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No PC werewolf cock showing (After transformation) ABC/MNC

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Guest DopyDopy2

Anyone have an issue where the werewolf MNC/ABC cock appears on wild werewolves but not on their PC when they transform? I'm trying to find a way for these to cross over but nothing is working. I either get nothing or an SOS choice in the MCM. 


I don't even mind a work around i.e. chance player race, but that doesn't even work.

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2 hours ago, DopyDopy2 said:

Anyone have an issue where the werewolf MNC/ABC cock appears on wild werewolves but not on their PC when they transform? I'm trying to find a way for these to cross over but nothing is working. I either get nothing or an SOS choice in the MCM. 


I don't even mind a work around i.e. chance player race, but that doesn't even work.


Try this:

Be sure you turn off every possible schlong for werewolves in the mcm of sos.


If that does nothing for you get back to the MNC mcm and check again if you really have werewolfs set with the mnc mesh. If both is true and your pc doesn't get a schlong equiped even if you start an Animation (The equipment procedure can take a bit of time, mostly seconds after transformation)


Get a mod where you can access the Quickmenu while in Wolfform, i think werewolf loot does this even if it´s not supposed too. But i am not sure since i installed it along with other WW Mods.


If you have found one, set an clothing item to your favos and equip it after you transformed. It does the trick for me (and i don't even have the problem you describe.)


Other then that.. it's kind of a miss and hit suggestion but perhaps load sos before mnc?

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Guest DopyDopy2

So I tried what you said but unfortunately nothing comes up, all I get is the vanilla skin. I've even removed SOS so that it can't cause any conflicts. It's as if my game doesn't register my player as a werewolf.


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Guest DopyDopy2

Ok so I made a new game in which I gave myself ww and it now works. So it must be something to do with the save I have. 

I've noticed that if I pick nord it works but if I pick Khajiit it will not. I have no idea why this would happen.

The moment I change the race at a new game it ceases to work


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Guest DopyDopy2

So interesting development. It will not work with a Khajiit. To fix it, turn off SOS, switch to nord, beastform, turn back on SOS. WTF it works? No idea, then just switch back after beast from is over.


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