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Sexlab actors height

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Okay so I have a 300+ mod oldrim, but in the past few years I've done so much trial and error that the game is messy and crashes a lot, so I've decided to mod SE from zero. I've started yesterday, there's lots of things I still need to do but there's one that I can't figure out.

Whenever a sex animation starts (via either Defeat or the Sexlab debug spell) my characters aren't the same height. NPC character is ~5cm above PC, like if it's a handjob animation, the penis is just above the hand. Now I've had this issue in oldrim as well but it was many years ago and I've completely forgot how to fix it. I know there's a "even actors height" in Sexlab, but it seems to be doing nothing.

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1 hour ago, ikarn15 said:

"even actors height"

I don't use that, because in some rare cases it can cause a CTD. It's rare, but can happens. Its way its an "option".


Better to move, align actors manualy. Use keyboard. Go to MCM for SL, check which keys you have assigned for this, start a scene and move/align actors. SL will then remember this new positions, and use them next time. SL remembers this positions on per animantion and per race base.


Its the same for LE and SE. Its very possible that you have done this for LE, but have forgotten.


Also. Not all animations have been created equally. Some are better pre-aligned then others.


Its a bit anoying. But its one-and-done job.

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5 minutes ago, Fotogen said:

I don't use that, because in some rare cases it can cause a CTD. It's rare, but can happens. Its way its an "option".


Better to move, align actors manualy. Use keyboard. Go to MCM for SL, check which keys you have assigned for this, start a scene and move/align actors. SL will then remember this new positions, and use them next time. SL remembers this positions on per animantion and per race base.


Its the same for LE and SE. Its very possible that you have done this for LE, but have forgotten.


Also. Not all animations have been created equally. Some are better pre-aligned then others.


Its a bit anoying. But its one-and-done job.

I'll try that out, thank you!

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