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[mod] Titillating Tentacle Porn Pack (TTPP)

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9 hours ago, HappyRiolu said:

What do you guys think the  "ideal" version of this mod looks like? Like if you could add anything regardless of complexity or skill level required, what would you want in the mod?


For me, more dungeons that focuses on player parkour skills and more varieties of tentacle traps.


Most of the dungeons in this mod pack focuses on combat, and only a small portion of micro biomes and larger dungeons focus on avoiding tentacle traps in the surrounding environment. Maybe on paper, there could be a dungeon where there are no enemies, but there are a lot of traps and pockets for the player to fall into. Maybe include a tentacle trap that is inspired by the Barnacle enemy from Half-life that dangles on the ceiling and grabs whatever humanoid prey it gets caught in (maybe insert a "all-the-way-through" fetish here). Another tentacle trap enemy that could exists in this paper parkour dungeon are inspired by the "Sensory Deprivation + Tentacle Pit Fall" trend that was around for a couple of months? Could replace the existing desert and jungle micro-biome pitfall, as those can be spotted from a mile away it the illumining eye lighting it like a Christmas light. 

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11 hours ago, HappyRiolu said:

What do you guys think the  "ideal" version of this mod looks like? Like if you could add anything regardless of complexity or skill level required, what would you want in the mod?

Besides the more traps and stuff other people have already suggested in the past, I want some more tentacle-y clothing items. Like tentacles that wrap around your player character and tighten or fuck you as you walk/run. The current nursery set isn't detailed enough for my sorry ass and they feel a bit flat atm

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On 8/31/2023 at 8:07 PM, HappyRiolu said:

What do you guys think the  "ideal" version of this mod looks like? Like if you could add anything regardless of complexity or skill level required, what would you want in the mod?

Clothing Items similar to "Kawaiistuff+" where they remain visible during node interactions and animations. 

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On 8/31/2023 at 9:37 AM, HappyRiolu said:

What do you guys think the  "ideal" version of this mod looks like? Like if you could add anything regardless of complexity or skill level required, what would you want in the mod?

All I want from this mod is more traps(be it moving monsters, chests which grab, or ground dangers), dungeons with those traps(which challenge your parkour and escaping skills, maybe perhaps some fighteable entities.), and maybe, just maybe, some sort of capture system. Just getting used once and let go isn't really all that much of a punishment for failing in a tentacle dungeon, in my opinion.

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On 8/31/2023 at 7:37 PM, HappyRiolu said:

What do you guys think the  "ideal" version of this mod looks like? Like if you could add anything regardless of complexity or skill level required, what would you want in the mod?

Would enjoy more enemies / objects that grab the player. And you gotta proper struggle in order to escape, so they don't release you on their own... Probably with an accessibility option of 'instant escape' in the config?

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On 8/31/2023 at 6:37 PM, HappyRiolu said:

What do you guys think the  "ideal" version of this mod looks like? Like if you could add anything regardless of complexity or skill level required, what would you want in the mod?

I mostly meant the creators, but I'm glad to hear you guys ideas too!

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1 hour ago, HappyRiolu said:

I mostly meant the creators, but I'm glad to hear you guys ideas too!



Before i start just remember this is what i wish not what we can do.


- An escape trap or monster mini-game.

- A way to toggle on and off the dungeons. ( safe mode and nsfw mode if you prefer )

- A more advanced shop.

- Missions and possible even a story campaign.

- Monsters that can interact with objects. like a victim stock to a wall and the monster just randomly deciding to fuck it.



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-modular variance of randomly generated victims and multiple possible tentacle types (on our way)

-missions and story (my goal for the next update after the current one is ready, feat. leda portia)

-mascot: tentacle monster girl that represents the mod (with animations, story, clothing, items possible crew member? )

-penguin content

-more sexy pixelart no matter the shape or function

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3 hours ago, Ordo Nsfw said:



Before i start just remember this is what i wish not what we can do.


- An escape trap or monster mini-game.

- A way to toggle on and off the dungeons. ( safe mode and nsfw mode if you prefer )

- A more advanced shop.

- Missions and possible even a story campaign.

- Monsters that can interact with objects. like a victim stock to a wall and the monster just randomly deciding to fuck it.



The escape trap/monster minigame seems interesting. Did you envision it as a sort of minigame, a-la fishing/archeology, where a window pops up? That would be kind of cool, but I can see how that would be infeasible.

What do you mean with a more "advanced" shop?

Interacting with monsters would be super hot, but also that would be a looot of work, so I can see why that wouldn't be a future update.

