small Dick Sims.


"Is it in yet?": +4 Sad. Active after having sex with a Small Dick Sim. Mutually exclusive with "Sensually Paradise," newer added will remove the older.


"Sensually Paradise": +4 Happy. Active after having sex with a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim. Mutually exclusive with "Is it in yet?," newer added will remove the older.


"Sexual Frustration": +3 Tense/Stressed. Active after a Small Dick Sim has sex.


"That's it??": +2 Embarrassed. Active after a Size Queen has sex with a Sim that doesn't have a Big Dick or Big Black Cock.


"Fucking Sore": +3, +5, +7, +11, +13 Uncomfortable. Continuously increases when having sex with a Big Dick or Big Black Cock Sim. For every (approximately) 10 minutes of sex, the recipient of the Big Dick/Big Black Cock gains 30 minutes of soreness, which decreases at the rate of 1 minute per minute. For example, a 60 minute sexual encounter will result in (30*6)-(10*5) = 130 minutes. For every 360 minutes of soreness, the mood value increases to the maximum rate of +13. Sims with Size Queen trait gain 15 minutes of soreness instead of 30 minutes per 10 minutes of sex. This doesn't (yet) account for using Lube (that's on my to do list).



There's only a couple "problems" in the initial release. I plan on adding in more in future releases. An example of a "problem" is when a Big Dick/Big Black Cock Sim sits on the toilet, there's a chance their dick will touch the toilet edge or toilet water which will cause a little discomfort. 


Others (that are working, but I didn't include them in this release) include Teens getting random boners when giving presentations at school or teased at school. I'm open to ideas here (that can be done within the framework).


"bdp.help" - Lists all of the available commands.


"bdp.list_dicks" - Lists names of the Sims who have a Big Dick, Big Black Cock, Small Dick, and Size Queen traits.


"bdp.list_size_queens" -  Lists names of the Sims who have had Big Dick sex and the number of encounters.


"bdp.log_all" - Saves the output of bdp.list_dicks and bdp.list_sq_status to a text file located in the same directory as this module.


"bdp.copy_ww_penis_for_bd" - Copies active Sim's WickedWhims penis personalization and applies it to all (male, use toilet standing) Sims with Big Dick trait.


"bdp.copy_ww_penis_for_bbc" - Copies active Sim's WickedWhims penis personalization and applies it to all (male, use toilet standing) Sims with Big Black Cock trait.


"bdp.copy_ww_penis_for_sd" - Copies active Sim's WickedWhims penis personalization and applies it to all (male, use toilet standing) Sims with Small Dick trait.


"bdp.randomize_npc_dicks" - Removes all Big Dick, Big Black Cock, and Small Dick traits and resets WickedWhims penis personalizations to default personalizations for non-played households. Then randomly assigns Big Dick and Small Dick traits (and DNA traits) to non-played household males who use toilet standing. 


"bdp.remove_npc_dicks" - Removes all Big Dick, Big Black Cock, and Small Dick traits and resets WickedWhims penis personalizations to default for non-played households.



Seems complete, clear and easily understandable to me. 

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On 1/5/2022 at 2:37 PM, sirsleepy said:

Documentation so far. If anyone wants to read it and let me know if anything is confusing or not, then feel free otherwise, just ignore the below text:


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There's only a couple "problems" in the initial release. I plan on adding in more in future releases. An example of a "problem" is when a Big Dick/Big Black Cock Sim sits on the toilet, there's a chance their dick will touch the toilet edge or toilet water which will cause a little discomfort.


I believe it can be fixed when we choose "Can this Sim use the toilet standing?" option in the CAS?

Here is example of someone attached in the official EA site.



Edited by ioawdfv
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56 minutes ago, ioawdfv said:

I believe it can be fixed when we choose "Can this Sim use the toilet standing?" option in the CAS?

Here is example of someone attached in the official EA site.




The "problem" isn't really a problem. The "Big Dick Problems" is a reference to the popular subreddit of the same name where people post (real, but not major problems, and sometimes funny) problems they have with big dicks. So in this context, the "big dick problem" of accidently having your dick touch the inside of the toilet is a RL "problem" and the Sim will get a +1 Uncomfortable buff for a little bit. It's meant to be a funny "problem" of having a big dick--like accidently having your pants zipper accidently get caught in skin, etc. (which isn't funny, but just a side effect of having a big dick). Also things like having trouble finding the right size pants and such, etc. Hopefully, I'll have animations in the future for things like that. I'll have more humorous things like that into the module as "problems."



Edited by sirsleepy
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23 minutes ago, sirsleepy said:


The "problem" isn't really a problem. The "Big Dick Problems" is a reference to the popular subreddit of the same name where people post (real, but not major problems, and sometimes funny) problems they have with big dicks. So in this context, the "big dick problem" of accidently having your dick touch the inside of the toilet is a RL "problem" and the Sim will get a +1 Uncomfortable buff for a little bit. It's meant to be a funny "problem" of having a big dick--like accidently having your pants zipper accidently get caught in skin, etc. (which isn't funny, but just a side effect of having a big dick). Also things like having trouble finding the right size pants and such, etc. Hopefully, I'll have animations in the future for things like that. I'll have more humorous things like that into the module as "problems."

Oh, ok, cool.

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