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(REQ) Need help fixing a missing body.

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A couple days ago, i downloaded a pile of Tera related armors, but 2 specific ones i have an interest in doesnt have a body. And whenever i try to load them up in the CK, the body is missing. Just a pair of floating arms, floating head, and floating armor. No body. Which is what brings me here. I'm hoping someone would set aside some time to add a body to the armor. I tried to mess with blender before, but its too confusing for me, so i dont have the skills myself to add a body.


The attached file contains the meshes of the armors, the textures, and hopefully the right body mesh to use with it. If someone can add the body to the armors, i'd appreciate it.





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First of all, we need to know what the original mod was, preferably with a link to the page.


2nd of all, if you're using nmm, I'll bet it's just an install order problem. Mod Organizer (linked in my sig) doesn't have those problems. It allows full install of the mod, then you drag/drop for LOAD order and it injects the mods into the game at load time (much like skse works). There's no destructive file overwriting and no cluttered data directory.

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I don't have the tera armors installed, but they all should be using the same body, adding a body to one that is missing should be as simple as;


1. Open up one of the armors with a body in it, right-click the body NiTriShape; Block+copy Branch


2. Open up an armor without a body, right-click the root node; Block+Paste Branch


3. Apply and save, armor should have a body now.


If you get an error saying "failed to map link..." means the mesh you are adding on to doesn't have a node being using by the mesh you are adding. If that happens, start with step 2 then step 1 (copy the armor NiTriShape and paste it onto the existing body)

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I don't have the tera armors installed, but they all should be using the same body, adding a body to one that is missing should be as simple as;


1. Open up one of the armors with a body in it, right-click the body NiTriShape; Block+copy Branch


2. Open up an armor without a body, right-click the root node; Block+Paste Branch


3. Apply and save, armor should have a body now.


If you get an error saying "failed to map link..." means the mesh you are adding on to doesn't have a node being using by the mesh you are adding. If that happens, start with step 2 then step 1 (copy the armor NiTriShape and paste it onto the existing body)


That's strange... I tried this a while back and it didnt work. I think the 'paste' option didnt appear last time i tried to copypasta something from 1 nif to a different nif. But for some reason, it worked now. I thank you for helping with this. But your idea worked.


Also, Monsto, thank you for your response, however, i dont use nmm, i prefer to install things manually. Also, the issue i had, i dont think it has to do with load order. The problem was the mod didnt come with a body. But with Bootaka's idea, i was able to copy the body from a different file onto it.


Furthermore, as i'm aware that each modder's body is different due to bust size, weight, butt/thigh size etc, i took the body from a different (similar) armor, which was made by the same modder. Which increased my chances that the body would fit the armor.


But regardless, thank you both for your assistance, i 'think' i finally got it to work. Definately looks successfull in nifskope, i'll know for sure when i load it into CK.

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