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2 hours ago, onionknighto said:

-modular variance of randomly generated victims and multiple possible tentacle types (on our way)

-missions and story (my goal for the next update after the current one is ready, feat. leda portia)

-mascot: tentacle monster girl that represents the mod (with animations, story, clothing, items possible crew member? )

-penguin content

-more sexy pixelart no matter the shape or function

The story and missions sound very interesting indeed. Do you need any help with that? I'm not great with modding, but I think I could try and wrangle the level editor with a bit of training. I'd love to discuss it.

Also tentacle monster mascot sounds wonderful!

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17 hours ago, Ordo Nsfw said:


that's on cutebound not on us.

they changed how avian works and that brakes the lua script that runs the victim generator script 


I mean npc in world static ttpp traps use vanila sprites, yes?




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20 hours ago, _KT_ said:


I mean npc in world static ttpp traps use vanila sprites, yes?



If by static ttpp traps you mean the type like the one inside the house in the screenshot.

No, they are costume sprites, they do use the same color system as vanilla and that is probably why its exploding with cutebound.

With the avian they changed more thing not just the sprites and that is why the ttpp random victim code that was made for the vanilla system explodes when it has to spawn avian victims.

( They are also not npc, the npc only spawns after you brake the object entity, copying the color and other back stage info like hair style to the npc spawning data ).



If by static ttpp trap you mean the ones players get trapped in.

Yes, they use the sprites you have for vanilla animation.

edit: ( i did not work on this type of traps so i'm not 100% sure if correct.)

Edited by Ordo Nsfw
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, bit of an iffy place to ask but I'm struggling to get some dungeons loaded into Tiled, followed guides and tried a bunch of different things yet I keep getting, specifically, Invalid Tile: 236 or Invalid Tile: 2147483847. I can open vanilla dungeons, however.

Might just be a misstep on my part.

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2 hours ago, fadedgreen said:

Hey, bit of an iffy place to ask but I'm struggling to get some dungeons loaded into Tiled, followed guides and tried a bunch of different things yet I keep getting, specifically, Invalid Tile: 236 or Invalid Tile: 2147483847. I can open vanilla dungeons, however.

Might just be a misstep on my part.

As far as I understand you need the exact same tileset that was used to create those dungeons or it will pile on errors, sometimes even refuse to load. Even if I where to share the tileset (tiled needs a custom one different from the tileset in the mod) you would also need the pictures in the exact same folder for it to work. Oh, also just copying a dungeon file into a new folder makes it no longer work in tiled. Overall its such a hassle.


If you would like to submit dungeons for the mod I'd rather take screenshots and rebuild them myself.

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Is it possible to make some way to disable the dungeons? Maybe a menu thing? or a config? or potentially it could be its own file added to the mod forum. I like the mod, but my friends dislike the dungeons themselves. Soooo- I guess it'd be something nice to have.

(PS, I have no clue how to turn them off if there is a way in the file)


As an addition to that, Could we get tentacle props that we can interact with, which allow us to stay in the tentacled state, playing the animation and getting impregnated and birthing constantly until we dismount? Just for a little fun and all.

Edited by Anonymous9993
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9 hours ago, Anonymous9993 said:

Is it possible to make some way to disable the dungeons?

If you unpack the mod you can delete the "dungeon" folder, "biomes" folder  terrestrial_worlds.config and that should take care of any dungeon spawns. We might add something to configure stuff in the future though we'd have to take inspiration from other mods that have such a feature.


9 hours ago, Anonymous9993 said:

Could we get tentacle props that we can interact with, which allow us to stay in the tentacled state, playing the animation and getting impregnated and birthing constantly until we dismount?

There are the tentacle beds but I guess you want want more of a fancy animation with stages? I'll note down your request. I think people would like the fancy animations -only if and when they want, like willingly enter and exit the animation that would remove the need for a cooldown state on that one.

Edited by onionknighto
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5 hours ago, onionknighto said:

If you unpack the mod you can delete the "dungeon" folder, "biomes" folder  terrestrial_worlds.config and that should take care of any dungeon spawns. We might add something to configure stuff in the future though we'd have to take inspiration from other mods that have such a feature.

Small issue with deleting the folders.

My laptop doesn't recognize .pak files as compressed folders, and I don't know how to fix that.


Also yeah, sounds good!

Edited by Anonymous9993
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Yes! Thank you so much! I decided the only thing to get removed would be the microdungeons and biomes (other than the asteroids biome too), aside from the space encounters. So I didn't need to delete the terrestrial_worlds.config.patch either.

another question? do the large dungeons appear on the nav console?

Edit: Nevermind. I just found out they do. The dungeons themselves are just rare

Edited by Anonymous9993
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